Roll of Honour
1st Battalion The Royal Ulster Rifles
Archdale, Michael Mervyn, Lyon 'Mickey', Lieutenant, No. 105616 The son of Colonel F.A. and Mrs M. Archdale of Southbourne, Bournemouth, Hampshire. He served with Corran Purdon during his time at the Depot at Armagh (Gough Barracks). They would go out shooting in the summer evenings and bring home something for the 'pot' in the Officers' Mess kitchens. Killed in action as a Lieutenant in Normandy on Sunday, 25 June 1944, while commanding 12 Platoon, B Company, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, Calvados, France, panel 17, column 3; he was 23 years old.
Barry, Patrick Edmund, Lance Corporal, No. 7020645 The son of Jeremiah and Ada Barry and the husband of Ida Margaret of Charlton, London. He was killed on 7 June 1944, aged 32, and is buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave 1 A.H.17.
Blount, Ronald, Rifleman, No. 7016818 The son of Ernest and Winifred Rosa Blount of Tooting, Surrey, he served in the Signals Platoon. Killed on Monday, 10 July 1944 in Normandy and is buried in La Delivrande War Cemetery, grave VIII.L.2; he was 24 years old. His brother Kenneth Robert was also killed while on active service.
Blythe, John, Rifleman, No. 7019887 Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, he was the husband of Mrs Blythe of Coldagh, Ballymoney, County Antrim. Pre-war he was well known in the Ballymoney summer league football competitions. Killed on 10 July 1944, buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.B.19.
Boustead, John Derek Athling, 'Geezil', Lieutenant, No. 155053 The son of Cedric and Joyce Boustead and the husband of Lalergie Nugent Boustead of Bridport, Dorsetshire. Killed in action on 7 June 1944, at Ste Honorine, Normandy. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.L.8; he was 26 years old. His party song in the Mess was 'One Meat Ball'.
Chambers, Thomas, Lance Corporal, No. 7013649 Served in 20 Platoon, D Company, he was killed while leading the 5th Camerons to the forming-up point prior to the attack on Ste Honorine on 13 June 1944 at Longueval. He was the third son of Mr Thomas Chambers and the late Mrs Chambers of Tullymore, Broughshane, County Antrim, he was 25 years old and had seven years' service. His wife Sylvia and baby son resided in Swansea, Wales. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIIA.L.4.
Charles, Allen, Lance Sergeant, No. 7019670 Served in Support Company, he was killed on 8 June 1944 in Normandy by 'friendly fire'. The son of Mr and Mrs Robert Charles of Londonderry and the husband of Mavis of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, he is buried in Ranville, grave IVA.E.2; he was 23 years old.
Cousins, Charles Joseph H., Rifleman, No. 7014912 The son of Charles H. and Ellen H. Cousins and husband of Kate R., of Hammersmith, London, he was killed on 13 June 1944, aged 28. Buried in Hermanville War Cemetery, grave l.L.l.
Coyle, John, Sergeant, No. 7010276 From Ballyscullion, County Londonderry, he was the husband of Greta and resided in Belfast. Served in A Company and landed on DZ N at Ranville at 2100 hrs on 6 June 1944. Believed killed at Ste Honorine the following morning. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IVA.N.8; he was 34 years old.
Cranston, Andrew Stewart, Lieutenant, No. 235669 The son of Andrew Cranston MA and Effie S. Cranston, he was on attachment from the Bedfordshire Regiment. Joined the Battalion as a Lieutenant at 1400hrs, 6 July from the Beach Sub-Area as a replacement, being assigned to A Company and was killed on 10 July 1944, buried in Ranville on 12 July 1944, grave IVA.B.21.
Crawford, Wilnor, Rifleman, No. 7019461 The son of John and Elizabeth Crawford of Ballymena, County Antrim, he had enlisted in the RUR in 1943. Served in 21 Platoon D Company and landed at Ranville on DZ N on 6 June. Killed in action during the fighting around Breville on 14 June. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IV.AG.17, he was 21 years old.
Creaney, William John, Rifleman, No. 7019654 The son of Mr William Creaney of Coolfin Street, Belfast. Reported as 'missing in action' in the Belfast Telegraph of July 1944, he had four and a half years' service and was 22 years old. Served as a Private in the Special Air Service Regiment, AAC, died on 17 June 1944, commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, panel 18, column 2. Prior to enlisting he had been employed by Mr William Biggs Mineral Water Factory, Lisburn Road, Belfast.
Dempster, Edward, Corporal, No. 7012285 Born in Belfast, he was the son of James and Byers Dempster and the husband of Betty of Westfields, Hereford. Remembered as a fine footballer. A member of 19 Platoon D Company, he was one of those riflemen who were parachute trained. Killed on 7 July 1944 and buried in Hermanville War Cemetery, grave 2.A.3.
Dillon, Edward Charles, Rifleman, No. 14403337 Born in London, he was the son of Peter Christopher and Edith Mabel Dillon, husband of Margaret of Willesden, Middlesex. Served in D Company, he was killed on 6 August 1944, aged 20. Buried in La Delivrande War Cemetery, grave IV.B.10.
Dowling,. Michael Josephl, 'Mike', Lieutenant, No. 237706 Left the Battalion with Terence Otway to serve in the 9th Parachute Battalion. Killed during the attack on the Merville Battery on D-Day; he was 34 years old, The son of William Mary Dowling of Rednal, Worcestershire, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, panel IX, column 1.
Dwyer, John, Sergeant, No. 7013702 Born in Eire. He was killed instantly when a No. 75 grenade (Hawkins Anti-tank Mine) exploded in B Company lines on Thursday, 1 June 1944. He was the son of George Andrew and Mary Ann Dwyer; he was 31 years old. Buried in St Mary's Churchyard, Burton Abbots, Oxfordshire.
Edmonds, George, Rifleman, No. 5681989 Born in London, he was the son of Mr and Mrs G.F. Edmonds of Edgeware, Middlesex. Killed in action on 12 July 1944, buried in La Delivrande War Cemetery, grave IV.B.4.
Feeney, Charles, Rifleman, No. 6984231, MM Served in B Company, awarded the Military Medal for bravery under fire at Ste Honorine on 7 June 1944. During the attack, Rifleman Feeney's Platoon became pinned down on the edge of a wood close to the objective. Feeney and the Platoon Commander had moved some 50 yards into the wood when they were in turn pinned down by enemy snipers. Exposing himself to enemy fire Rifleman Feeney threw 77 Grenades (smoke) towards the enemy, therefore enabling the Platoon Commander to organize a flank attack on the position. As this happened, Rifleman Feeney remained behind and assisted a wounded man to the rear, carrying him some 400 yards under enemy mortar fire across open country. His coolness and courage were an inspiration to all concerned during the operation. Killed while on patrol on 24 August 1944, buried in Trouville Communal Cemetery, Divn. 23, Row 5, grave 18, he was 22 years old.
Greer, Henry, Lance Corporal, No. 6985178 Died 8 June 1944, aged 21. Buried Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.G.2.
Gualdi, Charles Joseph, Lance Corporal, No. 7017133 The son of Enrico and Teresa Gualdi of London and the husband of May of Ilfracombe, Devon, he was killed, aged 27, on 16 June 1944; buried in Hermanville War Cemetery, grave IVA.D.17.
Halvey, Joseph Patrick, Rifleman, No. 14409065 Born in Eire, he was resident in London prior to enlistment. Killed on 7 June 1944, aged 19 and buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, grave X.M.7. He was the foster son of James and Margaret O'Connor of Kentish Town, London.
Hampstead, William George, Lance Corporal, No. 7022436 The son of Alice Jane Hampstead of South Woodford, London, he was wounded in the chest by shrapnel on 9 June 1944. Returned to the United Kingdom, he died on 14 June 1944 and is buried in City of London Cemetery, Square 20, grave 104124.
Hankey, Thomas, Rifleman, No. 6409930 The son of Mrs. C. Hankey of Stella Gardens, Irishtown, Dublin, he had originally served in the Royal Sussex Regiment. Landed on LZ N at Ranville at 2100 hrs on 6 June. Killed in action on 7 June as the Battalion attacked Ste Honorine, he was 26 years old. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIA.N.6.
Harding, Albert Edward, Lance Corporal, No. D/27709 Served in C Company, he was killed on Thursday, 16 August 1944. He was the son of William and Ellen Harding and the husband of Rose Gertrude of Hammersmith, London. Buried in Hammersmith New Cemetery, Surrey, plot 16, section C, grave 6.
Hegan, William James, Rifleman, No. 7046474 The son of William and Jane Hegan of Tormore, Newry, County Down, he landed on LZ N at Ranville on 6 June. Killed in action on 2.3 June, the first day of Operation Epsom. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave 11I.A.B.4. His brother and three sisters also served and survived the War. There is a memorial to him in Downshire Road Presbyterian Church Newry.
Hoey, Robert (Bob), Private, No. 7012466 Army Catering Corps, attached to 1st (A) Battalion. From Carnalea, County Down, he was the son of Robert and Elizabeth Hoey and husband of Elizabeth Hoey. He was the company cook in C Company. Killed by enemy mortar fire on 9 July 1944, while cooking food for the Company in a barn. The building was hit by a mortar bomb, he was not wearing his helmet at the time and was killed instantly by shrapnel. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, Calvados, France, grave IVA.C.19; he was 28 years old. Killed on the day his twin sons were born.
Howard, Walter Chadwick, Rifleman, No. 1492783 Born in Manchester he served in A Company and was mortally wounded by gunshot in the face and left side on 19 July 1944 at Troarn. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.12 The son of John Chadwick Howard and Mary Ann Howard of Gorton, Manchester, he was 27 years old.
Jarman, Richard E., Rifleman, No. 14685407 The son of Charles and Ada Maria Jarman of Milton, Southsea, Hampshire, he was killed on 18 August 1944. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIA.G.14. His brother William also died on active service.
Jefferson, Norman, Corporal, No. 7013019 The son of Thomas and Sara Jefferson of Lisburn, County Antrim, he landed on LZ N at Ranville at 2100 hrs on 6 June. Died of wounds on 8 June during the attack on Ste Honorine. A total of six men were killed and forty seven missing on this date, He is interred at Ranville Cemetery, grave II A.C.5. He was 26 years old and had eight years' service. Three brothers also served.
Johnston, Eric Francis 'Killer', Major, No. 66181 The son of Mr and Mrs Frank Johnston of Ballagh Lodge, Newcastle, County Down. Educated at Campbell College, he attended Sandhurst, being commissioned into the RUR on 6 January 1937. He served in Palestine and the North-West Frontier prior to the War. Commanded C Company as of 8 July 1944 and was killed at 1930hrs on Tuesday, 22 August 1944 at Deauville by shrapnel; he was 29 years old. Buried in Tourgeville War Cemetery, grave 4.G.4.
Johnston, William (Curley), Rifleman, No. 7018189 Lived at Circular Road, Newtownards, County Down, husband of Joyce, his mother lived in Scotch Street, Downpatrick. A Rifleman in 19 Platoon of D Company, he landed by glider on LZ N at Ranville at 2100hrs on 6 June. Killed in action on 19 June at Breville. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave VA.Q.2. He was 22 years old. He had four years' previous service and had worked as a printer in Belfast before the War. His father served in the RIR in the First World War, his brother in North Africa and a cousin, an Irish Guardsman, was a prisoner in Germany.
Keogh, Patrick Francis Bartle, Rifleman, No. 7014137 Killed in action on Monday, 19 June 1944, while serving as a Rifleman with the Signals Platoon. He was the son of Bartle Bernard and Anne Joyce Keogh, and the stepson and nephew of Bernice Keogh of Tangasseri, Quiton, India. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IVA.E.17, he was 23 years old.
Lowe, Leonard, Rifleman, No. 14640325 Born in Birmingham, he was the son of Amos and Jane Lowe of Halesowen, Worcestershire. He served in B Company and was killed on 7 June 1944. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.L.13.
Magill, Nathaniel Morton, Rifleman, No. 14416538 From Belfast, he was the son of James and Mary Magill of Britannic Street, Belfast and the nephew of Mrs E. Hanna. Originally served in the General Service Corps. Served in 19 Platoon D Company and was killed at Longueval on Sunday, 11 June 1944, while clearing the orchard to the rear of Battalion HQ of snipers. He is buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IIIA.F.4; he was 19 years old. Two brothers served in the 2nd Battalion and a third elsewhere.
Maginnis, George Alexander, Lieutenant, No. 203952 The son of Edward and Matilda Maginnis of Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, he was commissioned on 6 September 1941. Attended the Royal School, Armagh and played rugby for Ulster. He served in B Company as a Lieutenant and was killed by shrapnel from an enemy mortal shell it Breville on 18 July 1944, aged 33. (CWGC website says 19 June.) Interred in Ranville Cemetery on the following day, grave IVA.B.13.
Maguire, Patrick, Rifleman, No. 7047994 Served in D Company, he was killed on Wednesday, 7 June 1944, aged 30. The son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Maguire of Lisnageer, County Monaghan, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, panel 17, column 3.
Matthews, Gwilym George, Rifleman, No. 1817161 The son of Henry and Elizabeth Matthews of Caerphilly, Glamorgan, he died on 23 December 1943, aged 25. Buried in Omagh New Cemetery, Sec. A. Inner, grave 138.
McBurney, William Ashwood, Rifleman, No. 7046106 From Banbridge, County Down, the son of Joseph and Annie McBurney, he was killed in action on 12 June 1944, aged 23, in the area of Le Mesnil. Interred in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIA.5.1.
McCarthy, Terence, Corporal, No. 7013745 The son of Terence and Selena McCarthy of Etna Drive, Belfast, he had transferred to the Battalion in May 1943. Served in 19 Platoon of D Company and was killed in action on 13 June 1944, buried in Ranville Cemetery, III.A.M.4, aged 29. His father had served in the First World War.
McCayna, George, Corporal, No. 7015140 The son of Martin Joseph and Elizabeth McCayna of Bethnal Green London, he served as a Corporal in C Company and was killed on Wednesday, 7 June 1944 at Ranville. Buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, Calvados, France, grave X.M.4. He was 24 years old.
McFarland, Norman, Rifleman, No. 6983599 Killed in action on Wednesday, 7 June 1944, he was the son of Robert and Letitia McFarland of Culvahullion, Gortin, County Tyrone and the husband of Doreen Edith McFarland of Ilfracombe, Devon; he was 21 years old. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.J. 17.
McCoo, John Rifleman. No.6985059 Served in 19 Platoon of D Company, he was killed while on a patrol sweeping the woods to the rear of Battalion HQ on 13 June. He is buried in Ranville, grave IlIA. K.4, and was 21 years old. From Richhill, County Armagh, his three brothers also served, Samuel with the RUR, Cecil in the RAF and William in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
McGuire, Nicholas, Rifleman, No. 7014413 The son of Nicholas and Mary McGuire of Grange, County Waterford. He joined the Battalion in May 1943, and was killed on 19 June 1944 in the area of Le Plein/Bois de Bures. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave VA.2.6.
Mcllroy, James, Rifleman, No. 7012990 From Belfast, joined the Battalion in May 1943. He was mortally wounded while serving in D Company at Longueval on 9 June 1944; buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IA.D.3, he was 30 years old. The son of Henry and Sarah Mcllroy and husband of Nancy Mcllroy of Belfast.
McQuillan, Robert Harper, Rifleman, No. 6985348 Born in County Antrim, killed on Wednesday, 7 June 1944, aged 21. Buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, grave X.M.2.
Mearns, Herbert, Corporal, No. 14412609 From Coleraine, County Londonderry, he had originally served in the General Service Corps. He was the son of Margaret Mearns. He was killed in action during enemy attacks on the Battalion on 9 June 1944 at Longueval. Interred in Ranville Cemetery, grave IIA.H.5; he was 19 years old.
Merrell, Walter Richard, Rifleman, No. 6104465 Born in London, he was killed on 7 June 1944; buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave III.B.25.
Moffett, James Campbell, Rifleman, No. 7012388 The son of Mr W.J. Moffet of Drumahall, Montalto, Ballynahinch, he died of wounds on 13 July 1944, in Normandy. He had ten years' service. Buried in Ryes War Cemetery, Bazenville, grave IV.J.5.
Moore, William James, Lance Corporal, No. 14219689 Born in County Down, he was killed on Wednesday, 20 June 1944 in Normandy, aged 20. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.L.12. Morgan, Reginald Norman 'Reggie', Lieutenant, No. 176458 Commissioned on 1 March 1941, War Substantive Lieutenant as of 1 September 1942, Temporary Captain as of 15 March 1943, Listed as missing in action as of 7 June 1944. He was last seen leaving Ste Honorine with his platoon after the withdrawal had been ordered. Body found on 11 July when the Battalion re-entered the town. The son of Richard and Emily Morgan of Belfast, brother of Harry R. and also a cricketer; buried in Bayeux, grave X.M.6.
Mullins, Patrick James, Rifleman, No. 7019652 The son of Mary Mullins, he came from Lisburn, County Antrim. Served in the Anti-tank Platoon. Believed to have been killed by 'friendly fire' on 8 June as a result of an artillery barrage from the guns of 3rd Division's artillery support. Interred in Ranville Cemetery, grave IVA.D.2; he was 20 years old.
Nelson, John Henry, Rifleman, No. 6985185 Born in Londonderry, he was killed on 7 June 1944, aged 22 and is buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.L.7.
O'Brien, Charles, Lance Corporal, No. 5125850 Born in Eire and resided in Belfast, he was initially listed in the local press as missing in action in Normandy in June 1944. Died on 7 June 1944 and has no known grave. Listed on the Bayeux Memorial, panel 17, column 3.
O'Connor, Patrick Joseph, Lance Corporal, No. 6409738 The son of John Joseph and Pruedentia Mary O'Connor of Drimnagh, Eire, he resided in Belfast prior to enlistment. Served in A Company and was killed in action on 7 June 1944. Buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, grave X.M.5.
O'Connor, Timothy, 'Wee Stiffy', Rifleman, No. 7019287 The son of John and Mary O'Connor, he came from Annascaul, County Kerry. Served in D Company; he was killed on 19 June 1944, aged 32, at Breville. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave VA.Q.3.
O'Flanagan, Peter, Rifleman, No. 14411473 Served in 19 Platoon D Company, he was killed in action on 6 July 1944 and is buried in La Delivrande War Cemetery, grave VIII.K.4.
Oliver, John Chapman Rifleman No. 7012565 killed on Wednesday. 7 June, aged 38. He was the son of Henry and Sarah Oliver of Church Street, Bangor, County Down and husband fi Francis Nest Oliver of Abergwili, Carmarthenshire. He had served for almost twelve years in the regiment, seeing duty in India and China. Buried 111 Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.O.8. His father had served for twenty one years in the Royal Navy.
O'Reilly, Michael, 7047510, Rifleman, DCM The son of John and Mary O'Reilly from Dublin, he had originally enlisted in the Royal Irish Fusiliers. Killed on 7 June 1944, during the attack on Ste Honorine. Buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave IA.K. 17, he was 21 years old.
Parrott, Thomas Alfred, Corporal, No. 7019824 Killed in action on Friday, 23 June 1944, aged 24, while serving in the Signals Platoon. He was the son of John William and Maud Parrot of Tottenham, Middlesex, and the husband of Violet Alice. Buried in Hermanville War Cemetery, Calvados, France, grave 1.E.21.
Payne, Edward Daniel, Rifleman, No. 7016562 Served in the Signals Platoon as a Rifleman, he was killed on Thursday 8 June 1944 in Normandy. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.H.2; he was 24 years old and the son of Percy and Florence Payne of Surrey and the husband of Doreen Payne of Redruth, Cornwall.
Prosser, Reginald Henry James, Rifleman, No. 7020918 The son of Henry and Florence Prosser of Southall, Middlesex, he served in 21 Platoon D Company. Killed in action on 9 June 1944, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux War Memorial, panel 17, column 3.
Quinn, Richard, 'Dicky', Lieutenant, No. 90695 The son of Henry and Clara Quinn of Dulwich, London, he was a good friend of both Huw Wheldon and Ronnie Wilson, as barmen in Dublin would testify to. Commissioned on 6 November 1943. He commanded the Anti-tank Platoon in Normandy, killed by a sniper while inspecting his platoon's positions at 1015 hrs, on 16 June 1944; he was 34 years old. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.F.17.
Raynham, Stuart Rex, Corporal, No. 7045517 The foster son of Walter and Lilian Hammond and husband of Alice Florence of Cranford, Hounslow, Middlesex, he served in Support Company; killed in action on 8 June 1944; buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.K.8.
Reilly, James Joseph Victor, 'Vic', Rifleman, No. 7012816 The son of Mr J. Reilly of Glasslough Street, Monaghan and Mrs Reilly, assistant teacher, Kilbarron National School, Ballyshannon. His wife and baby resided in Leeds. Killed on 7 June 1944 and buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.J.8.
Riley, Robert, Corporal, No. 7017332 Killed on Monday, 19 June 1944 in Normandy, he was the son of Patrick and Mary Jane of Kimblesworth, County Durham and the husband of Rhoda. He was 28 years old. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.H.17.
Sawyer, Albert Charles James, Rifleman, No. 6920834 Died 12 June 1944, aged 22. Son of Albert Edward Sawyer, and of Rebecca Sawyer, of Enfield Highway, Middlesex. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.K.l.
Scanlon, Brendon John, Rifleman, No. 14216134 Born in Eire and resided in Middlesex. Served in the 70th (Young Soldiers) Battalion, London Irish Rifles. He served in C Company in Normandy and was killed by shrapnel on 22 August 1944 at Deauville; he was 20 years old. He was the batman of Major Johnson, the Company Commander. He is buried in Tourgeville Military Cemetery, grave 4.G.3.
Seale, Theo' John, Lieutenant, No. 26895 Royal Irish Fusiliers, he was attached to B Company as a Second Lieutenant as of 18 May 1943. Fatally wounded when a hand grenade exploded in the Company lines on 1 June 1944, he was 23 years old. Commemorated on a plaque at St Mark's Church, Portadown. He was the son of Mr and Mrs William Pilkington Seale of Belfast Bank House, Portadown. Heavyweight boxing champion of the Battalion and a former leader of the Portadown College Boy Scout Troop, his brother, Squadron Leader T.C. (Terry) Seale, was killed in action in June 1941.
Shakespeare, Albert, Rifleman, No. 14591203 Born in Gloucestershire, he was the husband of Dorothy. Killed on 7 June 1944, aged 34 years, and buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, grave X.M.3.
Shore, Robert, Rifleman, No. 14216344 Born in Eire, resident in Gloucester, the son of Robert and Margaret of Queenhill, Worcestershire; died on 9 June 1944; buried in La Delivrande, IXJ 5-6, collective grave.
Smyth, John Torbitt, Rifleman, No. 14411392 The son of William and Mary and husband of Gladys Rosie of Salisbury, he was killed on 25 August 1944, aged 19. Buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, grave III.1.2.
Southam, Ernest, Corporal, No. 7012844 The son of Mr and Mrs R. Southam of Northern Bank House, Belfast, he was killed on 23 August 1944, aged 24. His wife resided in Tredegar, South Wales. Three brothers also served and their father had previously served in the First World War. Buried in Tourgeville Military Cemetery, grave 7.G.5.
Starr, Arthur Lionel, Rifleman, No. 7021234 Born in London, he was the husband of Kezia Starr of Tottenham, Middlesex. Died on 8 June 1944, aged 21. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.F.2.
Stevenson, Robert James, Rifleman, No. 7019933 Reported as missing in action as of Wednesday, 7 June 1944. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux War Memorial, panel 17, column 3. He was the son of Mr and Mrs Andrew Stevenson of Church Road, Carnmoney, County Antrim. He had four years' service and was 21 years old. Before the War he had worked for W.A. Ross & Sons, mineral water manufacturers.
Stogdale, John, Corporal, No. 3386927 Born in County Tyrone, he died on 10 June 1944, aged 22. The son of George and Phoebe Stogdale of Blackburn, Lancashire, he is buried in Hermanville War Cemetery, grave 3.B.3.
Testro, Leslie George, Rifleman, No. 14672347 The son of William and Lily Testro of Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, he was killed on 7 June 1944 and buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IA.M.7.
Topping, Samuel, Rifleman, No. 7017020 Killed in action on 17 August 1944, age 39, after three years' service. His home was at Millbrook Road, Lisburn, County Antrim; he was married with three children. His father had served with the Royal Irish Rifles in the First World War, being killed in August 1916. Samuel is buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.J.2.
Trotter, James Wesley, Rifleman, No. 7047440 From Grangemore, Armagh, he was the son of Mrs F. Trotter. He was wounded in action and missing in action reported killed, aged 20, while serving with the 5th Parachute Battalion, AAC. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux War Memorial, panel 18.
Turner, Wilfred, Rifleman, No. 7044822 The son of Charles and Annie Turner and husband of Victoria of Catford, London. Killed on 7 June 1944; buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIA.D.3.
Turrell, Henry George, Rifleman, No. 7022592 The son of Henry and Alice Florence Turrell of Walthamstow, Essex, he died on 13 June 1944 and is buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IIIA.E.4.
Walker, George Joseph, Rifleman, No. 4207893 The son of James and H. Ellen Walker of Walsall, Staffordshire, he died on 20 August 1944 and is buried in La Delivrande War Cemetery, grave I.C.6.
Willis, Norman, Rifleman, No. 7017941 From Belfast, he was the son of James and Elizabeth Willis. Joined the Battalion in May 1943 and was killed on 9 June 1944 at Longueval while serving in 21 Platoon D Company. Interred in Ranville War Cemetery, grave V.B.23; he was 23 years old.
Winfield, William, Lance Corporal, No. 4927999 The son of Joseph and Amy Sarah Winfield of Coton, Staffordshire, he was killed on 7 June 1944, aged 22 and is buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave IVA.F.20.
Woodburn, John, Rifleman, No. 14663448 Killed on 6 June 1944 in Normandy, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux War Memorial, panel 17, column 3; he was 19 years old. The son of Thomas and Mary Ann Woodburn of Manchester.
Wray, Thomas, Lance Corporal, No. 4462353 The son of Thomas William and Irene Wray of West Hartlepool, County Durham, he was killed on 7 June 1944 and is buried in Ranville Churchyard, grave 5.
Young, William Pearson, Private, No. 7018947 From 'Coldagh' Ballymoney. Served with Special Air Service Regiment, AAC. Died 9 August 1944, aged 22. Buried in Marissel French National Cemetery, Coll. grave 326-329.
Fogt, Maurice Peter, Lieutenant, No. 253984 The son of George and Vera Louise Fogt (nee Bryans) of Chelsea, London. Commissioned into the RUR on 7 March 1943, he served in Headquarters Company and was the 'loading officer' for Normandy. He was killed on Saturday, 27 January 1945 in the Maas sector of the front, while engaged on liaison duties, he was 24 years old. Buried in Venray War Cemetery, Limburg, Netherlands, grave III.E.12.
Seymour, Thomas John Leslie, Lance Corporal, No. 14688134 The son of Charles and Ethel Seymour of Newbury, Berkshire, he was killed on 8 February 1945, aged 19. Buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave III.E.12.
Terry, Arthur Thomas, Rifleman, No. 1649728 Killed on 10 February 1945, he is buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave VIA.13; he was 32 years old.
Wright, William, Sergeant, NO 7011101 Served in the Reconnaissance Platoon and was killed by enemy mortar fire on Monday, 8 January 1945, at Wavreville he was 33 years old. The son of Mr and Mrs Robert Wright of Londonderry and the husband of Kathleen, he is buried in Hotton War Cemetery, Hotton, Luxembourg, grave V.D.1.
Anderson, Daniel, Rifleman No. 14742454 From Edinburgh, he was killed on 24 March 1945 and is buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 8.E.12.
Archer, John Philip, Lieutenant, No. 320388 The son of George Israel and Sarah Archer, he commanded the Pioneer Platoon in the Ardennes. Mortally wounded on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity; buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 38.F.9; he was 23 years old. (On attachment from the Warwickshire Regiment.)
Ayres, Richard John, Sergeant, No. 7012633 Born on the Isle of Anglesey, he resided in County Armagh, Received the C-in-C's Certificate for his actions in Normandy and was i/c the company snipers. Killed in action on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.4.
Bain, David, Rifleman, No. 3129907 Born in Nairnshire, Scotland, he was the son of Alexander and Jane Bain and resided in Inverness prior to enlisting. Killed on 24 March 1945, aged 25 and buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 10.C.10
Barr, John, Corporal, No. 3135123 The son of John and Jessie K. Barr of Kilwinning, Ayrshire, he was killed on 27 March 1945, aged 27, and is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.C.2.
Bell, George William, Rifleman, No. 7046436 From Rathfriland Street, Banbridge, County Down, he was the son of George William and Mary Jane Bell. Served in Normandy and the Ardennes. He was killed during Operation Varsity on 24 March 1945, age 23 years. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, Germany, grave 39.D.9.
Bennett, William A., Rifleman, No. 14795542 Born in Kent, he was killed on 5 April 1945, Listed in the Army Roll of Honour, but not listed on the CWGC website as of 6 July 2005.
Bond, George William, Rifleman, No. 5347523 The son of Samuel Sidney and Ellen Bond of West Norwood, London, he died on 17 April 1945, aged 28. Buried in Berlin War Cemetery, grave 11.Z.14.
Boyd, Norman, Rifleman, No. 7022506 The son of Francis and Margaret Boyd of 29 Upper Charleville Street, Belfast, he had joined the Battalion in May 1943. Mortally wounded during Operation Varsity on 24 March 1945. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Groesbeek Memorial, Holland, panel 8. He was 21 years old.
Brun, Victor George, Rifleman, No. 7016711 From Kensington, London, he was killed in 24 March 1945, buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 8.F.5. He was 25 years old. (Normally those killed in action during Varsity were buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. The fact that Brun is buried here in Venray would indicate that he had originally been wounded on the battlefield and brought to the military hospital at Venray, later dying of his wounds.)
Brunton, James Joseph, Corporal, No. 6410153 Born in Eire, he resided in Belfast prior to enlisting. Served in A Company, he was killed on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.C.3.
Calveley, Donald, Rifleman, No. 3774116 From Liverpool, he was killed on 28 March 1945 and is buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 1.E.2; he was 26 years old.
Connolly, Alexander L, Lance Corporal, No. 14737740 Born in Eire, he resided in Coventry prior to enlisting. Served in B Company and was killed on 24 March 1945, on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald War Cemetery, grave 40.D.3.
Connolly, James, Rifleman, No. 7046879 Born in County Down. Served in C Company, killed in action on 2 April 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, grave 34.D.9.
Conyers, Percy Roy, Rifleman, No. 14672037 Died 1 April 1945, aged 19. Son of George Henry Conyers, and of Maud Beatrice Conyers, of Smethwick, Staffordshire. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 32.A.4.
Coombes, Frank, Rifleman, No. 14299431 Born in Nottingham, he was killed on 19 April 1945; buried in Hanover War Cemetery, grave 7.H.11.
Cooper, John, Rifleman No.3458149 Born in Manchester, he served with C Company in Normandy, the Ardennes and on Operation Varsity, killed on 2 April 1945 and is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.D.8.
Croft, Henry Leonard 'Harry', Captain, No. 204475 Born in London, he was the son of William and Ethel Croft and the husband of Susan Theresa. He was second in command of B Company in August 1944 and took command of the Reconnaissance Platoon when Captain Rigby became Adjutant. Wounded on 8 January 1945 at Wavreville, while commanding the Reconnaissance Platoon. Killed in action on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.5.
Donald, Thomas, Rifleman, No. 6983243 An ex-Royal Inniskilling Fusilier, he was the son of William and Martha Donald of 12 Utility Street, Belfast. (His residence was in Britannic Street.) Reported as missing in action on 25 March 1945, during Operation Varsity. He is known to have landed on LZ U and was believed to have been killed on this date. No known grave and is commemorated on panel 8 of the Groesbeek memorial in Holland; he was 22 years old.
Donaldson, Lumsden, Rifleman, No. 14720141 The son of William Wilson and Annabella Hay Donaldson of Pollockshawe, Glasgow, he was killed on 2 April 1945, aged 28. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, grave 33.C.4.
Donnelly, Kenneth Herbert, Major, No. 85695 The son of John H. and Gertrude Mabel Donnelly of Rathgar, Dublin, Eire. Second in command of D Company in August 1944. Commanded B Company from 1 January 1945 and was killed by a sniper on 24 March 1945, during Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 38.C.7; he was 25 years old.
Donovan, Michael, Corporal, No. 7020302 Born in Eire, he served in the Mortar Group (23 Platoon) of Support Company. He was a well-known and popular singer. Shot as the Group rendezvoused on the landing zone during Operation Varsity on Saturday, 24 March 1945; he was 28 years old. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 38.F.6.
Drilsma, Maurice, Rifleman, No. 14832403 Born in Liverpool, he was the son of Isaac and Adelaide Drilsma. Killed on 21 April 1945 and buried in Hanover War Cemetery, grave 7.H.10.
Edge, Willoughby, Rifleman, No. 14695860 Served in the Mortar Group of Support Company, he was shot in the stomach and later died of his wounds on Monday, 2 April 1945, he was 34 years old. He was the son of Albert and Alice Edge and the husband of Gwennie Mary Edge of Wardle, Cheshire. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, grave 37.F.6.
Elkin, John, Rifleman, No. 6985544 Born in County Tyrone, he was the son of Thomas and Sarah Jane Elkin of Drumquin, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Killed on 23 March 1945 and buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, grave 34.C.9.
Farrell, Patrick, Rifleman, No. 14400077 Born in Eire, he served in C Company and was killed on 24 March 1945 during Operation Varsity. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Groesbeek Memorial, panel 8; he was 21 years old.
Frost, Edgar Charles, Corporal, No. 7016838 Born in London and served in the Mortar Group of Support Company, he was killed on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave VII.K.6.
Gann, Frederick Dow, Captain, No. 130172 Born in Kent, served in Normandy and the Ardennes and commanded 18 Platoon C Company on D-Day. He was second in command of the Company in the Ardennes. Killed when his glider was raked by machine-gun fire as it landed on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. He was the son of Frederick and Amelia Robertson Gann and the husband of Dorothy Violet of London. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 39.D.10; he was 37 years old.
Gardiner, Arthur, Rifleman, No. 7020506 From The Bridge, Monkstown, County Antrim, he had seen four years service prior to his death on 2 April 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, Germany, grave 34.D.6.
Glass, Samuel Rifleman, NO.70200302 The son of John and Agnes Glass of Belfast and husband of Sarah of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, he was AN ex member of the Young Soldiers Battalion (Devonport). Landed at Ranville as part of A Company at 2100hrs on 6 June 1944. killed in action the following day and buried in Ranville Cemetery, grave 1 A.A. 1.
Godsave, Percy Alexander, Rifleman, No. 7045689 The son of Charles and Gertrude Godsave of London, he served in either A or B Company. Killed on 7 June 1944 and buried in Ranville Churchyard, grave 31.
Gourlay, William Miller, Rifleman, No. 14698590 Died 4 April 1945, aged 19. Son of James and Jane Gourlay. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.D.11.
Gover, Derek Owen, Rifleman, No. 1440138 The son of John and Kate Gover of Moordown, Bournemouth, Hampshire, he was killed on 2 April 1945; buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.C.3.
Grady, Francis Joseph, Rifleman, No. 14616868 Served in Support Company, he was killed on Operation Varsity on 24 March 1945. He was the son of Annie Grady and the stepson of Tom Bosco of Warrington, Lancashire. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.8; he was 19 years old.
Griffiths, Alewyn, Rifleman, No. 1651787 The son of David John and Margretta Griffiths and husband of Megan of Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. He was killed on 24 March 1945 and is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.C.1.
Grissam, David, Rifleman, No. 14449287 From Ardreagh, Aghadowey, County Londonderry. He died of wounds on Wednesday, 4 April 1945; he was 21 years old. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 55.G.3.
Halfpenny, George William, Lance Corporal, No. 14413054 The son of Walter Everard and Annie Halfpenny of Sutton in Ashfiekl, Nottinghamshire. He was on attachment from the Northamptonshire Regiment when he was killed on 25 March 1945, aged 20; buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.B.3.
Hampson, Thomas Sidwell, Rifleman, No. 14786938 The son of William James and Leonora Hampson of Liverpool, he was killed on 24 March 1945, aged 18. Buried in Rheinberg War Cemetery, grave 13.A.10.
Harding, James Clarence, Private, No. 7367653 Royal Army Medical Corps attached to the 1st Battalion. He was killed on 19 April 1945, aged 26. Buried in Hanover War Cemetery, grave 7.H.12.
Harvey. Clarence, Rifleman No. 14677479 Born in Staffordshire, he was killed on 25 March 1945, aged 19. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the on the Groesbeek Memorial, panel 8.
Headland, Peter. Corporal. No. 5960503 Horn in Norwich, he was the son of Ernest James and Mabel Headland of Bedford. Killed on 19 April 1945, aged 19. Buried in Hanover Wat-Cemetery, grave 7.H.8.
Helme, Samuel, Lance Corporal, No. 1086450 Born in Lancashire, he was the son of Richard and Alice Helme of "I Morecambe, Lancashire. Killed on 20 June 1945, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 59.F.2.
Henry, Hugh, Rifleman, No. 7013163 The son of Hugh and Mary Henry of Crumlin, County Antrim and the husband of Margaret of Paisley, Scotland. Served in C Company in Normandy and the Ardennes. He landed by glider on LZ U at 1000hrs on 24 March at Hamminkeln during Operation Varsity, the crowing "I the Rhine. Believed killed shortly after landing, he has no known grave. Commemorated on the Groesbeek Memorial, panel 8, aged 29.
Hilton, Francis, Rifleman, No. 7019976 He had completed five years' service when he was killed on 31 March 1945, aged 30. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.B.6. He was the son of Frederick and Agnes Hilton of Garfield Place. Ballymena, County Antrim.
Holmes, James, Rifleman, No. 3598771 Born in Blackburn, Lancashire, he was the son of John and Sarah Holmes. Served in A Company and was killed on 24 March 1945; he was 24 years old. Buried in Reichswald War Cemetery, grave 40.A.1. His brother John also died on active service.
Howe, David, Rifleman, No. 14731768 The son of Thomas and Barbara Armstrong Howe of Paisley, Scotland, he was killed on 24 March 1945, aged 23. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.B.7.
Hughes, Christopher, Rifleman, No. 14768203 Born in Guernsey, Channel Islands, he was killed on 24 March 1945, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.B.10.
Hyde, William Wright, Corporal, No. 7021059 The son of Jessie Hyde of Belfast, Northern Ireland, he was killed on 24 March 1945, aged 23. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.D.6.
Ingham, John, Rifleman, No. 14829484 The son of Ernest and Florence Ingham of Walshaw, Lancashire, he was killed on 4 April 1945, aged 18. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.B.2.
Johncock, Cecil Henry, Rifleman, No. 557209 The son of Henry Cecil and Annie Elizabeth Johncock of Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, he was killed on 4 April 1945, aged 23. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.C.2.
Johns, William Henry, Rifleman, No. 7022700 The son of Henry H.J. and Elizabeth M. Johns of Waddon, Croydon, Surrey, he was killed on 7 June 1944. Buried in Ranville War Cemetery, grave 1A.L.17.
Johnston, Arthur Fraser, Lance Corporal, No. 7016889 Born in London. Killed in action on Saturday, 24 March 1945, aged 25. Buried in Reichswald Forest Cemetery, Kleve, grave AO.E.9.
Johnston, George, Rifleman, No. 7018396 The son of John James and Hannah of Bailieborough, County Cavan, he served in D Company as a Rifleman and was killed on Saturday, 24 March 1945, aged 25, during Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.B.11.
Kelly, John Joseph, Lance Sergeant, No. 7019204 Born in London; served in the Signals Platoon, he was killed while in the same glider as Captain Martin on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity, he was 26 years old. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 42.E.6.
Lenihan, John, Rifleman, No. 6409951 Born in Eire, resident in Belfast, he was the son of Cornelius and Elizabeth Lenihan and husband of Margarete E. Lenihan of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Killed on 24 March 1945, he is buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 8.E.9; he was 25 years old.
Lowndes, Harold, Rifleman, No. 7048064 The son of Ellison and Florence Lowndes of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, he died on 18 June 1945 in the United Kingdom, while attached to HQ 6th Airborne Division. Buried in Stoke-on-Trent (Hanley) Cemetery, grave 16054.
Markey, Tom, Rifleman, No. 14832464 The son of Stanley and Jane H. Markey of Waterfoot, Lancashire, he died on 31 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.B.5.
Martin, Edward Charles, Rifleman, No. 14575975 The son of John Charles and Annie Elizabeth Martin of Morden, Surrey, he died on 26 April 1945, aged 21. Buried in Becklingen War Cemetery, grave 4.F.1B.
Martin, Robert Dickson, Lieutenant, No. 109577, MC Born in London, a former member of the Artists Rifles. Commissioned on 3 June 1940, commanded the Reconnaissance Platoon in August 1944. Served in the Mortar Group of Support Company, hit while in the air on Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. Died shortly after landing and buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 42.E.7.
McCullough, Joseph, Rifleman, No. 14442976 From Clandeboye Place, Bangor, County Down, joined the Battalion in 1943. Served as a Rifleman and took part in Operation Varsity, died of wounds received on Sunday, 25 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.3; he was 19 years old. His brother Samuel served with the 1st Airborne Division and was taken prisoner after Operation Market Garden.
McCutcheon, William James, WOII, No. 7012822, MM Served in C Company as a WOII, he was awarded the Military Medal in August 1944. He was killed on 24 March 1945, on Operation Varsity, the crossing of the Rhine. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 38.C.6;he was 28 years old. He was the son of Hugh and Rose Ann of Harpenden, Hertfordshire; his widow, Vera Amy, lived at 18 Waldham Street, Belfast.
McGrath, Daniel, Lieutenant, No. 288791 An 'old boy' of Coleraine Academical Institution, he came from Mountsandal, Coleraine, County Londonderry. Commissioned into the Royal Irish Fusiliers on 1 March 1944. Served as a Lieutenant in 8 Platoon A Company, he was killed on 26 March 1945 and is buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 8.E.11. An older brother, Captain William McGrath, DSO, No 74563, was killed in North Africa on 19 February 1942, while serving with the Royal Engineers.
McMillan, Malcolm, Rifleman, No. 3196800 Killed in action on 4 April 1945; buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.D.10.
Mills, Wilfrid Arnold, Lieutenant, No. CAN The son of Wilfrid and Lilly Mills of Merritton, Ontario, Canada and husband of Luella. A Canloan officer he was on attachment from the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, RCIC. Killed in action at Lendrick on 16 April 1945 and buried in Holten Canadian War Cemetery, grave V.A.5.
Miskimmin, Robert James, Rifleman, No. 7019396 The son of Matthew John and Mary Miskimmon and husband of Florence Violet of Ramsbury, Wiltshire, he was killed on 24 March 1945, aged 23. Buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave VIII.E.2.
Mitchell, Harrison, Lance Corporal, No. 7369966 RAMC attached to the Battalion. The son of Harrison Mitchell, and of Mary Elizabeth Mitchell of Workington, Cumberland, he died on 24 March 1945, aged 28. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.7.
Moore, James, Rifleman, No. 7017079 The son of John and Annie Moore of Wigton Street, Belfast and the husband of Annie, he was killed on Saturday, 24 March 1945, he was 30 years old. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Groesbeek Memorial panel 8.
Muston, Harold, Rifleman, No. 14688128 Served in Support Company, he was killed on Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.C.1; he was 19 years old and the son of Joseph and Gertrude Muston of Fareham, Hampshire.
Nolan, George, Colour Sergeant, No. 7011654 Born in County Antrim, he served in Support Company and was killed on Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.5; he was the husband of Elizabeth Jane Nolan of Carmarthen.
O'Shea, Michael James, Rifleman, No. 7016308 Born in Eire and resided in London, he was killed on 24 March 1945, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.D.4.
Peters, Harold, Rifleman, No. 14735640 Born in Warrington, he died on 25 March 1945, aged 20. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.6.
Prouting, Philip James, Lance Corporal, No. 7016927 The son of Thomas and Eva Minnie Prouting of London, he died on 24 March 1945, aged 25. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.C.11.
Phillips, Isaac, Corporal, No. 7013175 The son of Alfred and Patience Phillips of Kingston-on-Thames. Previously employed as a salesman, he attested at London on 11 January 1937, joining the Battalion on 6 August 1937. Served in A Company, he was killed on Saturday, 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.C.5.
Reading, Geoffrey Emar Dawson, Rifleman, No. 14786387 The son of Harry and Amy Haynes of Banbury, Oxfordshire, he died on 4 April 1945, aged 19 Buried in Reichswald forest War Cemetery, grave 33.B.3.
Redmond, Herbert Thomas, 'Bert', Sergeant, No. 7012576 Served in 20 Platoon, D Company, he was later promoted to Lance Sergeant and served in D Company. He was killed on 24 March 1945 on Operation Varsity; he was 25 years old. The son of William Joseph and Catherine Redmond of Whetstone, Middlesex, he is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.7
Regis, Ernest George, Rifleman, No. 7014476 Born in Merthyr Tydfil, he died on 24 March 1945; buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.D.7.
Robertson, John Weedon, Lieutenant, No. 293506 The son of Major Harold John Robertson and Vera of Wootton, Oxfordshire. Commissioned on 23 January 1944, he served in 22 Platoon D Company as a Lieutenant. Served in Normandy, the Ardennes and on Operation Varsity, where he was wounded while still in the air and again after the glider had landed. Unable to lead his platoon in the assault, he handed over command to Sergeant McCrory who was also wounded later in the action. Died of his wounds on 24 March 1945, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.D.5.
Robinson, Frederick, Rifleman, No. 3443869 Killed on Thursday, 19 April 1945, he was the son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Robinson and the husband of Hilda, of Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Buried in Hanover War Cemetery, grave 7.H.9.
Rockall, Terence Lionel, Rifleman, No. 14615698 The son of William John and Ellen Rockall of Tufnell Park, London, he died on 7 April 1945 and is buried in Hanover War Cemetery, grave 15.J.3.
Sinclair, Donald Ian, Rifleman, No. 14676835 The son of Nicol Smith and Winifred Mary Sinclair of Gargrave, Yorkshire, he died on 24 March 1945 and is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.11.
Spence, David Topping, Rifleman, No. 7018486 From Coniston Street, Belfast, he died of wounds received on Operation Varsity, 25 March 1945; he was 26 years old. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 48.D.3. His father served in the First World War.
Stanley, Reginald Henry, Rifleman, No. 11052761 Born in Oxfordshire, he was killed on 24 March 1945, aged 23. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.2.
Stothers, David, Rifleman, No. 7013676 From Heatherbell Street, Belfast, the son of Sara Stothers. Served in C Company. He had eight years' service when he was killed on Saturday, 24 March 1945, aged 25. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Groesbeek Memorial, panel 8.
Stubbs, Thomas, Rifleman, No. 7342471 Born in Manchester, died on 24 March 1945, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.C.4.
Swaine, Alexander, Sergeant, No. 7011939 Served in 11 Platoon B Company, he was shot and killed two hours after landing on Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 38.C.1; he was 31 years old.
Swift, Gerald Charles, Sergeant, No. 7012169 Served in C Company. He was killed on 24 March 1945 during Operation Varsity and is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.B.6. The son of William and Mary and the husband of Emma Irene of Battersea, London, he was 30 years old.
Swingler, Eric Ronald, Rifleman, No. 1656465 The husband of Sylvia Swingler of Birmingham, he died on 2 April 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 33.C.1.
Thomas, David, Lance Corporal, No. 14641872 Born in Birkenhead, he died on 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 34.B.9.
Thompson, Michael, Rifleman, No. 6409871 Born in Eire. Killed on 27 March 1945; buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave I.E.3; he was 27 years old.
Thompson, Samuel, Rifleman, No 14412439 The son William and Agnes Thompson of Belfast, Northern Ireland, he was killed on '24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.E.10.
Vickery, Charles Edward, Major, No. 126069 Born in Kent. Enlisted as a Rifleman and was quickly promoted CO Company Sergeant Major. Later commissioned and served in Normandy in B Company. He was killed in action on 24 March 1945, while commanding A Company during Operation Varsity, buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.C.8.
Walsh, Philip, Rifleman, No. 6104907 Born in Belfast; died on 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 40.F.1.
Waring, Samuel, Rifleman, No. 7021324 The son of Samuel and Elizabeth Waring of Downing Street, Belfast, he was reported as missing in action on the Rhine in the Belfast Telegraph of 17 September 1945. He had been killed on 24 March on Operation Varsity. Buried in Venray War Cemetery, grave 8.F.12; he was 22 years old.
Williams, Frederick James, Lance Corporal, No. 7016522 The son of Alexander Richard and Georgina Francis of East Ham, Essex, he died on 24 March 1945. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, grave 39.D.11.
Allen, Charles Henry Belton, Lieutenant-Colonel, No. 36245 Died aged 37, 7 April 1943, whilst with Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Son of Maj. Henry George Allen, OBE, RAVC, and Rosamunde Elizabeth Allen; husband of Katharine Elizabeth Mary Allen, of Barnby Dun, Yorkshire. Buried Beja War Cemetery, grave l.N.l.
Allen, J.A., Corporal, No. 7012090 Killed in a motorcycle accident in Birmingham on 24 July 1941, this was before the Battalion had been designated as an airborne unit.
Araow, J., Rifleman, No. 7014039 Killed in action, no mention on the CWGC website as of 6 July 2005; he is listed in Volume III of the regimental history by Charles Graves.
Barry, Terence, Lieutenant, No. 228664 Attached to 1st Battalion, the London Irish Rifles. Died 5 December 1943, aged 22. The son of Patrick and Margaret Barry, of Sittingbourne, Kent. Buried Cassino War Cemetery, grave III.C.13.
Beechey, Edward Henry Evison, Lieutenant, No. 193885 On secondment to the 2nd Battalion the London Irish Rifles. Died 21 January 1943, aged 32. The son of the Revd. J.W. Beechey and of Emily Georgina Beechey (nee Clements); husband of Lucy Eleanor Beechey (nee Fairbrass), of Hove, Sussex. Buried in Medjez-El-Bab War Cemetery, grave 5.C.11.
Black, Peter Gresham, Captain, No. 162687 Attached to 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers. Died 18 February 1943. Commemorated on the Medjez-El-Bab Memorial, Face 30.
Bonham-Carter, Mervyn Charles Brian, Captain, No. 100641 Attached to 1st Battalion, the London Irish Rifles. Died 3 March 1944, aged 26. The son of Lt Col Brian Hulbert Bonham-Carter, 14th Punjab Regt., Indian Army, and Dorothy Bonham-Carter, of Ilton, Somerset. His brother Basil Edgar also fell. Buried Beach Head War Cemetery, Anzio, grave XIV.E.12.
Bryant, Sydney, Lieutenant, No. 180715 Died 1 February 1945. Buried Taukkyan War Cemetery, Burma, grave 10.H.6.
Bryson, Michael, Sergeant, No. 7010791 Born in Londonderry, he died on 6 July 1942; commemorated on the Brookwood Memorial, panel 14, column 3.
Burns, P., Rifleman, No. 14468417 The son of William and Mary Ann Burns of Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Eire, he died of wounds on 1 June 1947, aged 20. Buried in Hamburg War Cemetery, grave 9A.K.2.
Chesson, Stanley Reginald Gordon, Rifleman, No. 1788333 Died 23 December 1943, aged 32. The son of Ernest and Jessie Chesson, of Tottenham; husband of Gertrude M. Chesson. Buried Tottenham and Wood Green Cemetery, grave 17.
Clements, John McMillan, Warrant Officer 3rd Class (PSM), No. 7008349 Born in Belfast, the son of John and Agnes Jean Clements. Husband of Margaret Clements, of Belfast. Died at sea on 19 October 1939, aged 38. Commemorated on the Brookwood Memorial, panel 14, column 3.
Dwyer, Stephen, Rifleman, No. 6104911 Born in Eire, he was the son of John and Christina Dwyer of Dublin. Killed on 11 November 1944 in the United Kingdom. Buried in St Bridget's Sec., grave V.K.3075. Commemorated at the Screen Wall, panel 1, Glasnevin/Prospect Cemetery, Dublin.
Harman, John, Rifleman, No. 5990060 The son of John William and Violet Mary Harman of King's Langley, Hampshire, he died on 10 August 1943 in the United Kingdom. Buried in King's Langley (All Saints) Churchyard.
Hunter, William Herbert, Captain, No. 224892 The son of Herbert Charles and Ellen Hunter of Belfast, Northern Ireland, he died on 11 October 1945. Buried in Munster Heath War Cemetery, grave 2.B.7.
Jones, Ian Russell Aylmer, Captain, No. 129585 The son of Felix Edward Aylmer and Cecily Minnie Jane (ones of Weybridge, Surrey, he was well known as an actor. Died on 20 February 1943, aged 26, in an accident. Buried in Clewer (St Andrews) Old Churchyard, NW corner.
Kidman, William Henry, Lance Corporal, No. 7022031 The son of Bertie Edward and Rosina Isabella Kidman of Dalston. He was the husband of Grace and was killed on 21 June 1942 in the United Kingdom. Buried in Manor Park Cemetery, collective grave 7.
Majurey, Thomas, Rifleman, No. 7013776 The son of Andrew and Dorothy Majurey of Belfast, he died on 3 June (lint 1940 in the United Kingdom. Buried in Belfast City Cemetery, Glenalina, Extn. Sec S.J. G312.
Mallett, Jack, Rifleman, No. 7011055 The son of Jeremiah and Emma Mallett of Londonderry, he died on 19 April 1941 in the United Kingdom. Buried in Londonderry City (lemetCI v.
Mathers, Ernerson, Rifleman, No. 7012008 Died 8 May 1940, aged 25. The husband of Susan Mathers, of Belfast. Buried in Karachi War Cemetery, grave 8.C.10.
McConnell, Charles, Rifleman, No. 7012767 The son of James and Elizabeth McConnell; husband of Catherine Jane McConnell, of Belfast. Died 11 September 1944. Buried Oscott College Cemetery, Birmingham, Section A, grave 306. He was 28 years old.
McCool. Francis, Rifleman. No. 3526964 Born in Fare, died on 19 December 1941, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Brookwood Memorial, panel 14, column 3.
MacFadden, John Terence, Lieutenant, No. 105619 From Belfast, he was the son of Doctor and Mrs. A.W.J. McFadden CB. An ex-pupil of Campbell College, Belfast, he had played rugby for Northern Ireland. After leaving school he was employed by the Prudential Insurance Service COMMISSIONED into the Artists Rifles and served as 1st Lieutenant with the Royal Ulster Rifles. Transferred to Airborne Forces, he had seen service in Sicily Served at Arnhem and was taken prisoner. He died of illness in Camp XIB , Fallingbostel, Buried in Hanover War Cemetery, but not listed on the Commonwealth War Graves Register.
McFaul, John George, Lieutenant, No. 137934 The son of Robert John and Achsah Louise McFaul of County Monaghan, Eire, he was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1941, aged 26. Buried Id Hereford Cemetery, plot A (C of E) grave 5560. His Mess song was 'Father O'Flynn'.
McGonigal, Eoin Christopher, Lieutenant, No. 97290 Killed in action, aged 20, while serving with the Special Air Service on 18 November 1941. The son of Mr Justice McGonigal, KC, and of Margaret McGonigal, of Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. His widowed mother lived at Kingstown, Dublin. Commemorated on the Alamein Memorial, column 71. He was the brother of Sir Ambrose McGonigal MC (RUR, 12 Commando and SAS) and of Mrs Letty Carson, wife of Colonel R.J.H. Carson OBE.
Millar, Thomas Hugh, Rifleman, No. 7012135 Died on 18 May 1943. Buried in Carnmoney Cemetery, Sec. A.G., grave 44.
Morrison, Robert, Rifleman, No. 7013673 Born in Belfast, the foster son of Rosina Reid, of Monkstown. He died on 2 March 1941, aged 25. Buried in Carnmoney (Holy Evangelists) Church of Ireland churchyard extension.
O'Sullivan, Robert Deyos, Lieutenant, No. 214657 Born in Hampshire, he died on 10 April 1943 while on attachment to No. 12 Commando. Buried in Lerwick New Cemetery, Terrace 7B, grave 9.
Owen, John Edward, Sergeant, No. 7022873 The son of George and Susan Owen and husband of Florence Maud of Bethnel Green, London, he died on 31 March 1946, aged 38; buried in Manor Park Cemetery, joint grave 30.
Pellatt, Ronald Frederick, Rifleman, No. 7016860 The son of Francis William and Rose Winifred Mabel Pellat of London, he died on 18 September 1940, aged 20. Greenwich Cemetery, Sec. G, collective grave 69, SW panel 4.
Pett, Cyril Jesse, Rifleman, No. 7018649 Born in London, he died on 28 April 1941. Buried in Abney Park Cemetery, Sec. M5, joint grave RN57128.
Phillips, Henry, WOI, No. 7006718 Born in Eire, he resided in London. Died on 16 April 1941 in the United Kingdom. Buried in Belfast City Cemetery, Glenlina, Extn. Sec. AS Gr93.
Sheane, Hugh Macleod, Captain, No. 176459 Born in Nottinghamshire, he joined the Battalion in 1943. Died in hospital in Helmond on 27 November 1944. Buried in Mierlo War Cemetery, grave III.F.II. Received an MID.
Smith, William Henry, Rifleman, No. 7013455 Killed on Tuesday, 20 June, aged 25. The son of William Henry and Mary Smith of 63 Weir Street, Belfast and husband of Mabel Beatrice Smith of Hereford; buried in Cambes-en-Plaine War Cemetery, row G 18. He had served for seven years in both Palestine and India.
Williams, Pryce Wilson, Rifleman, No. 4201794 Born in Merioneth, he was the son of David Morris and Catherine Williams of Llanbadarn, Cardiganshire. He died on 5 July 1943 and is buried in Staylittle Baptist Chapel yard on the west side of the church.
Wilson, Richard, Rifleman, No. 7013415 The son of Elizabeth Hogg of Belfast, he died as a result of shock following injuries caused by a bomb explosion on 26 February 1942, buried in Belfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. R.l. grave 266.