Oflag is an abbreviation of Offizier Lager. These camps were for officers only. Where a camp has a "/Z" after it, such as Stalag IVB/Z, this stands for Zweiglager and is a sub-branch of the main camp. The main camp is indicated by a "/H", which stands for Hauptlager.
Oflag IIA |
Prenzlau |
Germany |
09/39 |
12/44 |
Oflag IIB |
Arnswalde |
Poland |
11/39 |
- |
Woldenberg |
Poland |
06/40 |
01/45 |
Oflag IID |
Großborn-Rederitz |
Poland |
06/40 |
?/45 |
Neubrandenburg |
Germany |
10/40 |
03/44 |
Oflag IIIA |
Luckenwelde |
Germany |
09/39 |
01/42 |
Oflag IIIB |
Tibor |
Poland |
06/40 |
02/42 |
Lubben |
Germany |
08/40 |
09-10/42 |
Oflag IVA |
Hohenstein-Bad Schandau |
Germany |
09/39 |
04/45 |
Oflag IVB |
Königstein |
Germany |
10/39 |
04/45 |
Oflag IVB/Z |
Zeithain |
Germany |
- |
- |
Colditz |
Germany |
11/39 |
04/45 |
Oflag IVD |
Elsterhorst |
Germany |
06/40 |
02/45 |
Oflag IVE (54) |
Annaburg |
Germany |
04/41 |
05/42 |
Oflag IVH |
Zeithain |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag VA |
Weinsberg |
Germany |
12/39 |
- |
Biberach |
Germany |
08/40 |
11/41 |
Oflag VC |
Wurzach |
Germany |
09/40 |
05/42 |
Oflag VD |
Offenburg |
Germany |
09/40 |
04/42 |
Oflag VD (55) |
Biberach |
Germany |
03/42 |
12/42 |
Oflag VD |
Wurzach |
Germany |
?/42 |
- |
Oflag VIA |
Soest |
Germany |
06/40 |
04/45 |
Dössel |
Germany |
09/40 |
04/45 |
Oflag VIC |
Fullen |
Germany |
06/40 |
06/41 |
Osnabrück |
Germany |
06/41 |
- |
Oflag VID |
Münster |
Germany |
02/41 |
10/44 |
Oflag VID |
Soest |
Germany |
10/44 |
- |
Oflag VIE |
Dorsten |
Germany |
09/40 |
02/45 |
Oflag VIF |
Wesuwe |
Germany |
06/40 |
06/41 |
Oflag VIG |
Oberlangen |
Germany |
06/40 |
06/41 |
Oflag VIH |
Aachen |
Germany |
- |
- |
Murnau |
Germany |
09/39 |
04/45 |
Eichstätt |
Germany |
10/39 |
- |
Laufen |
Germany |
12/39 |
02/42 |
Tittmoning |
Germany |
?/40 |
02/42 |
Oflag VIID (57) |
Tittmoning |
Germany |
02/41 |
10/41 |
Oflag VIIE |
Eichstätt |
Germany |
05/41 |
04/42 |
Oflag VIIIA |
Kreuzburg |
Poland |
12/39 |
05/42 |
Oflag VIIIB |
Silberberg |
Poland |
12/39 |
12/43 |
Oflag VIIIC |
Juliusburg / Oels |
Poland |
05/40 |
12/43 |
Oflag VIIID |
Tost |
Poland |
07/40 |
10/40 |
Tittmoning |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag VIIIE |
Johannisburg |
Poland |
07/40 |
07/42 |
Oflag VIIIE |
Johannisbrunn / Troppau |
Poland |
07/40 |
07/42 |
Oflag VIIIF |
Wahlstatt |
Poland |
07/40 |
07/42 |
Oflag VIIIF |
Mährisch-Trübau |
Czech Republic |
07/42 |
06/44 |
Oflag VIIIF/Z |
Wahlstatt |
Poland |
07/42 |
06/43 |
Oflag VIIIG |
Weidenau |
Czech Republic |
08/40 |
09/42 |
Oflag VIIIH |
Oberlangendorf |
Czech Republic |
08/40 |
08/43 |
Oflag VIIIH/Z |
Eulenberg |
Czech Republic |
02/41 |
01/42 |
Spangenberg |
Germany |
10/39 |
?/45 |
Rotenburg |
Germany |
11/39 |
03/45 |
Oflag IXB |
Weilburg |
Germany |
11/39 |
12/42 |
Oflag IXC |
Rotenburg |
Germany |
11/39 |
06/40 |
Oflag IXC |
Molsdorf |
Germany |
06/40 |
- |
Oflag XA |
Sandbostel |
Germany |
?/39 |
?/41 or 45 |
Oflag XA/Z |
Itzehoe |
Germany |
09/39 |
05/40 |
Nienburg |
Germany |
?/40 |
04/45 |
Oflag XC |
Lübeck |
Germany |
06/40 |
05/45 |
Hamburg (Fischbeck) |
Germany |
05/41 |
05/45 |
Osterode |
Germany |
09/39 |
09/41 |
Oflag XIB (79) |
Braunschweig |
Germany |
09/39 |
06/40 |
Hadamar |
Germany |
11/39 |
06/42 |
Oflag XIIB |
Mainz |
Germany |
09/41 |
- |
Oflag XIIB |
Hadamar |
Germany |
- |
?/45 |
Oflag XIIIA |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
08/40 |
10/41 |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
05/41 |
04/43 |
Oflag XIIIB |
Hammelburg |
Germany |
04/43 |
04/45 |
Oflag XIIIC |
Nürnberg |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag XIIID |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
09/41 |
04/42 |
Oflag XIIIE |
Hohenfels |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag XVIIA |
Edelbach-Döllersheim |
Austria |
06/40 |
?/45 |
Oflag XVIID |
Pupping |
Austria |
- |
- |
Oflag XVIIIA |
Lienz |
Austria |
10/39 |
?/43 |
Oflag XVIIIA |
Wagna |
Austria |
?/43 |
09/44 |
Oflag XVIIIB |
Wolfsberg |
Austria |
10/39 |
03/41 |
Spittal |
Austria |
10/39 |
03/41 |
Oflag XXA |
Thorn |
Poland |
- |
- |
Oflag XXIA |
Schokken |
Poland |
09/40 |
03/43 |
Oflag XXIB |
Schubin (Alt-Burgund) |
Poland |
12/40 |
09/43 |
Oflag XXIB/Z |
Hohensalza-Montwy |
Poland |
06/43 |
09/43 |
Oflag XXIC |
Schokken |
Poland |
06/42 |
03/43 |
Oflag XXIC |
Schildberg |
Poland |
03/43 |
01/45 |
Oflag XXIC/Z |
Grune |
Poland |
09/41 |
01/45 |
Oflag 6 |
Tost |
Poland |
12/43 |
04/44 |
Oflag 6 WK VI |
Oberlangen |
Germany |
?/43 |
04/45 |
Oflag 6/Z WK VI |
Wesuwe |
Germany |
?/43 |
04/45 |
Oflag 8 |
Frauenberg |
Germany |
06/43 |
08/43 |
Oflag 8 |
Wutzetz |
Germany |
09/43 |
- |
Oflag 8/Z |
Damm II |
Germany |
09/43 |
- |
Oflag 10 |
Hohensalza-Montwy |
Poland |
12/42 |
- |
Oflag 11A |
Sandbostel |
Germany |
10/44 |
10/44 |
Oflag 39 |
Rosenthal-Brux |
Czech Republic |
- |
- |
Oflag 52 |
Ebenrode |
Russia |
06/41 |
06/42 |
Oflag 53 |
Heydekrug |
Lithuania |
- |
11/43 |
Oflag 53 |
Pogegen |
Lithuania |
11/43 |
?/45 |
Oflag 54 |
Annaburg |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag 55 |
Offenburg |
Germany |
09/41 |
03/42 |
Oflag 56 |
Prostken |
Poland |
06/41 |
- |
Oflag 57 |
Ostrolenka |
Poland |
05/41 |
05/42 |
Oflag 58 |
Siedlce |
Poland |
04/41 |
10/41 |
Oflag 60 |
Neustadt |
Latvia |
04/41 |
06/42 |
Oflag 60 |
Schirwindt |
Russia |
04/41 |
06/42 |
Oflag 62 (XIIID) |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
06/41 |
09/41 |
Oflag 63 |
Prokuls |
Lithuania |
04/41 |
- |
Schubin (Alt-Burgund) |
Poland |
05/43 |
01/45 |
Oflag 64 |
Wahlstatt |
Poland |
03/44 |
05/44 |
Schokken |
Poland |
09/43 |
12/44 |
Oflag 65 |
Strasbourg |
France |
05/42 |
10/44 |
Oflag 65 |
Wurzach |
Germany |
05/42 |
10/44 |
Oflag 65 |
Barkenbrügge |
Poland |
10/44 |
?/45 |
Oflag 65 |
Schaulen |
Lithuania |
- |
- |
Oflag 66 |
Osnabrück-Eversheide |
Germany |
01/45 |
01/45 |
Oflag 67 |
Neubrandenburg |
Germany |
03/44 |
09/44 |
Oflag 67 |
Barkenbrügge |
Poland |
09/44 |
12/44 |
Oflag 68 |
Sudauen |
Poland |
05/41 |
06/42 |
Oflag 73 |
Beniaminow |
Poland |
02/44 |
04/45 |
Oflag 73 |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
04/45 |
- |
Oflag 73/Z |
Praga |
Poland |
- |
- |
Oflag 76 |
Lwow (Lemberg) |
Ukraine |
02/44 |
- |
Oflag 76/Z |
Drogobytsch |
Poland |
02/44 |
- |
Oflag 77 |
Deblin-Irena |
Poland |
01/44 |
- |
Oflag 77/Z |
Zajerzierce |
Poland |
01/44 |
- |
Oflag 78 |
Großgmain |
Germany |
04/41 |
05/41 |
Oflag 78 |
Eichstätt |
Germany |
05/41 |
- |
Oflag 78 (VIIE) |
Hohenfels |
Germany |
09/41 |
06/42 |
Oflag 78 (XIIID) |
Nürnberg-Langwasser |
Germany |
04/42 |
- |
Oflag 79 |
Querum |
Germany |
12/43 |
- |
Waggum |
Germany |
05/44 |
04/45 |
Oflag 80 |
Prenzlau |
Germany |
12/44 |
?/45 |
Oflag 83 |
Wietzendorf |
Germany |
11/43 |
04/45 |
Oflag 83 |
Winniza |
Ukraine |
- |
- |
Oflag 92 |
Sandbostel |
Germany |
- |
- |
Oflag (XXIA) |
Bobruisk |
Belarus |
11/40 |
- |
Oflag (IIIC) |
Hohenfels |
Germany |
09-10/42 |
06/43 |
Oflag (XIIIA) |
Kobierzyn |
Poland |
10/41 |
05/42 |
Oflag |
Lötzen |
Poland |
- |
- |
Oflag |
Neubrandenburg |
Germany |
01/45 |
- |
Oflag |
Posen |
- |
05/43 |
?/45 |
Oflag |
Stanislaw |
- |
05/43 |
?/45 |
Oflag |
Troppau |
- |
05/42 |
- |
Oflag |
Ulustrau |
- |
- |
- |
Oflag |
Wuhlheide |
Germany |
?/42 |
- |