National Archives catalogue number WO 171/2525.




A/B or A/Bne















C in C
























Map Reference



Acting Captain

Army Catering Corps



Ammunition Point

Army Post Office


Absent Without Leave



British Land Army


Brigade Royal Army Service Corps Officer


Commander in Chief



Commander Royal Army Service Corps


Divisional Maintenance Area

Drop Zone



Field General Court Martial

General Transport




Map Reference

Officer Commanding


Other Ranks


Royal Army Service Corps

Reinforcements Holding Unit

Returned to Unit




With Effect


Month and year : June 1944

Commanding Officer : Major E.C. Jones R.A.S.C.


1st June 1944

Place: Field


H.Q. consisting of 4 Offrs & 59 O.Rs leave concentration area and embarked on SS MONOWAI.


5th June 1944

Sailed from COWES Roads.


6th June 1944

Landing operation commence Seaborne party 4 Offrs & 59 O.Rs no casualties.  4 Offrs & 59 O.Rs land by parachute - 276553 Lt Silvert & 1 O.R. killed in action, 2 wounded & 2 missing.  1 Offr & 9 O.Rs also land by Parachute - 300583 Lt Hale wounded 1 O.R. wounded.  12 O.Rs missing from detachment in the Field.


7th June 1944

D.M.A. set up under command 210076 Capt I.J.A. McKittrick R.A.S.C.  1 O.R. wounded 3 missing.  Seaborne party at Assembly area 1 O.R. accidentally injured.  Further Seaborne party 1 Offr & 29 O.Rs land - no casualties.


8th June 1944

2 O.Rs wounded at D.M.A.  Seaborne party move to D.M.A. - move completed without incident.  2 further parties land Seaborne 1 Offr & 65 O.Rs 1 Sjt and 34 O.Rs - no casualties.  2 Jeeps & Trailers lost on disembarking.


9th June 1944

716 Coy in location at D.M.A. digging in completed, Dumps established.  2 O.Rs wounded.


10th June 1944

Intermittent mortaring of D.M.A.  7 O.Rs wounded - General Stand To 2000 hours.  3 L/Cpls and 1 Pte promoted Cpl.


12th June 1944

251419 Capt F.G. Porter-Miles placed in close arrest.  2 O.Rs admitted Hosp.  Seaborne party consisting of 1 Offr and 21 O.Rs arrive - no casualties.  2 O.Rs join independently from U.K.


14th June 1944

251419 Capt F.G. Porter-Miles released from close arrest subject to rearrest Posted to 104 C.R.C.  1 O.R. accidentally injured.


15th June 1944

Intermittent mortaring of D.M.A. and shelling.  1 O.R. admitted Hosp.


16th June 1944

Intermittent mortaring and shelling of D.M.A.


17th June 1944

Bde Dumps set up with detachments of 1 N.C.O. & 3 men to each dump 1 O.R. wounded.


18th June 1944

Resupply mission by 15 Stirling A/C.  DZ under Air Burst Shells during collection of containers.


19th June 1944

1 O.R. returns from detachment suffering from exhaustion.


20th June 1944

Shelling of D.M.A. 1 O.R. wounded.


21st June 1944

D.M.A. under mortar and shell fire periodically throughout day.  278830 Lt King posted to H.Q. 5 Para Bde to take up appointment as B.R.A.S.C.O.  1 O.R. posted to H.Q. 5 Para Bde.  1 O.R. wounded.


22nd June 1944

Heavy shelling of D.M.A.  Petrol and 95mm amn set on fire.  A/Capt F.J. Bland 284108 and 1 O.R. killed by shell fire.  Fire out by 1800 hrs.  All ranks redistributing dumps in wider dispersal area.  1 O.R. promoted CPL.


23rd June 1944

Shelling of D.M.A. 1 O.R. killed.  Resupply mission by 18 Stirling A/C.  More shelling of D.M.A. 1 O.R. killed and 2 O.Rs wounded 1 O.R. evacuated with severe shock.  1 O.R. wounded on detachment.


24th June 1944

2 O.Rs evacuated suffering from exhaustion.


25th June 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A.  314758 Lt Lewenhaupt E.O.S.R. promoted A/Capt w.e.f. 23.6.44.


26th June 1944

12 O.Rs sent to Rest Camp.


27th June 1944

2 O.Rs admitted Hosp.


28th June 1944

174613 Capt Crane C.P.R. posted to 398 Comp Coy RASC (Airborne Comp Coy) as acting O.C.  210076 Capt I.J.A. McKittrick posted to this unit from H.Q. R.A.S.C.  314758 2/Lt E.O.S.R. Lewenhaupt posted to this unit from H.Q. R.A.S.C.  2 O.Rs admitted Hosp.


30th June 1944

Resupply missing DZ shelled - no casualties.  Work completed as normal.  1 O.R. admitted Hosp.




Month and year : June 1944

Commanding Officer : Capt. H.E. Cubley, R.A.S.C.


8th June 1944

Place: Field


10 O.Rs S.O.S. to 63 Coy. R.A.S.C. (A/Bne Comp) Capt. D.S. Bremner and 21 O.Rs. left location for Transit Camp.


9th June 1944

4 O.Rs. T.O.S. from 117 Para Course.


10th June 1944

10 O.Rs. T.O.S. from 45 R.H.U.


11th June 1944

Capt. N.C. Burt formed G.T. Coy from Divisional Residues.


15th June 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S. from Hospital.


19th June 1944

Dvrs. Pozzilli, Kerr and Daw awarded 112 days, 56 days, and 56 days.


22nd June 1944

Dvr. McEnnery awarded 84 days' detention by F.G.C.M. held at Figsbury Bcks.


23rd June 1944

5 O.Rs. T.O.S. from A/B Forces Depot.


24th June 1944

1 O.R. S.O.S. to Hospital.


26th June 1944

1 O.R. S.O.S. to 556 Coy. R.A.S.C.


27th June 1944

Dvr. Kingsman awarded 112 days' detention by F.G.C.M. held at Figsbury Bcks.


29th June 1944

3 O.Rs. T.O.S. from A/Bne Forces Depot, including Dvr. Brown casualty from Normandy.



Month and year : July 1944

Commanding Officer : Major E.C. Jones R.A.S.C.


1st July 1944

Place: Field


Intermittent shelling of DMA Area, no casualties.  Coy undertakes normal RASC role and delivers sups to forward troops.  Guides from units rendezvous at M.P. and conduct vehs to unit locations.  Returning vehs bring back salvage.  O.C. congratulated on Salvage Efficiency of Unit.


2nd July 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A. Area.


3rd July 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A. Area.


4th July 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A. Area.


5th July 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A. Area.


6th July 1944

3 ORs on detachment in the Field, Killed in action, 1 OR wounded & evac.  1 OR admitted to Hosp.  Bombing by enemy a/c in D.M.A. Area at 2330 hrs.


7th July 1944

Machine Gunning by enemy a/c at 1000 hrs in D.M.A. Area, 1 OR wounded & evac, 13/18 Lancers Pet & Amn Dump set on fire near D.M.A.  Bombing by enemy a/c at 0100 hrs.


8th July 1944

2 ORs posted to X3 List.


9th July 1944

1 OR admitted to Hosp.  1 OR previously reported missing now reported Killed in action 6th June '44.


10th July 1944

Intermittent shelling of D.M.A. Area.


12th July 1944

Shelling in D.M.A. Area at 0130 hrs for about 3 hours.


13th July 1944

Shelling in D.M.A. Area - early hours.


14th July 1944

First NAAFI supplies received.


15th July 1944

1 OR admitted Hosp.


16th July 1944

11789 Capt G.S. Sheill att this unit, decorated in the field with M.C. by Gen. Montgomery.  T/3447084 Sjt W. Wilson decorated with M.M. in the field by Gen. Montgomery.


17th July 1944

All movement on roads to be stopped in respect of this Div.  Supply deliveries suspended.


18th July 1944

All ranks witnessed 3000 bomber raid on enemy tank concentration Nth of Caen.  11 Armd Div, 3 Br Inf Div, & 3 Cdn Div cross Orne bridges to attack.  Bombing by enemy a/c in D.M.A. Area at 2300 hrs.  1 OR T.O.S. from X3 List.


19th July 1944

2 ORs (Dvrs) posted to 224 Para Fd Amb.  Prisoners in some numbers pass through D.M.A.  Enemy a/c in Area about 2330 hrs daily.


20th July 1944

1 OR admitted Hosp.  Flares dropped in D.M.A. about 2300 hrs, no damage.


21st July 1944

1 OR T.O.S. from X3 List.  Torrential down pour.  Trenches flooded.  Roads still closed to number of vehs.  Supply delivery re-instituted.  Bread ration 8ozs.


23rd July 1944

Slight bombing and machine gunning in D.M.A. Area by enemy a/c at 2330 hrs.


24th July 1944

Bombing in D.M.A. Area at 2300 hrs by enemy a/c.


25th July 1944

1 OR admitted Hosp.


27th July 1944

Bombing by enemy a/c at 0130 hrs in D.M.A. Area.  1 OR wounded and evac 1 OR accidentally injured and evac.


28th July 1944

2 ORs T.O.S. from X2 List.




Month and year : July 1944

Commanding Officer : Capt. H.E. Cubley, R.A.S.C.


2nd July 1944

Place: Field


5 O.Rs T.O.S. from Depot & School A/Bne Forces.


14th July 1944

20 O.Rs on Exercise "Rascal".


15th July 1944

Lieut. D.W.G. Ballard T.O.S. from 63 Coy. R.A.S.C. and proceeded on Para Course.


17th July 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S. from 63 Coy. R.A.S.C.


18th July 1944

1 O.R. S.O.S. to Hospital.  2 O.Rs. T.O.S. from Hospital.


20th July 1944

4 O.Rs. T.O.S. from A/B Forces Depot and School.


22nd July 1944

Dvr. Breeze T.O.S. from A/B Forces Depot (Casualty in Normandy) Capt. N.C. Burt returns to Unit on G.T. Coy, formed by Residues, being disbanded.


25th July 1944

Lt. Col. F.A. Lovegrove, Major A.C. Bille-Top and Capt. H.E. Cubley inspected Minstead Lodge, proposed new location for Unit.  4 O.Rs. T.O.S. from A.F. Depot and School.


26th July 1944

1. O.R. S.O.S. to Hospital.


27th July 1944

Dvr. Holland T.O.S. from 30 R.H.U. (Casualty in Normandy)


28th July 1944

Dvr. Mansell T.O.S. from 30 R.H.U. (Casualty in Normandy)


31st July 1944

2 O.Rs. T.O.S. from 30 R.H.U. including Dvr. Humphries (Casualty in Normandy)



Month and year : August 1944

Commanding Officer : Major E.C. Jones R.A.S.C.


1st August 1944

Place: Field


Slight shelling in DMA Area at 1230 hrs.  1 O.R. accidentally injured and posted to X2 List.


2nd August 1944

Slight shelling in the DMA Area at 0105 hrs.  1 O.R. Wounded remains at duty.


3rd August 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S. from X/4 List.  Capt I.J.A. McKittrick (210076) admitted Hosp.


4th August 1944

Unit change over from Compo to Field Service Rations.


5th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


6th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


7th August 1944

1 O.R. accidentally injured and posted to X/2 List.  1 O.R. Wounded and admitted to Hosp, posted to X/2 List.


9th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


10th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


11th August 1944

Capt N.C. Burt (226492) and 20 O.Rs join Unit in the Field from Residues U.K.


12th August 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S. Hosp.  1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


14th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  1 O.R. T.O.S. from X/4 List.  1 O.R. accidentally injured and posted to X/2 List.


16th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  1 O.R. accidentally injured and posted to X/2 List.


17th August 1944

1 O.R. Accidentally injured and posted to X/2 List.


18th August 1944

1 O.R. accidentally injured, remains on duty.  3 WEIZELS taken on charge for use in forthcoming advance.


19th August 1944

2 O.Rs wounded and admitted Hosp, posted to X/2 List.  Composite Supply and Pet Point opened up by Coy at point 2½ miles EAST of TROARN.  Various unit vehs and personnel proceeded on detachment prior to Div advance.  11 x 15 cwt and 10 x 3 ton vehs attached with drivers from 1st Bucks.


20th August 1944

Unit changed over from Field Service Rations to Compo Rations.  1 O.R. T.O.S. from X/4 List.  1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  Advance Amn Point formed in orchard ½ mile EAST of GOUSTRANVILLE MR 238720 within 400 yds of enemy, Heavy Mortar and S.P. fire experienced but no casualties sustained.  Dump remained undamaged and supplies of amn maintained to forward units.  1 O.R. T.O.S. from 380 Coy RASC (Armd Bde).  1 O.R. admitted Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  Advance A.P. moves forward to DOZULE MR 272735.  34 Bren Carriers and 5 x 15 cwt with drivers attached from 1st Bucks for duty within the Div.  3x3 ton vehs S.O.S.


22nd August 1944

Composite Point and Advanced Amn Point moved forward to point 1 mile WEST of PONT L'EVEQUE.  2x3 ton and 9x15 cwt vehs S.O.S.


23rd August 1944

2 O.Rs previously reported as missing on 7th June, now reported as killed in action, 1 O.R. on 6th June and 1 O.R. on 7th June.  5x3 ton vehs S.O.S.


24th August 1944

2 O.Rs T.O.S. from X/4 List.  1 O.R. accidentally injured and admitted to Hosp posted to X/2 List.


25th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  Composite Point closed and personnel returned to DMA.  2x350cc M/Cycles taken on charge.


26th August 1944

2 O.Rs admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  1 O.R. T.O.S. from Hosp.


28th August 1944

Unit moved to new location 2½ miles EAST of DOZULE.  Various Jeeps and Trailers also personnel return to unit from detachment.


29th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hosp and posted to X/2 List.


31st August 1944

2 Officers and 2 O.Rs attend as spectators at an Investiture held by the C in C. Field Marshal Montgomery.  Instructions received for return of unit to U.K.  31 Jeeps S.O.S.  Various Jeeps and Trailers proceed on detachment to Brigades etc., to be used as transport for conveyance of stores etc to U.K.




Month and year : August 1944

Commanding Officer : Capt. H.E. Cubley, R.A.S.C.


1st August 1944

Place: Field


Dvr. Nuttall C. rejoins from A.W.O.L.


5th August 1944

1 O.R. admitted to Hospital & T.O.S.  1 O.R. T.O.S.


6th August 1944

Workshops section of residues moved to new location at Minstead Lodge nr. LYNDHURST HANTS.  1 O.R. admitted to Hospital.


7th August 1944

Balance of Residues moved to Minstead Lodge.  43 O.R.s posted to 398 Coy R.A.S.C. Airborne Light Comp. A.P.O. B.L.A.  1 Offr, 5 N.C.Os & 14 O.R.s sent to 716 Coy R.A.S.C. B.L.A.  Posted 6 O.R.s to C.R.A.S.C. B.L.A.  Posted 1 O.R. to 398 Coy R.A.S.C. Airborne Light Comp (Residues).  1 O.R. taken on strength from hospital.


10th August 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S.


12th August 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S.


13th August 1944

2 cars 5 cwt. 4 x 4 sent H.Q. Airborne Div. Residues for [transmission] to B.L.A.


14th August 1944

Visit of Major Bradley R.A.S.C.


15th August 1944

Dvrs. Attwood, Sandford & Brown R.T.U. after being wounded with B.L.A.  2 x 5 cwt 4 x 4 cars sent to Major [?] by H.Q. Liaision Regiment.  2 x 5 cwt 4 x 4 cars sent to Camp Commandant Airborne Troops complete with trailers.  2/Lt Roberts & 2/Lt TAYLOR posted to this unit and attached to 63 Coy R.A.S.C., Airborne Div. Composite.


18th August 1944

2/Lt Roberts returned from detachment.


22nd August 1944

1 Driver attached to H.Q. Airborne Troops.  2/Lt Corbett taken on strength.


23rd August 1944

2 Offrs & 10 O.Rs. warned for a draft to B.L.A.


24th August 1944

2/Lt Taylor rejoined unit from 63 Coy R.A.S.C.  Visit of Major Bradley R.A.S.C.  1 O.R. T.O.S.  1 O.R. admitted to hospital.


25th August 1944

1 O.R. T.O.S.  1 O.R. A.W.O.L.  2/Lt Roberts & 2/Lt Taylor proceed on Para Course.


26th August 1944

Capt. Cubley H.E. proceeds on leave & Lt Ballard assumes command of residues.


30th August 1944

Dvr. [Manston?] returned to unit after being wounded in B.L.A.



Month and year : September 1944

Commanding Officer : Major E.C. Jones R.A.S.C.


1st September 1944

Place: Field


285275 Capt D.S. Bremner & 3 O.Rs proceed to U.K. as advance party.  1 O.R. Accidentally injured & posted to X/2 List.


2nd September 1944

140120 Major E.C. Jones, 226492 Capt N.C. Burt, 314758 Capt E.O.S.R. Lewenhaupt & 269183 Lieut D.A. Angliss also 140 O.R.s proceed to U.K.  10 O.Rs, 5 Jeeps & 5 Trailers proceed to U.K. independent of main party.


4th September 1944

Place: Home


285275 Capt D.S. Bremner & 3 O.Rs disembark Southampton & proceed to new location at MINSTEAD LODGE, MINSTEAD, HANTS.  140120 Major E.C. Jones, 226492 Capt N.C. Burt, 314758 Capt E.O.S.R. Lewenhaupt & 269183 Lieut D.A. Angliss also 140 O.Rs disembark Southampton and proceed to Coy location.  10 O.Rs, 5 Jeeps & 5 Trailers disembark Gosport and proceed to Coy location.


Place: Field


288742 Lieut B.G. Jose & 80 O.Rs proceed to U.K. 1 O.R. sick enroute and admitted to Hosp B.L.A. posted to X/2 List.


5th September 1944

Place: Field


10 O.Rs, 5 Jeeps & 5 Trailers proceed to U.K.


Place: Home


5 O.Rs T.O.S. from Depot & School Airborne Forces.  12 O.Rs T.O.S. from Home Details.  Authority received for all personnel to be granted 14 days leave.


7th September 1944

Place: Home


288742 Lieut B.G. Jose and 79 O.Rs disembark Southampton and proceed to Coy location.  10 O.Rs, 5 Jeeps & 5 Trailers disembark Gosport and proceed to Coy location.  1 O.R. admitted Hosp and posted to X/2 List.  3 O.Rs T.O.S. from X/2 List.  1 O.R. posted to X/3 List.


8th September 1944

Place: Field


295378 Lieut G.H. Starkey & 6 O.Rs proceed to U.K.


Place: Home


1 O.R. previously reported missing now taken on strength from X/4 List.  1 O.R. T.O.S. from H.Q. 6 Airborne Div.  1 Cpl (ACC) promoted Sjt.


10th September 1944

Place: Home


295378 Lieut G.H. Starkey & 6 O.Rs disembark Southampton and proceed to Coy location.