National Archives catalogue number WO 171/4812.





2 i/c




































































Map Reference

9th May, 0001 hrs





Army Group

Army Group Royal Artillery





Battery Captain




Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery




Commanding Officer





Command Post Officer

Defensive Fire

Division / Divisional


Forward Observation Officer
Forward Observation Unit




Harassing Fire

Headquarters Royal Artillery




King's Shropshire Light Infantry


Light Anti-Aircraft

Liaison Officer


Nothing to Report

Operation Order

Observation Post / Operation (if lower case)


Prisoner of War

Royal Artillery

Royal Canadian Artillery






Royal Horse Artillery
Regimental Headquarters

Rounds per Gun










Under Command


Wagon Line



Month and year : March 1945

Commanding Officer : Lieut-Col. G.H. Wilson, R.A.


1st March 1945

Place: Germany


Major Higgins with 2 KSLI.  Capt. Halvorsen - OP with A Company.  Capt. Marsh - OP with 1 Herefords.  RA 11 Armd Div OO No.24.


2nd March 1945

Capt. Bond withdrawn from CO 151 Fd at 159 Bde Tac HQ.


2330 - HF Fire Plan.


3rd March 1945

0530 - Repeat of HF Fire Plan.  Capt. Bond relieves Capt. Marsh 1 Herefords.  Op APPLE JACK TT No.1.


4th March 1945

Numerous M, U and V Tgts.


5th March 1945

RCA 3 Cdn Div TT No.5.


0200 - L.O. to Div - fire plan PAULINE in sp 159 Bde.  3 Cdn Div Tgt List in sp 9 Cdn Inf Bde.


0400 - 151 Fd to fire our targets on LUNENBERG; move now.


0730 - In action.


1510 - Fire Plan EXPORT.


1605 - HF tasks.  151 Fd send us tank - Capt. Gibson joins BC 69 Bty and A Tp Comd.  Fire Plan ZINC - H hr not before 1700 - cancelled.

        1. H to H+3   AMETHYST   1 Bty   Rate 3 )

        2. +3 to +5              -                -         -    2 ) All tgt 2316

        3. +16 to + 30         -                -         -    2 )


2200 - Fire Plan LONDON.


6th March 1945

Fire Plan IRON - H 0300 hrs.


1030 to 1100, 1130 to 1230 - Bty tgts HF fire.  5 rpg each of two periods.


1245 - Continue HF from 1330.


1000 - 151 Fd returning Capt Bond and tank after very busy and successful night with Coy of KSLI.  Capt. Gibson to take over this tank and send his back to 151 Fd.


1130 - Fire Plan HOPE - H hr 1220.


1400 - CO to HQRA for orders.  Regt to take over OP commitments of 4 RHA.


1530 - Order cancelled.  Recce area 051361 immediate N with view to occupy by 1st light.  Recce parties prepare posns.


2359 - Regt will not move to prepared posns.  CO2 to report to HQRCA 2 Cdn Div.  Recce parties rv 017433 to prepare posns previously occupied by 4 Cdn Fd Regt area 0243 and 0343.


7th March 1945

1000 - Lt.Col. C.H. Colquhoun RA hands over Comd to Lt.Col. G.H. Wilson, R.A., and leaves for appointment at HQ 21 Army Group as GSO.I(L).


1200 - BC 69 Bty and A and B Tp Comds withdrawn from 2 KSLI.


1500 - Regt moves.


1800 - In action.


1830 - 400 rpg dumped.


2100 - Received Op BLOCKBUSTER II - Phase 1 TT No.3 in sp 43 (W) Div.


8th March 1945

Amendment to TT No.3 - engage serial 5 immediately on completion of ser 3, and ser 7 immediately on completion of ser 5.


0530 - H hr.


0920 - Reduce ARUN to Sc 1 every 2 mins.


1000 - ARUN engage from 1005 to 1020, rate as before - scale 1 every 2 mins.  Major Cullie posted to 53 A/Landing Light Regt (6 A/B Div).


9th March 1945

0715 - Fire Plan THAMES shot.


0803 - Stop loading THAMES.


1100 - Major Cullie leaves.


1130 - Comd 3 AGRA calls - outlines Army plan incl role of 3 AGRA.


1330 - RA 11 Armd Div telephone message says Regt now under comd 43 Div.  Rep to report there forthwith for orders.


1530 - CO and CO2 to HQRA 43 Div for orders.  Recce and prepare to move to area around 960550 to hold the line of RHINE in sp 43 Div Recce Regt.


10th March 1945

1000 - Recce begun.


1100 - CO visits CRA 43 Div and told Regt will leave comd RA 43 Div, revert under comd 3 AGRA, will not move to area HUISBERDEN.


1430 - Adjt reports to HQ 3 AGRA for orders.  HQ 3 AGRA not yet informed of our reversion to comd, and ordered to remain in present positions until orders are received.


1645 - LAA Tp Comd attached since Regt under comd 11 Armd Div says farewell.


11th March 1945

0400 - LO to HQRA 43 Div.  LO to 3 AGRA.  Film shows and baths.


12th March 1945

CAGRA calls in, sketches 8 Corps intended lay-out.  Regt under comd 3 AGRA grouped under 80 Fd in sp 155 Bde (52 Div).  (CO and CO2 visit 80 Fd Regt).  Suggests area for Regt to occupy in sp 52 Div which will probably be suitable later when 15 (S) Div come up and Regt comes under comd.  OPs will be needed; 1 Bty or 1 tp per Bty out of action.  Major Haycock returns from leave.  3 AGRA Op Instr No.23.


13th March 1945

0930 - CO to conference at 3 AGRA.  Recce parties RV.


1100 - Regt moves in order 77, 74, 69, RHQ to area RHQ at 071426.  43 Div DF Tgt List.  Major. Haycock reports to HQRA 15 (S) Div for Orders - Op Orders and general area trace.


14th March 1945

Area N of rd XANTEN - Calcar - initial recce.  3 AGRA Planning Instr.  52 Div Arty - Op Instr 14.


15th March 1945

1215 - Comparative calibration with standard gun, observed from 77/79 OP.


16th March 1945

Calibration continued.  Amn dumping parties.  Received 52 Div DF TT No.19.


17th March 1945

More calibration.  CRA 52 Div calls.  CAGRA calls.


1415 - CO to 3 AGRA.


18th March 1945

1330 - Calibration.


19th March 1945

More calibration.


20th March 1945



21st March 1945

0530 - Op CHINKY.


22nd March 1945

2030 - Occupied fwd posns.  RHQ 086442.  WLs to area 9831.  Received Fire Plan & Tgt List for TORCHLIGHT u/c 15 (S) Div for operation.


23rd March 1945

2100 - 21 AG op to cross Rhine begins.


24th March 1945

0200 - Assault crossing by 15 (S) Div.


0900 - Airborne landings behind enemy holding river.


25th March 1945

Recce parties cross Rhine & prepare gun posns area Main body moves.


26th March 1945

0730 - In action across river area 1946.


27th March 1945

0930 - CO, forward to contact HQRA 6 A/B Div.  Recce parties forward to prepare Regtl area close up.  u/c 3 Para Bde.  All Ops and reps deployed.  69 - 9 Para Bn, 74 - 8 Para Bn, 77/79 - 1 Cdn Bn.


2400 - Orders from Bde.


28th March 1945

Regt in close sp 3 Para Bde -


1700 - Orders to recall OPs and reps and proceed forthwith to join 6 A/B Div. in an armoured thrust on general axis, WESEL - DORSTEN - HALTERN - DULMEN - DULDERN - MUNSTER.  BC 69 + 2 OPs joins Scots Gds in lead; BC 77/79 + 1 OP joins Coldstreams, BC 74 to join Grenadiers (recalled later when Grenadier Bn leaves for u/c 6 A/B Div).


29th March 1945

u/c 6 Gds Armd Bde.  77 gun posns shelled by SP gun from other side of river.  One man killed.


30th March 1945

u/c 6 Gds Armd Bde.  Moving up axis.  Area DULMEN 6859A.


31st March 1945

1200 - Move up to short of APPELHULSEN 7866.  Area Appelhulsen 7464A.



Month and year : April 1945

Commanding Officer : Lieut-Col. G.H.N. Wilson, R.A.


1st April 1945

Place: Germany


Regt in action at ALBACHTEN 8571A.


2nd April 1945

Under command 6 Gds Armd Bde.  RHQ ROXEL 8674A.


3rd April 1945

Move to conc with Gds Bde in MUNSTER.


4th April 1945

Move from MUNSTER to revert under command RA 6 Airborne Div area HAGEN, W1700.  3 AGRA Adm Order No.33.


5th April 1945

Move from HAGEN to HOLLBRUCK 7617, to be in action by 1400 hrs, to sp 6 Airlanding Bde assault crossing of WESER River.  BC 74 CO's rep at 53 (L) Regt RHQ.


6th April 1945

In close sp 5 Para Bde.  5 Para Bde Movement Order No.3.  RA 6 Airborne OO No.9.


7th April 1945

Move to WUNSTORF.  BC 69 Bty and 2 OPs with 12 Para Bn.  BC 74 Bty and 2 OPs with 13 Para Bn.  BC 77/79 Bty with Recce Regt.  Capt. French and Capt. Dowlan join 7 Para Bn to NEUSTADT.


8th April 1945

Move to area aerodrome 1429.  BC 74 Bty with Capt. French and Capt. McCready to take over sp of 7 Bn at NEUSTADT.  BC 69 Bty and Capt. Halvorsen and Capt. Dowlan in sp 12 Bn at BORDENAU.  BC 69 Bty seriously wounded by enemy shell.  Capt. Dowlan wounded.  Both evacuated.  RA 6 Airborne Div DF TT No.3.


9th April 1945

74 Bty ordered up to area NEUSTADT to sp 2 coys of 13 Bn, at SCHARREL and BRINK, who deploy as flank protection from formations of 11 Armd Div using 6 Airborne Div bridge, and swinging north down east bank of River LEINE.  2 FOOs from Airborne FOU accompany the coys as OPs.  BC 77/79 Bty takes over in sp of 12 Para Bn.


10th April 1945

One bty allowed out of action at a time.


11th April 1945

Regt at 6 hrs notice to move behind 3 Para Bde Gp and 15 (S) Div through CELLE to River ELBE.  5 Para Bde forecast of future ops.


12th April 1945

Whole Regt out of action.


13th April 1945

Move to conc and garrison CELLE.  5 Para Bde Warning Order.


14th April 1945

Conc at CELLE.


15th April 1945

Conc at CELLE.


16th April 1945

Conc at CELLE.


17th April 1945

Harbour parties leave to conc area BOKEL.  2 i/c ordered to deploy area HOLDENSTADT to sp 15 (S) Div in attack on UELZEN.  RHQ 877840.  Move to area 9587 (RHQ 950875).  LO rep of RA 6 Airborne Div to HQRA 15 (S) Div to control fire of 6 Airborne Div (6 Fd and 61 Med) in 15 (S) Div attack on UELZEN.  Fire Plans for 15 (S) Div.


18th April 1945

0400 - H hour for fire plan in sp 44 Bde (15 Div).


0600 - H hour for fire plan in sp 46 Bde (15 Div).


p.m. - 74 Bty sent to sp Royals clearing area on rt flank of 6 Airborne Div.


19th April 1945

Move to 0091 (RHQ 006905) sp 6 Airlanding Bde  in advance to the ELBE.


20th April 1945

2000 - 75 Bty return in harbour at JARWITZ.  HF fire in front of 3 Para Bde and 6 Airlanding Bde.


21st April 1945

9th US Army taking over our front.  6 Airborne Div to conc south of LUNEBURG.  Small fire plan in sp US 9th Army attacking DALLAHN.


22nd April 1945

0845 - Harbour parties leave for conc area with 6 Airborne Div - area south of LUNEBURG.


1030 - CRA 6 Airborne Div calls.  Regt probably not moving before Tuesday 24 Apr.


1230 - Movement table for move to conc area.


23rd April 1945

0830 - CO to HQRA.  Regt moves to conc area.  RHQ 813036   69 & 77/79 VINSTEDT   74 at 8495.  CO to HQRA 5 Div - preliminary orders to cross ELBE.  RA 6 Airborne Div Adm Instr No.3.


24th April 1945

0900 - 2 i/c and CPOs preliminary recce of gun posns area ECHEM 8630.  RA 5 Div OO No.3 and Adm Instr.  RA 6 Airborne Div OO No.12.


25th April 1945

1000 - CO and 2 i/c to HQRA 5 Div.


1330 - Further recce and survey of gun posns area ECHEM.


26th April 1945

Nothing to report.


27th April 1945

Move to ECHEM to sp assault crossing of ELBE River.  Fire Plan for ENTERPRISE.  RA 5 Div Op Instr No.1.


28th April 1945

RA 6 Airborne Div Op Instr No.13 - RA 6 Airborne Div Adm Instr No.4.  RA 15 Div Adm Instr No.1.  RA 15 Div OO No.1.


29th April 1945

Assault crossing of ELBE River by 1 Cdo Bde and 44 Bde.  Move up to RHQ BULLENDORF - Btys at HOHENSTORF.


30th April 1945

Waiting to cross ELBE in sp 3 Para Bde.



Month and year : May 1945

Commanding Officer : Lieut-Col. G.H.N. Wilson, R.A.


1st May 1945

Place: Germany


1730 - Very accurate and effective M tgt on enemy locality on the fringe of VIER, observed by whole Bde staff; precipitates enemy surrender.  Regt crosses ELBE and 3 Para Bde advances to BOIZENBURG.  Regt to revert to sp 5 Para Bde in Div breakout directed on WISMAR (25 miles east of LUBECK).  Reps withdrawn from 3 Para Bde and join up with 5 Para Bde.  69 Bty with 12 Bn, 74 Bty with 7 Bn and 77/79 Bty with 13 Bn.  5 Para Bde Op Instr No.2.  RA 6 Airborne Div Op Instr No.14.


2nd May 1945

0800 - Regt advance in 5 Para Bde Gp; encounter slight opposition at first.  Advance slowed down by tens of thousands of enemy (some in motor transport) giving themselves up.


1530 - News that 3 Para Bde have made contact with the Red Army on the Baltic at WISMAR.


1930 - Div form up on line WISMAR - HOHEN VIECHELN 4983 and wait for Red Army to close up.


by 2230 - Contact all along the line.


3rd May 1945

Rounding up PW stragglers.  Parties go to meet Red Army.


4th May 1945

Maintenance and recreation.


5th May 1945

Maintenance and recreation.  RA 6 Airborne Div Adm Instr No.5.


6th May 1945

Maintenance and recreation.


7th May 1945

Field Marshal Montgomery and Marshal Rokossovsky meet at WISMAR.  Regt allowed to come out of action.


8th May 1945

V.E. DAY - rum issue.  Ordered to recce accommodation area and occupy in two or three days.  Cease fire ordered for 090001B.


9th May 1945

0001 - Regt fires salute 21 rds 10 secs from 74 Bty.


1100 - Harbour parties leave.


10th May 1945

Order of Day from C-in-C Field Marshal Montgomery.  2 i/c told that Regt will not move until further notice.


11th May 1945

Recce parties return.


1800 - 69 Bty Equestrian Sports.


12th to 16th May 1945

Sports and maintenance.


17th May 1945

Recce and holding parties leave for HARBURG.  6 Fd Regt RA Movement Order.


18th May 1945

0630 - Regt moves.


1415 - Regt arrives in HARBURG.  Take over guard responsibilities from 133 Fd Regt RA.


19th May 1945

Garrison Duties.


20th May 1945

Search parties for arms in and around HARBURG.


21st May 1945

Garrison Duties in and around HARBURG.


22nd May 1945

Inspection of accommodation by Brig. F.C.F. Cleeve, Comd 3 AGRA.


23rd to 31st May 1945

Garrison Duties.