National Archives catalogue number WO 171/4199.
103472 2 i/c AA Adm Adv Amn Armd Arty A/Tk Bde B'head BLA Bn Br Brhead Cl CO Comd DP Est Fwd Gds GH Gp H Incl Inf Infm IO Junc KOSB L LAD LO Locn Mil Mov MR OC Offr O Gp OR Pl Posn PW RA RASC Rd RE Ref Regt Regtl Rep RHQ Rly Rt RV SAS SP Sqn Tac Tk Tp Tpt Veh X rds |
Map Reference Second-in-Command Anti-Aircraft Administration Advance Ammunition Armoured Artillery Anti-Tank Brigade Bridgehead British Liberation Army Battalion Bridge / British Bridgehead Class Commanding Officer Command Division / Divisional Displaced Person Establish Forward Guards Glasgow Highlanders Group Highland Inclusive Infantry Information Intelligence Officer Junction King's Own Scottish Borderers Lowland Light Aid Detachment Liaison Officer Location Military Movement Map Reference Officer Commanding Officer Orders Group Other Ranks Platoon Position Prisoner of War Royal Artillery Royal Army Service Corps Road Royal Engineers Reference Regiment Representative Regimental Headquarters Railway Right Rendezvous Special Air Service Self-Propelled Squadron Tactical Tank Troop Transport Vehicle Crossroads |
Month and year : March 1945
Commanding Officer : Lt.Col. K.C.C. Smith
1st March 1945
Place: B.L.A.
Ref Maps 1/100,000, Sheets P.1., Q.1. Regt concentrated and accommodated in TILBURG, HOLLAND. Maintenance and re-organisation.
2nd to 4th March 1945
Maintenance and re-organisation.
5th March 1945
Regt Harbour rep sent to BOURG LEOPOLD.
6th March 1945
Regt & LAD arrived in BOURG LEOPOLD, and were accommodated in barracks. T.P.M. received to say that change over from HUMBER to DAIMLER Armd Cars was to take place forthwith.
7th to 10th March 1945
Re-organising. DAIMLER Armd Cars collected from Second Army Vehicle Park and HUMBERS handed in.
11th March 1945
In view of the change over from HUMBER to DAIMLER Armd Cars, Regt D & M and Gunnery Cadres were arranged. Attached as Appx 'A' is programme and layout of gunnery & D & M courses, also a statement of the instructors lent to the Regiment by other Units. No arrangements for any training were made by Higher Authority, but all had to be made by mutual arrangement with Units concerned, which entailed motoring some 500 miles.
12th to 20th March 1945
Maintenance, re-organisation and Cadres (D & M and Gunnery).
21st March 1945
Regt left BOURG LEOPOLD at 2300 hrs for concentration area for Operation "TORCHLIGHT" (the RHINE crossing), arriving at WINNEKDONK, GERMANY, (MR ) in the early hours of the morning 22 Mar 45.
22nd March 1945
Regt concentrated at WINNEKDONK and briefed for Operation "TORCHLIGHT". In the initial stages of the crossing each Sqn to supply six half-tracks for the towing of storm-boats and bridging materials. In addition six carriers were to be supplied to tpt Mil Government personnel over the RHINE. Two carriers to be supplied to RASC to act as wireless link to RASC Dump on EAST bank of RHINE. 'C' Sqn were to supply five officer patrols to recce the immediate vicinities of the bridge-head, to be passed over the RHINE as and when the situation warranted.
23rd March 1945
The Assault Crossing of the RHINE started at 2130 hrs by Commandos, followed by the 51st (Highland) Division and our own Division at 0200 hrs on 24 Mar 45.
24th March 1945
'C' Sqn patrols called forward to marshalling area at 1500 hrs to cross the RHINE, but remained in the area until the early hours of 25 Mar 45, except for one carrier patrol which crossed the river at approximately 1500 hrs and proceeded to patrol to contact the Airborne Division.
25th March 1945
Officer patrols of 'C' Sqn moved over the RHINE and began to reconnoitre in front of 44 Bde. RHQ, 'A' & 'B' Sqns moved to Marshalling area STAR ready to move across the RHINE when called forward, leaving WINNEKDONK at 2300 hrs.
26th March 1945
Regt began to move across Cl 9 br at 0600 hrs, RHQ crossing at 0700 hrs, and concentrated in the area 103472. 'A' and 'B' Sqns concentrated. 'C' Sqn under comd 44 Bde. In the late afternoon 'B' Sqn in support of 227 Bde to secure the left flank and link with 51 (H) Division at REES.
27th March 1945
RHQ & 'A' Echelon same area. 'C' Sqn under comd 44 (L) Bde reconnoitring the approaches to BOCHOLT. During the afternoon 'A' Sqn were sent out to hold a gap between 44 and 46 Bdes, 'B' Sqn remained in support of 227 Bde on the left flank. RHQ moved in the evening to the village of HABERN.
28th March 1945
'C' Sqn remained under comd of 44 Bde, and the Regiment, less one Sqn, were made responsible for the whole of the left flank as from 1800 hrs, as 227 Bde were withdrawn to take part in the operation to clear HALDERN tomorrow. 'A' Sqn were moved back from the gap between 44 and 46 Bdes to assist in flank protection.
29th March 1945
'C' Sqn still under comd 44 Bde. 'A' & 'B' Sqns on the left flank. 'B' Sqn were ordered to carry out a shoot to assist 227 Bde to get on to their objective. It was obvious to us from observation that the enemy had withdrawn from the general area, and during the advance of 227 Bde towards their first objective, other British tps were observed advancing from the WEST towards HALDERN (227 Bdes final objective). This was checked up and it was found that HALDERN was already in possession of troops of 3rd Br Division. This information was immediately passed back to Divisional HQ and a disaster averted as the 15 (S) Inf Div had been ordered to capture HALDERN at all costs and they had no knowledge of 3rd Div being in possession.
30th March 1945
The Regt was ordered to concentrate and moved up to 150486, except for 'C' Sqn who remained in the area of HAMMENKELN.
31st March 1945
Regt located as under. RHQ, 'A' Echelon, LAD - 150486. 'A' & 'B' Sqns - 150486. 'C' Sqn & 'B' Echelon - HAMMENKELN.
Month and year : April 1945
Commanding Officer : Lt.Col. K.C.C. Smith
1st April 1945
Place: B.L.A.
Regt static ALLERN 1549. Maintenance and interior economy.
2nd April 1945
As above. Received warning order of a possible move.
3rd April 1945
The Regt moved. Harbour parties found the route ordered was impassable, and there was a delay of about 2½ hrs while the Regt got onto a new route. Regt harboured at school at WINTERSWIJK (HOLLAND) 3176.
4th April 1945
Regt moved at 0530 hrs. Route BOCHOLT - BERKEN - OSTERWIJK - ALTENBURG - 8796 (between MUNSTER and RHEINE). Arrived 1200 hrs. Regt placed under comd 6 Airborne Div and moved off again at 1600 hrs to harbour in their area. Route GREVEN - LENGERICH - IBURG. Harboured area MUNDROP 2703 at 2100 hrs. The Commanding Officer went ahead to contact 6 Airborne Div.
5th April 1945
Regt moved via BISSENDORF - RABBER - OLDENDORF at 0800 hrs and came up with 6 Airborne Div at 0900 hrs. 'A' Sqn was given the task of reconnoitring across the EMS - WESER Canal towards the R. WESER supported by elements of 6 Gds Tk Bde. Opposition was light. The speed with which the Airborne moved compared with an ordinary Div was most illuminating. This force kept up something like an average of 15 m.p.h. including stops to brush aside resistance. RHQ moved across the EMS - WESER Canal to harbour area SOUTH of DESTEL 6219 at 1800 hrs.
6th April 1945
Regt concentrated in area WEGHOLM 7621 ready to move across R. WESER next day.
7th April 1945
Task. The Regt was to adv on a 2-Sqn front covering elements of 6 Airborne Div. On the right 'C' Sqn was to protect the right flank of the spearhead of 6 Airborne Div (5 Para Bde), and on the left 'B' Sqn to (a) route recce on the one centre line of 5 Para Bde, (b) recce along the SOUTH side of the STEINHADERMEER ZEE, and (c) one Tp to push ahead and try to seize and hold the crossings over the R. LEINE at BORDENAY and at NEUSTADT. 'C' Sqn to contact the AMERICANS on their right.
The original route chosen by 6 Airborne Div was a circuitous one mainly through woods and along cross-country tracks, as far as possible avoiding the main rds. 'B' Sqn moved out at approx 0500 hrs to contact elements of the Airborne B'head Tps (6 Air Landing Bde) and then they moved in a NE direction towards the town of WINDHEIM 8725. The town was held and covered by mines across the rd. The situation was a bit confused and after a certain amount of shooting to get a 'B' Echelon of the Airborne out of trouble which had gone astray, the Sqn withdrew into the B'head again.
At 0700 hrs 'A' Sqn was ordered to take over WINDHEIM, and 'B' Sqn pushed out of the B'head on the Airborne main centre line in a due Easterly direction. At ROSENHAGEN, the centre patrol contacted bazookas and 50 or 60 enemy. The leading Airborne inf (12 Para Regt), tank-borne, was quickly on the scene and there was considerable shooting before the village was cleared up. At 0730 hrs 'C' Sqn reported the village at 9120 held.
As soon as ROSENHAGEN was cleared, 'B' Sqn pushed on, one tp recceing the main rd to the NORTH. The selected centre line, owing to the bad nature of the tracks, was found unsuitable. The Sqn stuck to the metal rds to avoid being bogged; the Airborne Tps followed up.
On the request of 11 Armd Div 'A' Sqn cleared WINDHEIM and the next village to the EAST, and at 1035 hrs reported the village of DOHREN 8926 clear. At 1130 hrs they reported ROSENHARD 9223 and NEWCLICK 9126 clear, also the classification of the brs - Cl 40 at 919280 and Cl 12 at 910238. 11 Armd Div then passed through 'A' Sqn but would not move until these villages had been cleared.
When ROSENHAGEN had been cleared 'B' Sqn went forward, meeting little opposition until HAGENSBURG 080272, where 2 Tps got inside the village and could not get out on the far side. 12 Para Regt with its tanks cleared up the village and 'B' Sqn pushed on.
'C' Sqn was moving up against opposition of varying strength, but mostly small arms, and an occasional bazooka. Each village had to be cleared. 'A' Sqn were ordered to clear NEWKINK 985273.
On the aerodrome on the outskirts of WUNSDORF 1556, 'B' Sqn again ran into trouble. They initially shot up several Germans, but some 20-mm and rather heavier A.A. guns opened up on them. At this point the tank-borne paratroops cut straight across from this rd to a parallel rd which led up the side of the river to BORDENAY Br. There was then a mad helter-skelter for the Br at BORDENAY, and after considerable firing the leading tks and the Armd Cars crossed in a bunch. The enemy were observed pulling out at the back of the village in half a dozen lorries. A small B'head was quickly formed by the paratroops, and the charges drawn out of the Br. 'B' Sqn sent a patrol NORTH to try and take the NEUSTADT Br from the East, but, owing to the delay likely to be caused by clearing of BORDENAY village itself and by a certain amount of shelling of this area, the patrol was diverted to move up the Western bank. When it got approx 1 mile off the Br it was fired on. A foot patrol was sent fwd to see if the Br was blown. This patrol reported there was no indication of it being blown, but that the Br surroundings appeared held. That night 'B' Sqn harboured in the BORDENAY B'head at about 2000 hrs.
'C' Sqn's progress was slow, having no tank and inf support. There were repeated diversions because of non-existent or very bad tracks. 'C' Sqn finally ended up with their fwd tps in the area 923283 - 922184. 3 Para Bde were ordered to move up behind 'C' Sqn at 1500 hrs.
'A' Sqn continued their clearing up ops on the Northern flank, and cleared MUNCHENHAGEN where they spent the night. RHQ remained for the night in an S.S. Camp at 865215.
8th April 1945
'C' Sqn continued their adv towards the LEINE and RECKLINGEN, supported by 3 Para Bde and tanks: 'B' Sqn at rest in the BORDENAY B'head. RHQ moved at 0700 hrs to KLEIN HELBORNE.
The Regt received orders (a) to patrol to a depth of approx 2000 yds to the EAST of the BORDENAY and NEUSTADT B'heads, and also between them: (b) to patrol SOUTH to the RECKLINGEN Br and find out if this br was intact, and if so to hold it until the arrival of 'C' Sqn with 3 Para Bde - estimated time 3 hours.
These tasks were allotted to 'B' Sqn. The patrols sent up in a circular route to NEUSTADT and out to 1000 yds from there, and then back to the BORDENAY B'head, reported all clear except for one area directly in front of the BORDENAY B'head, which was an A.A. site with guns and inf.
Meanwhile one Carrier Tp and the Assault Tp with one A/Tk gun were despatched at 0900 hrs to the Br at RECKLINGEN 202272. At about 1030 hrs the Tp Comd reported the Br intact. German Engineer personnel were found completing preparations to blow the Br but they were seized and forced to cut the wire, and draw the charges. At about 1130 hrs there was a certain amount of shelling of the Br area of RECKLINGEN. 'B' Sqn called for a medium stonk on the wood due EAST of RECKLINGEN.
At about 1240 hrs 'C' Sqn's leading elements were on the outskirts of LUTTHE, some 3 miles WEST of the RECKLINGEN Br. Civilians reported three tks carrying inf in this village.
At 1315 hrs the shelling started again on the RECKLINGEN Br area, and there appeared to be movement from the wood towards the village of RECKLINGEN of an SP gun. Shortly after 'B' Sqn reported three enemy tks carrying inf and some half-tracks moving towards the village, and asked for support.
By 1400 hrs 'C' Sqn was definitely held up outside LUTTHE, and the inf and tks had taken over the job of clearing the village.
At approx 1415 hrs the enemy attacked 'B' Sqn in some strength from the EAST of RECKLINGEN with tks carrying inf and more inf in half-tracks. 'B' Sqn succeeded in shooting the majority of inf, but in spite of firing all their PIAT amn could not stop the tks, who played havoc with the vehs. The A/Tk gun was placed to face WEST as tks were known to be in LUTTHE. When the tks attacked from the EAST it was impossible to re-position the gun. This battle continued for approx 1 hr, when 3 Para Bde supported by tks appeared the enemy withdrew, but continued to shell the area. 3 Para Bde in fact ran cross country for the last 2 miles to help us out. Total casualties suffered by 'B' Sqn were:- Personnel - 2 wounded, 4 missing. Vehicles - 7 Carriers, 3 half-tracks.
'C' Sqn were ordered to contact AMERICAN tps who were clearing the wood 2025.
At 1635 hrs further infm was called for the NEUSTADT B'head area. A Sqn
was allotted the task of reconnoitring EAST in front of the NEUSTADT B'head and
to contact 11 Armd Div.
'C' Sqn reported that owing to the Brs on the AMERICAN front all being blown the AMERICAN forces were switching NORTH and going over the RECKLINGEN Br.
'A' Sqn found about 12 enemy in the houses in the village of SUTTORF. The Br at 2551 was blown, and contact was made with 11 Armd Div. Troops of 'A' Sqn not on patrol were moved up to KLEIN HEINDORN. 'B' Sqn were also pulled back to this area. The Regt was concentrated by dusk in area KLEIN HEINDORN.
9th April 1945
No task was given to 6 Airborne Div. At 1500 hrs 'A' Sqn were given the task of a limited recce to the NE of the BORDENAY B'Head. They repeatedly ran into 11 Armd Div and also into AMERICAN patrols. By 1640 hrs they were in the outskirts of the village of NIGGENBORNE and had not contacted any enemy. 'A' Sqn was withdrawn to the previous nights harbour.
10th April 1945
Tasks. The Regt had to recce the limited adv of 6 Airborne Div who were increasing their b'head to take in the high ground due NORTH of HANOVER in the area BISSENDORF - ELZE - WEITZE. In addition the Regt was to keep contact with the Americans on their right and to recce on a limited scale towards the town of CELLE. 'A' Sqn was on the left and 'C' Sqn on the right. Contact with the AMERICANS to be established by 'C' Sqn. RHQ were to follow up behind, eventually getting into an area around SCHERENDOSTEL. 'B' Sqn in reserve in the area of NIGGENBORNE.
To begin with the going was slow, largely owing to poor visibility caused by mist. On the left 'A' Sqn reported one village after another clear and there were no signs of the enemy, and finally reached FUHRBERG without a shot being fired. By this time they collected some 6 Offr and 90 OR PW. They est their HQ in this area and from here on their adv was slowed up owing to a Br at 482462 being blown, and there being thick woods on either side it was impossible to loop. It was at this point that they met their first active enemy opposition in the form of two or three bazooka teams, which they shot up. The bazooka teams disappeared into the woods. These teams were obviously making for FUHRBERG but had been forestalled.
'C' Sqn on the right flank had had rather the worse of the going because of poor tracks which continually petered out into fields and woods, but there was not much opposition, and AMERICANS were contacted. A Royal Tiger Tank was discovered abandoned at one point, and attempts were made by the Sqn to get this tk back to our lines, but the AMERICANS who were taking NO chances, blew it up.
'C' Sqn, in addition to advancing EAST, had been tapping SOUTH, and their first contact was gained at the village in 3553. There was the usual crop of civilian reports and Ex PW reports of little groups of enemy lying up in the woods, but in many cases these were found to be wrong. Civilians reported that the area of UNTERLUSS was a gun testing area and there were large stocks of amn dumped there. 'C' Sqn again reported a contact in the area just NORTH of 366305, and here a rd block was found to be manned by about 30 inf and a Q.F. gun of a light calibre. After taking 15 POW 'C' Sqn withdrew this patrol to a position of observation, the rd block being obviously manned by a fairly determined force. The AMERICANS took over this area and 'C' Sqn concentrated behind 'A' Sqn in the area of FUHRBERG. It was clear that opposition was light to the EAST, but that the Northern approaches to HANOVER were held.
This was the last day that the Regt was to work with 6 Airborne Div. The Regt were to continue the next day with 15 Div.
11th April 1945
The Regt reverted to comd 15 (S) Div who had come up from the RHINE. Tasks for this Regt were to recce the adv of 15 Div to CELLE. The Div object was to get 227 Bde into CELLE from the WEST supported by 'A' Sqn on the main rd FUHRBERG - CELLE, while 46 Bde were to move along SOUTH of CELLE on a centre line to be recced by 'B' Sqn, with the object of coming into CELLE from the SOUTH and EAST. The Div had elements of 6 Gds Tk Bde in support and were starting approx 60 miles behind our present locns. 'A' Sqn left to push out due EAST. 'B' Sqn centre axis of adv BISSENDORF - Gr. BURGROEDEL - RAMLINGEN - EHLERSHAUSEN. 'C' Sqn to tap SOUTH towards HANOVER and thus protect the right flank of the Div. It was estimated that the Div would be in a posn to give close support to the Regt by 0930 - 1000 hrs.
By 0820 hrs 'A' Sqn had contacted the enemy in the area X Rds 483463 where they had reported demolitions the night before, and considered that that area would have to be cleared up by the inf before the Engineers could get properly to work. They had tapped out to the NORTH but had found the rds bad and the woods thick and impassable, while on the SOUTH of their centre line they had a little more success, but contacted enemy in the wood at 501460. They were finally held up by a blown Br in the area 4714 covered by enemy fire.
227 Bde had reached 'A' Sqn by this time (about 1300 hrs) and the Sqn reported that the tks were piling up in the bottle-neck. At this point 'A' Sqn were ordered to hand over to the inf, and to re-organise and prepare to tap due EAST, NE and SE and get all possible infm on the ground, and possible diversions, as it was obvious that this area was rather enclosed and lacked facilities for switching troops. By 1330 hrs the inf had taken over from 'A' Sqn and were proceeding to clear the area. From here on there was little that 'A' Sqn could do - it was mainly an inf and tk battle to clear either side of the rd and clear the demolitions.
'B' Sqn moved off, and after a short delay they reported clear as far as 5337. Then there was a very rapid advance with little further infm until at 1021 hrs they reported contact, two cars being knocked out by bazooka fire at approx 560390 in the area about 400 yds short of the station at EHLERSHAUSEN. There appeared to be a considerable number of enemy in the station area covering all approaches. Loops on either flank gained more contacts. The enemy started infiltrating through the woods round the fwd troop, who withdrew and observed. 'B' Sqn then made a firm base at RAMLINGEN and watched for enemy movement round the flanks to the SOUTH. Their route report showed that although the rds were quite first-class main rds, some of the Brs were only Cl 12 (RE classification), but it was thought by the Sqn that, in fact, they would take tks. The enemy that 'B' Sqn had contacted were identified as S.S. and estimated at over 100, with bazookas, small arms and possibly some guns. 'B' Sqn remained in observation until the recce parties of 46 Bde arrived at approx 1630 hrs in the afternoon followed by the main body at about 1700 - 1800 hrs.
'C' Sqn tapped SOUTH and contacted the AMERICANS, who did not appear to be going to adv that day. They also found some enemy back in the area of the rd block 366305. They took 9 POW and handed them over to the AMERICANS. An SP or A/Tk gun was reported at 577382. This was reported to be one of the pair which had been causing trouble to 'B' Sqn. 'C' Sqn thus came up behind 'B' Sqn. They had managed to get further SOUTH and formed a firm base for 'B' Sqn in the village due WEST of RAMLINGEN. Here 'C' Sqn remained for the rest of the day, less 2 patrols under comd 'B' Sqn watching 'B' Sqn's SE flank. By night-fall RHQ and 'A' Sqn locns were unchanged. 'B' Sqn were at RAMLINGEN with 'C' Sqn in the village due WEST of RAMLINGEN.
12th April 1945
During the night the Div had been clearing the enemy located by the Regt and were still fighting in CELLE. 'B' Sqn sent patrols from RAMLINGEN NORTH towards the town and were everywhere held up by blown Brs. 'A' Sqn were ordered to patrol NORTH and NE to CELLE. They were considerably hampered by bad going and close country, also by the Div traffic moving into CELLE. They contacted a bazooka and spandau at 488509 - one car knocked out. The remainder of the day was uneventful and consisted of moves to the EAST and NE of CELLE as and when the Brs over the rivers were completed. The Regt was concentrated as follows by dark:- 'A' Sqn - CELLE 5951. 'B' Sqn - 600512. 'C' Sqn - 611511. RHQ approx 621522.
13th April 1945
The regtl task for 13 Apr was to recce on a wide front ahead of the Div to UELZEN 8989. The Regt was deployed 3 Sqns up: 'A' Sqn on the left with centre line SHEWEN 5856 - Track Junc 6061 - RABER 6463 - Track junc 685680 - UNTERLUSS 7374 - HOSSERINGEN 8077 - BAHNSEN 8084: in the centre 'B' Sqn on the main rd through ESCHEDE 6962 - WEYHAUSEN 7969 - UELZEN: on the right 'C' Sqn approx centre line OHE 6656 - HOFER 7656 - BEADENBOSTEL 7052 - LUTTERN 7355 - ELDIGAN 859631 - BOKEL 8971 - NETTELKAMP. All Sqns had elements of the Div and 6 Gds Tk Bde behind them. Throughout the day all Sqns were handicapped by demolitions and thick wooded country.
On the left 'A' Sqn proceeded with only minor opposition until they reached the area of UNTERLUSS where considerable opposition was met. At UNTERLUSS 'A' Sqn reported a large enclosure of girls at 686681 and a large enclosed Ordnance dump in the area 592567. At UNTERLUSS the estimated strength of the enemy was a minimum of a company and it required inf and tks to deal with them. By the time the inf had cleared UNTERLUSS it was getting dark and 'A' Sqn remained there for the night.
'B' Sqn proceeded without hindrance as far as the pond at 667601 where they came across a crater. They tried flanking left over the rly and were greeted by a couple of shots from an SP Gun. After a certain amount of delay they flanked right and continued up through ESCHEDE as far as Br 709646 where they were again shot at by an SP, and simultaneously the Br blew up under their noses. It was at this point that the aged Field Marshal Von MACKENSEN was found. After the tks and inf had cleared this opposition the adv continued to the next crater at 770686. On the way there was a short battle at SCHELPLAH. Up to date the inf had been somewhat skeptical of the Sqn reports of the enemy, and getting impatient they pushed on ahead merely to draw fire on themselves. At this crater there was a considerable delay and eventually a way was found round the left flank to X Tracks 771709, up to HESSERINGEN and then back to the centre line again, but this again was opposed in the area of the X Tracks because the enemy retreating from 'A' Sqn's area of UNTERLUSS ran into 'B' Sqn and 227 Bde as they were coming down to WEYHAUSEN, which was held both by inf and arty.
'C' Sqn on the right made their first contact of the day at rd block 660560, but this they speedily cleared and the adv continued, the chief impediment being bad sandy tracks. In the area 801622 - 681614, 'C' Sqn reported an Armd Car and Volkswagen with some men on it, and the main impression that this was a mobile rear-guard to hold up the adv. By 2100 hrs they had reached ENDGERHOLST 7461. 'B' Sqn were located for the night at SCHELPLAH and RHQ at ESCHEDE 6962.
14th April 1945
The centre line had been by-passed during the night by 227 Bde, as in the area of the crater at 770686 several unexploded time-bombs had been found. The main rd to UELZEN was therefore impassable. Everything had to go around forest tracks behind 227 Bde. 'A' and 'C' Sqns were employed continuing up their previous centre lines. 'A' Sqn's further task was to recce due NORTH when they reached the area of the rly line by GRAULINGEN 8182 and HAMERSTORF 8383. 'C' Sqn were to continue up to NETTELKAMP and if possible to get round the right flank of UELZEN. 227 Bde had got up during the night to approx HOLDENSTEDT 8783 where they were held up by considerable opposition assumed to be the outer defences of the UELZEN Garrison.
At 0815 hrs 'A' Sqn were ordered to recce the following routes:- 7275 - 7877 - DREILINGEN 7683 - BAHNSEN 8084 - BARGFELD - then the main rd back to LINTZEL 6990.
'C' Sqn made their first contact at 1130 hrs at 695631 and were bazookad by Hitler Youth. Thereafter they reported periodical small contacts with bazooka teams and odd parties on the ground, but they pushed on. By 1610 hrs they reported the village of BOKEL clear and had collected 170 PW. They appeared to have caught these people completely by surprise. Later in the evening a released PW reported that the village of NETTELKAMP 920799 was held by S.S. Troops and that one tk and 6 half-tracks had left the village heading NORTH to the village of WRESTEDT 7092. 'C' Sqn followed up to this village and found WRESTEDT clear. They were ordered to concentrate for the night and selected the village of NETTELKAMP.
'B' Sqn were brought up to give left flank protection to the Div between RABER 0079 incl to UNDERLUSS 7874 inclusive.
'A' Sqn patrolled NORTH without any operational contacts and by the evening had their HQ at BAHNSEN 8084.
15th April 1945
By first light the Div was containing the Garrison of UELZEN and preparations were being made to clear the town. 'C' Sqn were supposed to be in NETTELKAMP with the Glasgow Highlanders at STADENSEN 9079. No contact on the air could be gained with 'C' Sqn by first light, and rather alarming reports had been telephoned through from one of the Bdes that they had picked up a Sgt survivor who stated that the Sqn had been counter-attacked in the night and the Sqn wiped out. 'B' Sqn were thereupon ordered to send an Officer patrol out at once to try and find out the situation. Their route was to be SUDERBURG 8381 - X Tracks 867804 - STADENSEN - NETTELKAMP. A liaison officer arrived at about 1020 hrs from STADENSEN who stated that the Glasgow Highlanders had also been counter-attacked during the night and there had been considerable confusion. Some of their pls had been overrun, but that the situation was under control. He stated that NETTELKAMP was believed to be in enemy hands. Meanwhile contact had been gained at last with 'C' Sqn who confirmed that there had been a heavy counter-attack starting at about midnight and continuing until dawn. After holding out until dawn the village was evacuated.
The counter attack was put in with tks, SPs and half-tracks. The attackers must have either been drugged or drunk, as many of them took crazy risks, howled and screamed like Red Indian tribesmen. The attack was led by inf in rubber boats who had very detailed information of our posns, followed by half-tracks with 20mm cannon who came down the centre of the main street, and supported by SP guns which circled the village and fired into it. Part of this enemy force must have been detached to NETTELKAMP while the remainder of the force went on to the 2nd G.H. at STADENSEN. The strength of the force can be gauged from the fact that one member of the Sqn counted no less than 3 Mk IV Tks, 8 SPs and 29 half-tracks going through the village to STADENSEN. It was obvious that the local inhabitants had given detailed locns of all the tps to the Germans, because as soon as the men left their billets to take up action stations on the alarm being given, Spandaus opened up on all exits, and almost at once SPs started shelling the buildings that were occupied by our men and set them alight. This meant that it was impossible for the men to get to their vehs, as these had been parked tactically around the houses that we had occupied.
The 'B' Sqn patrol, after observing for some time from the edge of the woods in area 833802, pushed fwd into the village of NETTELKAMP with some inf carriers. Here they found considerable chaos, and 60 enemy gave themselves up from a school-house cellar without a shot being fired, in spite of having large quantities of weapons and bazookas still at their disposal. It is admitted that the village had been heavily shelled by our own guns, but even allowing for this it seems difficult to account for this docility in the demons of the night before - possibly the drug (?) had worn off. 6 half-tracks were also found abandoned in the village. The only opposition to the 'B' Sqn patrol and the inf carriers was a certain amount of shelling from the area of the woods about 9380 - 9480. 'C' Sqn casualties in this operation were:-
Personnel:- Killed - 5. Wounded - 14. Missing - 39.
Vehicles:- Carriers - 8. Armd Cars - 4. Half-tracks - 1.
'A' Sqn's orders were to recce NORTH and EAST of the rd HOLDENSTEDT 8884 - UELZEN. They began in the village of WRESTEDT reporting that it was bigger than on the map and that it would take some time to clear. Released PW reported that the enemy and possibly tks were in STEDERDORF 9283. The inf took on the job of clearing these villages and 'A' Sqn pushed NORTH towards NIENDORF.
One of 'A' Sqn's patrols got as far NORTH as HALLIGDORF 9186 where they contacted and withdrew. The enemy appeared to be all along the main rd between ESTERHOLZ and UELZEN. There seems little further that 'A' Sqn could do as the inf appeared to be permanently in contact and it was a pure inf task.
16th April 1945
Little happened until late in the evening. 'B' Sqn's task and locn same as before. 'A' Sqn located same as before: 'C' Sqn & RHQ at SUDERBURG. Most of the day was spent in re-organising and sorting out veh casualties, etc. However, late in the afternoon 'B' Sqn were ordered to patrol on the Northern flank round the Western edge of the UELZENER Forest to contact the enemy and also make any contact possible with the advancing 11 Armd Div. 'B' Sqn moved up to HOLTHUSEN 8188. They found that the edges of the forest were held, but that the roads round the outside were not held except at BARNSEN 8290 and BOLSEN 8389. 'A' Sqn moved up to HANSEN 8587. That evening 11 Armd Div cleared both these villages and drove the enemy back into the forest.
17th April 1945
Sqns were in the same area. 'A' Sqn verified 'B' Sqn's patrols of the day before and in addition verified 'B' Sqn's patrol through the UELZENER Forest up to Track junc 871911 and found no organised enemy resistance. RHQ moved up to Kl SUSTEDT 8585 in the evening. Otherwise the day was uneventful. Contact was made with 2nd S.A.S. Regt at BOHLSEN, about 6 km WEST of UELZEN. As this force (FRANK FORCE) was an independent command under Lieut. Colonel B.M. FRANKS, DSO, MC, it was decided that he should work in support of the Regt for mutual advantage during further operations.
18th April 1945
The task for today was for the Regt to find the form NORTH and NE of UELZEN to get as far NORTH as possible. 'A' Sqn were employed on this task. They again recced the UELZENER Forest from SOUTH to NORTH and from WEST to EAST to the outskirts of the town itself. They reported the only enemy were those being chased out of the town itself by the advancing inf, and that these were in great disorder. They then went on NORTH to WESTERWEYHE 8793, KIRCHWEYHE 8397, and then up the main rd with the ultimate objective BEVENSEN 9002. 'A' Sqn's only opposition came from a few Spandaus in the area of EMMENDORF 9095, otherwise they continued up the rd and found great confusion amongst the enemy who were obviously trying to pull out as best they could. It appeared as if the village of BARUM was a collecting post for them as they kept coming in and the patrols there got a good bag. In the area of EMMENDORF 11 Armd Div personnel coming down from the NORTH met 'A' Sqn. From here they motored on to BEVENSEN which they found to be clear. The remainder of the Regt was ordered to concentrate in BEVENSEN. Sqns were moving into BEVENSEN when the Germans attacked from the air, there were no casualties or damage.
19th April 1945
The Regtl task was to recce fwd on two main routes towards the R.ELBE with 'B' Sqn on the right, 'C' Sqn on the left. 'A' Sqn to remain in reserve and bound up with Regtl Echelons behind Tac RHQ. The SAS remained with 'B' & 'C' Sqns for this role. 'C' Sqn on the left reported the villages of SECKLENDORF 9205 and EDDLESTORF 9309 clear by about 0930 hrs, and progressed very rapidly up the centre line through BAVENDORF, THOMASBURG and NEETZE without meeting any real opposition. A number of PW were taken, and a large PW camp of both AMERICANS and BRITISH was discovered just WEST of BAVENDORF 9415. 11 Armd Div on our left took over the responsibility of this camp. The Sqn continued to tap out from NEETZE towards the R.ELBE but on approaching the banks contact was made on the approaches to the small town of BLACKEDE 985248. It was clear that fairly strong outpost posns were established on rds running into the town. 'C' Sqn set up their HQ at NEETZE and remained in posn of observation on rds running into the town.
RHQ bounded up 'C' Sqn centre line and set up temporary HQ at BAVENDORF about midday. A small party of HITLER JUGEND wearing Volksturm arm-bands attempted to stalk RHQ in the hopes of using the Panzerfaust with which they were equipped. They were spotted, fired on, and one PW taken, who on interrogation stated that they were in fact a small recce party which had been sent out to find any infm about the British posns, etc, and if they could, of course, to brew up HQs. Nothing further was seen of the remainder of this party during that day.
'B' Sqn on the right met far more opposition, on all the rds running into the large forest of GOHRDE. They made contacts in the following villages: STOITZE 0401, HIMBERGEN 0004, and Gr. THORNDORF 9807. That, in conjunction with civilian reports of enemy mov, made it clear that the Germans were using the forest as some sort of collecting place for his remnants prior to getting them across the ELBE. In the late afternoon orders from Div HQ were received to the effect that the Regt was to protect the right flank of the Div from incl GARZE to incl BAVENDORF, a distance of some 14 miles. To do this the Regt was deployed as follows: 'A' Sqn, RHQ, and HQ SAS at NEETZE. 'C' Sqn at THOMASBURG, and 'B' Sqn BAVENDORF. The main difficulty was the disposal of PW which had been collected during the day, being some 10 miles ahead of the Inf who were in BEVENSEN 9002. However, we sent them down the rd under their own steam, walking towards the inf.
The Div plan for tomorrow was for 46 Bde to adv up on the right flank along the general centre line of 'B' Sqn's axis and to seize the town of BLACKEDE. 227 Bde on the left to close up to the ELBE in the area of AHRENSBURG. The Regt spent a quiet night with nothing to report.
20th April 1945
'B' Sqn were pushed out to recce the adv of 46 Bde and made contact as we thought on the main approaches into BLACKEDE from the SOUTH. 46 Bde making a plan for a 7 phase attack to reach the same posns as our fwd patrols. 'A' Sqn patrolled out from NEETZE and made contact again in the same sort of area as 'C' Sqn had yesterday on the approaches to BLACKEDE from the WEST and NW. The remainder of the day was quite uneventful, and apart from standing patrols in the approaches to BLACKEDE the Regt concentrated as follows:- 'A' & 'B' Sqns, RHQ, Echelons & LAD at NEETZE. 'C' Sqn THOMASBURG 9519.
21st April 1945
Regt static. Nothing to report.
22nd April 1945
Locns unchanged. Nothing to report.
23rd April 1945
Command of the Regt devolved on Major P.T.I. MACDIARMID, MC, Lieut. Colonel K.C.C. SMITH going to the UK on a course and Privilege Leave.
24th to 27th April 1945
Locns unchanged. Nothing to report.
28th April 1945
In conjunction with the Div plan for crossing the ELBE, the Regt was ordered to take over the area of 46 Bde on the ELBE bank. In view of the fact that there had been practically no enemy activity. 'A' Sqn were given this commitment, and took up their posns along the line of the ELBE. At about 2100 hrs in the evening a further force was asked for to relieve 227 Bde at TEPSE. A small mixed force from 'HQ' Sqn and the residue 'B' Sqn were sent up under Capt GRAY, MC. A quiet night with nothing to report.
29th April 1945
During the night the Div made the assault crossing of the ELBE. 'C' Sqn Tac HQ and two patrols were standing by ready to cross the ELBE and recce from the B'head as soon as called fwd by Div. By mid-afternoon 'C' Sqn Tac HQ and patrols were across. They had a very unpleasant time in the marshalling area and crossing, due to enemy aircraft, and shelling. Both veh and personnel casualties were caused through enemy air activity. The Regt with under comd 2 Sqns 2nd SAS Regt were given the task of reconnoitring out from the B'head next day, and the Regt was allotted timing to cross the Cl 9 Br at first light on the 30th. Nothing further to report.
30th April 1945
Regt with under comd 2 Sqns 2nd SAS Regt crossed the ELBE Br at 0630 hrs without incident and met up with 'C' Sqn and proceeded to recce. 'C' Sqn on the centre line KOLLOW - SCHWARZENBECK. 'A' Sqn on the left - centre line HAMWADE - WORTH 7545. RHQ est at JULIUSBURG.
'C' Sqn progressed very well and by 0930 hrs were sitting in SCHWARZENBECK, having taken a fairly large number of PW. 'A' Sqn on the left made contact in HAMWADE and were generally held up in that area. 'C' Sqn held the southern half of SCHWARZENBECK and made contact with various enemy troops, incl S.S., in the Northern part of this town, on the left in BRUNSTORF 7847 and on the right in the small village 843480. Due to some fast talking on the part of a Troop Comd of 'C' Sqn and the I.O. of the SAS, negotiations were made for the surrender of some 1800 S.S. troops in the general area. These negotiations dragged out during the whole day and did not in fact come to fruition, but quite a large number of S.S. troops and offrs did surrender, although in fact the major part did not. By evening the Regt was relieved by 2 Inf Bns of 44 Bde in SCHWARZENBECK and an Inf Bn of 227 Bde came up to help. 'A' Sqn on the left flank. The Regt concentrated - RHQ & 'C' Sqn in KOLLOW, 'A' Sqn in HAMWADE, with the task of protecting the Div centre line up to SCHWARZENBECK during the night.
During the day some four to five hundred PW were taken. The Regt by night-fall was located as under:- RHQ, 'A' Echelon & 'C' Sqn - KOLLOW 814445. 'B' Sqn (Residue Sqn) & LAD - NEETZE. 'B' Echelon in the Div Adm area BAVENDORF. Orders were received that night for patrolling NORTH and NW from the Corps B'head tomorrow.
Month and year : May 1945
Commanding Officer : Lt.Col. K.C.C. Smith
1st May 1945
Place: B.L.A.
Regt located as under - RHQ KOLLOW 814445 with C Sqn and A Ech. A Sqn HAMWADE. B Sqn (Residue Sqn) and LAD NEETZE. B Ech in Div Adm Area BAVENDORF. The main task today was to patrol outside the perimeter of the Corps brhead and to seize, if possible, the village of BRUNSDORF and to patrol out westwards from HAMWADE towards HAMBURG. C Sqn patrolled northward and finally took the village of BRUNSDORF at approx 1800 hrs, where they were relieved by 6 KOSB.
A Sqn with under comd two patrols SAS patrolled westwards from HAMWADE and made contact in the general area of the woods some 5 miles further on. They had to withdraw for the night as the inf had not come up but remained static during the day.
2nd May 1945
Local patrolling from the brhead westwards to HAMBURG and northwards on the main axis towards LUBECK. Very little to report during the day except on the western side where A Sqn was approached by German Officers with the initial surrender of forces within the small town of BERGDORF. In point of fact this finally developed through various channels to the complete surrender of the German Armies in the NW of GERMANY. Otherwise this was a fairly uneventful day.
3rd May 1945
Ordered today to push on if possible to cut the HAMBURG - LUBECK Autobahn in the areas of BARGETHEIDE 6673 and AHRENSBURG 6667, when we were followed up by 44 Bde on the rt and 44 Bde on the left. Sqns set out at first light with two tps SAS in support; A Sqn on the rt and C Sqn on the left. By 1000 hrs A Sqn had cleared the general area in which the Bde was going to lie up, that is, TRITTAU, LUTJENSEE, C Sqn on the left had cleared up as far as PAPENDORF and LAGELAKE 6858. A Sqn made rapid progress on the rt and cut the Autobahn at HAMMOR at about 1130 hrs. They had a certain amount of trouble with a fair number of stragglers and one or two organised posts of SS who appeared to be holding the general line of the Autobahn.
C Sqn on the left, having cleared PAPENDORF and area were going to continue on to their objective when they were approached by a German Staff Officer with a Stop Line which he said had been arranged by Treaty and which briefly was a line drawn round the outskirts of the suburbs of HAMBURG. This was referred to Div for their guidance and after some delay it was finally found that this was in fact the initial surrender of HAMBURG. C Sqn were therefore unable to progress any further. A Sqn continued on the rt and captured BARGETHEIDE, and then C Sqn side-stepped behind A Sqn so as not to interfere with the demarcation line and continued and captured AHRENSBURG. Up until about 1600 hrs the Regt had taken some 5 - 600 PW. About this time the Commander 2nd SAS Regt was called to Corps, and he and the CO motored up the Autobahn as far as LUBECK, and were able to report the whole line of the Autobahn clear. The remainder of the day was spent the with Sqns patrolling in a westerly and northwesterly direction from firm bases at BARGETHEIDE and AHRENSBURG.
No enemy were found within 7 to 10 miles from these firm bases. Contact was made with 11 Armd Div at BAD ODESLOE. The Regt harboured for the night, A Sqn BARGETHEIDE, C Sqn AHRENSBURG, RHQ and HQ 2 SAS, A Ech at GROSS HANSDORF. Orders were received from Div to hold BARGETHEIDE and AHRENSBURG for the night.
At about 1900 hrs a flying patrol was sent to FRIEDRISK SRAH 730512 to guard documents of importance to the Allies which were located in the Schloss at this town, which was being used by the SWEDISH and NORWEGIAN Legations.
4th May 1945
Regt remained in situ until Bdes took over from us at BARGETHEIDE and AHRENSBURG, when the Regt less B Sqn, A Ech and LAD, were moved to ELMENHORST 669776. Regt spent a quiet day on maintenance, until at about midnight Comd 2 SAS, who had harboured his Regt at BORSTAL some 2 miles from ELMENHORST, came in to state that one of his jeeps had been ambushed in the area HEIDERFELD 6489. The Burgomaster of that village had come down by bicycle to tell him that a number of SS Tps had set up in the village and ambushed his jeep, and were remaining in the village. OC 2 SAS Regt requested assistance for an early strike tomorrow morning before the "cease fire" came into effect at 0800 hrs. Arrangements to this effect were made.
5th May 1945
The striking force under the CO of 4 car patrols with mortars and A/Tk guns, and 2 Sqns SAS, RVd at LEEZEN 6588 at 0530 hrs. Patrols pushed into HEIDERFELD and met no opposition, but a jeep was found abandoned and shot up. On enquiries locally it was confirmed that about 60 SS had been in the village the night before when the driver and co-driver of the jeep had been very badly wounded, if not killed. The remaining two occupants of the jeep were slightly wounded. The enemy had withdrawn from the village about 2 hours before we arrived. Patrols then pushed on through TODESFELD 6091 to BARK 6193 where they caught up with about 10 SS who were taken prisoner. They stated that the main force had withdrawn into the forest at SEGEDURG with strong posts in the villages of WITTENBORN 6395 WANSTEDT 6398. As the Armistice came into effect whilst we were clearing up the 10 SS in BARK it was decided that no further action could be taken and the force returned to LEEZEN. The remainder of the day was uneventful.
6th May 1945
Nothing to report.
7th May 1945
Locns as above. One Sqn required for force consisting of 46 Bde Gp who were to go and occupy KIEL. A Sqn were put under comd 46 Bde Gp and proceeded with them to KIEL. The occupation was entirely uneventful; the Sqn seized and held the various brs in the harbour area required of them without any opposition at all. Sqn HQ was est in KIEL. B Sqn (Residue Sqn) and the LAD were brought up from KOLLOW and were harboured at NERITZE 6880.
8th May 1945
A further Sqn was required to form a stop on the brs over the KIEL CANAL to control the remainder of the German Armies from DENMARK who were coming South towards HAMBURG to surrender. C Sqn were sent out on this and seized and held without opposition the line of the KIEL CANAL from BRUNSBUTEL 5290 - br 0416, where they formed crossing patrols on all crossing places between these two points. Locns of the Regt for the night - RHQ, A Ech, LAD ELMENHORST 6777. A Sqn KIEL. B Sqn NERITZE 6880. C Sqn BRUNSBUTEL 5290.
9th May 1945
No change in locns. During the day the CO was called to Div for an O Gp when it was stated that by arrangements with 8 Corps a German force was to attempt to clear the forest of SEDEBURG of the SS who were still holding out in that area. Steps were required to ensure that the main axis BAD SEGEBURG 6896 - NEUMUNSTER 4711 was not interfered with, and the residue Sqn was put out to do this. They took up posns on the morning of the 10th.
10th May 1945
Locns - "A" Sqn - KIEL. "B" Sqn - stops in Wehrmacht - SS battle on the main SEGEBURG - NEUMUNSTER Rd. RHQ, A Ech and LAD - ELMENHORST. "C" Sqn - BRUNSBUTEL.
11th May 1945
Nothing to report. B Ech joined RHQ at ELMENHORST.
12th to 13th May 1945
Nothing to report.
14th May 1945
C Sqn relieved from commitment on KIEL CANAL and returned to previous locn at ELMENHORST.
15th May 1945
B Sqn relieved from commitment on axis BAD SEGEBURG - NEUMUNSTER and returned to NERITZE. A Sqn remained at KIEL. RHQ, A Ech, B Ech and LAD at ELMENHORST. Warning Order received from Div that the Regt would be required to take over a PW staging camp commitment on the BALTIC Coast, probably on 16 or 17 MAY. Orders to this effect were confirmed that evening.
16th May 1945
Lt. Col. K.C.C. SMITH returned from UK and re-assumed comd of the Regt, Major P.T.I. MacDIARMID reverting to 2 i/c. Regt less A Sqn moved to TIMMENDORFER STRAND 9905 preparatory to taking over PW Staging Camp Commitments in that area. Recces were made and camps set up in the large woods 9806 - 9905. Final arrangements were made to meet the PW who were supposed to arrive in US PW Tpt.
17th May 1945
Locns - RHQ, B & C Sqns, A & B Echs and LAD - TIMMENDORFER STRAND. A Sqn - KIEL. The IO was sent to co-ordinating conference at LUBECK and arrived back at RHQ at approx 1600 hrs with two LOs from the American 8 Div (18 Corps) with the infm that the PW were not now arriving by rd, but would, in fact, arrive by train. A complete re-shuffle of the staging area was therefore necessary and arrangements had to be made to receive PW from the trains and take them into the staging camp and then continue as before, marching to NEUSTADT. It was quite apparent that as the train had to be on to NEUSTADT to complete the circuit that it would be very much easier to detrain, if possible, in NEUSTADT and hand the German PW straight to the German control instead of staging them in TIMMERDORFER and continue to march them up the already overcrowded rd, overcrowding being caused by a very considerable number of DPs in the general area. Arrangements to second the motion with US 80 Corps to bring this about.
18th May 1945
The first batch of 23,000 PW arrived by train without major incident and were staged for the night in the prepared camps. Permission was obtained during the day to change the plan and to detrain at NEUSTADT and hand PW straight to German Control without staging. Recces and arrangements were accordingly made for this. It was decided that the staging camp would be emptied as follows - 3,000 - 19 MAY. 10,000 - 20 MAY. 10,000 - 21 MAY. A Sqn were relieved of commitment at KIEL and reverted to comd of the Regt. They were located at NIENDORF 0401.
19th May 1945
Detraining commenced at NEUSTADT 0116. The vehs of the German PW arrived by rd and had to be passed by us into the German area.
20th to 23rd May 1945
Regt continued with PW commitment at NEUSTADT.
24th May 1945
Two Sqns ordered to take over from RA in the northern part of KRIES STORMAN in the towns of BAD ODESLOE and REINFELD 8185. A and C Sqns were ordered for this task and moved that day.
25th May 1945
Regt located as under - RHQ, A and B Echs, LAD - TIMMENDORFER STRAND. A Sqn - BAD ODESLOE - commitment of VPs and DPs. B Sqn - TIMMENDORFER STRAND. C Sqn - REINFELD - commitment, control of DPs in that area.
26th to 27th May 1945
As above with extra commitment of C Sqn producing 3 tps of Armd Cars to escort SS PW to Second Army SS Camp.
28th to 30th May 1945
Nothing to report.
31st May 1945
Nothing to report. Locns of Regt as under - RHQ, A and B Echs, LAD, B Sqn - TIMMENDORFER STRAND. A Sqn - BAD ODESLOE. C Sqn - REINFELD.