Over the years I have accumulated a near complete set of war diaries from the National Archives, covering the British Airborne Forces throughout the Second World War. This is a superb reference library, providing a daily record of everything that a particular unit was doing, whether in action overseas or training at home. Elements of these have been published on the website to help describe the various airborne operations, but this represents a mere fraction of the entire collection, which due to its sheer size, currently in excess of 67,000 pages, is unlikely to ever be made available on the site in any form.


It occurs to me that others could make excellent use of this material, so I would like to advertise what I have and offer it to anyone who would like a copy. As you might expect I am unable to do this for free, as the collection was an expensive 15 years in the making, and the maintenance and expansion of this website requires funding. Yet the fees are very reasonable in comparison to what it would cost to acquire these documents by visiting the National Archives in person or by hiring a private researcher. The fees are according to the number of pages in each individual document:


1-20 pages

21-100 pages

100+ pages

A memory stick of the entire collection






The war diaries are listed below, with the dates they span and the number of pages in brackets. The dates are believed to be a true indication of what is enclosed, but it is possible that a particular month was not included in the diary. If there is a specific date you are interested in, please get in touch so that I can check that it is included.


The diaries contain the daily record of events and, where available, operation orders, reports, sketches, and select examples of the weekly officers roll. The level of detail in each diary is entirely dependant upon the author; a month can be summarised with a single page, or a dozen sheets to describe one day. Each page is a jpeg photograph of 1280x960 resolution, compressed to a file size of around 100 kb, but not to a degree which has had a detrimental impact on quality. A typical example can be seen here.



When I was photographing these documents my goal was to take as many as I could in the time available, and as a result they are not perfectly framed, and a small few have defects; e.g. blurring due to a warped page in a file bound too tight, or missing words due to damaged or folded sheets which were not noticed at the time. On a rare occasion I discover that a page is missing, and some sections, largely concerning administrative policy, were deliberately omitted as they were not a priority at the time and I had limited space on my memory card. Also bear in mind that these are copies of the original documents; most of the pages are typed and very easy to read, but a good number have been handwritten and some of these are extremely difficult to decipher. If you would like to see a typical page from a specific diary, just let me know. In summary, this is a wonderful record, but it is neither perfect nor complete.


To Order

If you would like to request a document, email pegasusarchive@googlemail.com and tell me which file(s) you are interested in and your preferred method of payment - cheque, BACS or Paypal via the Donate page. I will then confirm the fee and whether there are any apparent quality concerns within the document. Once payment has been received the files will be emailed to you in zip format, or, if you want the entire collection, posted first class on a memory stick.


Special Orders

If you are interested in a war diary or other document which is not on this list and may not have any connection to the Airborne Forces at all, let me know and I will endeavour to acquire it for you. If you are able to wait for up to a year potentially, I will get it as part of my annual visit to the National Archives at a cost of £15 per document up to 200 pages, with a surcharge of £10 per 100 additional pages thereafter in the rare event that the document exceeds that limit. Payment is to be made after I have collected the document, except in the case of very large orders where I will require part payment in advance. If you need it as soon as possible, I will require a payment of £100 in advance to cover one day's travel and one document, thereafter the same as above per additional document. If you would like to place any special order, please email me first to discuss it.


New Documents, June 2024


        156 Parachute Battalion : WO 361/633 - Arnhem (188)

Brigades and Battalions

        7th Guards Brigade Headquarters : 1939 - September to 1940 - June (110)

Commandos and Special Forces

        No.30 Commando / Assault Unit : ADM 223/213 & 214 - History (221)

        WO 199/1849 - Formation of Irregular Commandos, June 1940 to September 1942 (161)

        WO 201/752 - Appointment of Commander of Raiding Forces, October to November 1942 (44)

        WO 201/767 - Raiding Forces, SAS, Miscellenaous Signals, August 1942 to March 1943 (350)

        WO 201/792 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, September to October 1943 (151)

        WO 201/802 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, February to August 1944 (241)

        WO 201/1653 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, September to October 1943 (99)


        3rd Infantry Division

                Headquarters : 1939 - September to 1940 - June (169)

        IV Corps

                Headquarters : 1944 - January to March (128)

Royal Artillery

        358 Battery, 109th Light Anti Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - June to August (3)

Royal Engineers

        23rd Airfield Construction Group, RE : 1944 - June to December (82)
        25th Airfield Construction Group, RE : 1944 - June to December (121)

Miscelleneous - Normandy

        ADM 179/325 - Navigational Equipment in Landing Ships Allocated to Operation Overlord (14)

        ADM 179/353 - Operation Hardtack 4, December 1943 to January 1944 (9)

        ADM 199/1657A - Operation Neptune Reports (340)

        AIR 14/3266 - Information on Enemy RDF ORS (241)

        AIR 14/3268 - Information on Enemy RDF ORS (235)

        AIR 20/1638 - The Location of German Coastal Radar (22)

        AIR 37/1439 - Reports of Operation Neptune of HQ Ships and Fighter Direction Tenders (101)

        WO 219/2804 - DD Tanks, History of Development, etc. (147)

Miscellaneous Documents - Airborne Forces

        CAB 122/703 - Airborne Forces, September 1943 to August 1944 (96)


        AIR 20/6017 - Exploit of Flying Officer Manifould, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, German RDF radar stations, 1941 (6)
        WO 199/1480 - Reorganisation of Northern Command Home Guard, October 1940 to March 1941 (47)
        WO 199/1506 - Moves of Formations and Units, July 1940 to February 1941 (60)


New Documents, March 2024


Commandos and Special Forces

        Headquarters Special Service Brigade : 1940 - October to 1941 - February (1)

        No.5 Special Service Battalion : 1940 - December to 1941 - February (5)

        WO 201/756 - Raiding Forces, Plans of Operations, July 1942 to January 1943 (61)
        WO 201/771 - Raiding Forces, Long Range Desert Group, General Policy, Reports, June 1942 to April 1943 (61)
        WO 201/789 - Notes on Combined Operations, December 1942 (12)
        WO 201/791 - Operation Reports Raiding Forces, Mitylene September to October 1943 (11)
        WO 201/2202 - Directives to Commanders, Long Range Desert Group, Raiding Forces, GHQ Liaison Squadron, March 1943 to January 1944 (29)

Brigades and Battalions

        1st Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (194)
        2nd Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (208)
        3rd Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (157)

        6th Guards Tank Brigade

                4th Battalion The Coldstream Guards

                        1944 - January to December (113)

                        1945 - January, March to June (123)

        7th Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders : 1944 - January to December (106)

        7th Battalion The Black Watch : 1944 - January to December (157)


        52nd (Lowland) Division

                241st Field Company, RE : 1945 - January to December (115)

Other Units

        53rd Divisional Provost Company, CMP

                1944 - January to December (48)

                1945 - January to December (79)

Miscellaneous Documents - Airborne Forces

        WO 201/2386 - Airborne Brigade Group Policy, October 1941 to March 1942 (26)
        WO 204/4372 - Provision of Bases for Airborne Divisions, May to September 1943 (126)
        WO 204/5137 - Operation Slapstick, situation reports, 1943 (7)
        WO 204/10504 - 1st Airborne Division in Italy (11)


        WO 32/21934 - Army Medal Office, Operation Musketeer, 1957 (32)

        WO 73/25 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, July to December 1882. July and August only (201)

        WO 73/98 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, September to December 1914 (371)

        WO 73/105 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, January to April 1917. April only (217)

        WO 73/151 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, 31st December 1941 (233)

        WO 199/1334 - Provision of Drafs from Home Forces, October 1943 to March 1944 (102)

        WO 199/3247 - Strength of the Home Guard, 1940 to 1942 (104)

        WO 212/252 - 21st Army Group strength, December 1944 to April 1945 (163)

        WO 212/292 - Middle East, North Africa, Africa, 15th Army Group strength, March to May 1945 (121)

        WO 212/375 - India and South East Asia Command strengths, February 1945 (122)

        WO 365/23 - Colonial and Indian Troops and Local Colonial Forces strengths, 1939 to 1942 (280)



1st British Airborne Corps1st Airborne Division6th Airborne Division44th (Indian) Airborne Division2nd Independent Parachute Brigade GroupGlider Pilot RegimentAir Despatch UnitsCommandos and Special Forces,  Miscellaneous - Divisions (complete),  Brigades and BattalionsRoyal Army Service CorpsRoyal ArtilleryRoyal EngineersRoyal NavyRoyal Air ForceOther UnitsMiscellaneous Documents - Airborne ForcesMiscellaneous Documents - NormandyMiscellaneous Documents - SicilyMiscellaneous Documents.


1st British Airborne Corps


Corps Headquarters

        1943 - December (1)

        1944 - August to September (222)

        1945 - January to June (16)

Deputy Director Mechanical Engineers

        1945 - January to February, April to May (7)

Deputy Director Ordnance Services

        1944 - May to August, November (15)



1st Airborne Division


Divisional Headquarters (including Adjutant and Quartermaster Branch)

        1941 - December to 1942 - December (144)

        1943 - January to December (355)

        1944 - January to December (400)

        1945 - January to November (253)

Headquarters, Royal Artillery

        1942 - September to November, 1943 - April, July to November (11)

        1944 - March to December (18)

        1945 - January to November (66)

Headquarters, Royal Engineers

        1941 - November to 1942 - December (23)

        1943 - January to November (89)

        1944 - January to December (86)

        1945 - January to December (69)

Headquarters, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

        1942 - May to December (38)

        1943 - January to February, April to June (18)

        1944 - May to December (16)

        1945 - January to May (29)

Headquarters, Royal Army Medical Corps

        1941 - December to 1945 - November (208)

Headquarters, Royal Army Service Corps

        1942 - May to December (48)

        1943 - April to September (27)

        1944 - January to December (55)

        1945 - January to April, June to November (48)


1st Parachute Brigade


        1941 - September to December (10)

        1942 - January to September (57)

        1942 - November to 1943 - December (340)

        1944 - January to December (136)

        1945 - January to December (99)

Headquarters, Royal Army Medical Corps

        1945 - May to July (54)

1st Parachute Battalion

        1941 - Operation Colossus files (233)

        1941 - July to 1942 - September (43)

        1942 - December to 1943 - December (85)

        1944 - January to December (53)

        1945 - January to February, November to December (24)

2nd Parachute Battalion

        1941 - October to 1942 - October (70)

        1942 - November to 1943 - July, September to December (241)

        1944 - January to December (220)

        1945 - January to December (115)

        Bruneval Raid Files

                ADM 1/14233 - Raids on Bruneval, St Nazaire, and Dieppe, awards to Naval personnel (75)

                AIR 8/867 - Capture of German RDF Equipment (8)

                AIR 16/755 - Operation Biting, air aspects (65)

                AIR 20/1546 - Final Technical Report on German RDF Eqpt (74), including duplicates AVIA 26/1872 (62) and AVIA 26/2132 (15)

                AIR 32/8 - Training in Combined Operations (164)

                AIR 39/1 - Bruneval Raid photographs (40)

                AIR 39/43 - Operation Biting (65)
                AIR 40/3057 - Air Scientific Intelligence Report (61) including duplicate AIR 20/1631 (60)

                DEFE 2/103 - Bruneval and Boulogne Raid photographs (48)

                DEFE 40/2 - Miscellaneous Papers (71)

                WO 106/4132 - Biting: Raid on Radio Location Station (30)

                WO 106/4133 - Report by Major F.A.M. Browning on Operation Biting (30)

                WO 199/3230 - R.E. Aspects of the Bruneval Raid (6)

3rd Parachute Battalion

        1941 - September to 1942 - November (18)

        1942 - November to 1943 - July (44)

        1944 - January to December (25)

        1945 - January to March (11)

1st Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA

        1940 - July to 1941 - December (90)

        1942 - January to December (40)

        1943 - January, April to July (20)

        1944 - January to July, September, November, December (30)

        1945 - January to July (37)

1st Parachute Squadron, RE

        1941 - November to 1942 - December (40)

        1943 - January to December (99)

        1944 - January to March, June to December (25)

        1945 - January to March, May to August (18)

16th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1942 - April to 1944 - October (331)

1st Parachute Brigade Signals

        1942 - October to 1943 - July (268)


4th Parachute Brigade


        1942 - December to 1943 - December (89)

        1944 - January to September (84)

Defence Platoon

        1943 - September to October (34)

156 Parachute Battalion

        1942 - October to December (7)

        1943 - January to December (41)

        1944 - March to April, June to October (23)

        WO 361/633 - Arnhem (188)

10th Parachute Battalion

        1943 - January to December (85)

        1944 - January to September, November (35)

11th Parachute Battalion

        1943 - March to December (37)

        1944 - January to July, September to October (29)

2nd (Oban) Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA

        1942 - January to December (12)

        1943 - January, April to June (7)

        1944 - March to December (30)

        1945 - January to April (22)

4th Parachute Squadron, RE

        1943 - January to December (77)

        1944 - January to October (48)

133rd Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1943 - January to 1945 - November (148)

4th Parachute Brigade Signals

        1943 - January (20)


1st Airlanding Brigade


        1942 - January to December (114)

        1943 - January to December (190)

        1944 - January to December (95)

        1945 - January to November (129)

1st Battalion The Border Regiment

        1940 - June to 1941 - December (75)

        1942 - January to December (24)

        1943 - January to July, September to October, December (125)

        1944 - January to December (94)

        1945 - January to December (91)

2nd Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment

        1940 - July to 1941 - December (35)

        1942 - January to December (27)

        1943 - January to April, June to December (76)

        1944 - January to December (84)

        1945 - January to December (67)

7th Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers

        1941 - January to December (27)

        1942 - January to December (26)

        1943 - January to December (44)

        1944 - January to December (96)

        1945 - January to November (68)

181st Airlanding Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1939 - December to 1945 - October (221)

1st Airlanding Light Aid Detachment, REME

        1943 - April to July (28)        


Divisional Units

1st Airlanding Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, RA

        1943 - March to April (3)

        1944 - January to February (2)

1st Airlanding Light Regiment, RA

        1941 - February to March, May to June, August to December (33)

        1942 - January to March, May to December (44)

        1943 - February to August, November to December (42)

        1944 - January to June, August to December (54)

        1945 - January to March, May September (13)

1st Anti-Tank Regiment, RA

        1945 - March to July (31)

No.1 Forward Observation Unit, RA

        1944 - June to December (43)

1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron

        1941 - December to 1942 - December (56)

        1943 - January to August, November to December (36)

        1944 - February to December (99)

        1945 - January to September (72)

1st Airborne Divisional Signals

        1943 - February to April, November to December (24)

        1944 - May to December (122)

        1945 - January to November (68)

9th Field Company, RE

        1940 - June to 1941 - December (78)

        1942 - January to December (26)

        1943 - January to December (60)

        1944 - January to December (44)

        1945 - January to December (25)

        Operation Freshman files

                AIR 20/3648 - Operation Freshman (36)

                AIR 20/4527 - Operation Freshman (11)

                AIR 20/11930 - Operation Freshman (23)

                AIR 81/20032 - Sgt Fraser, P/O Davies RAAF, killed Operation Freshman (19)

                DEFE 2/219 - Part 1: Orders, Reports and Miscellaneous Papers (180)

                DEFE 2/220 - Operation Freshman, Part 2, Intelligence (117)

                DEFE 2/221 - Operation Freshman, Part 3, Reports, Lessons Learned (17)

                DEFE 2/223 - Freshman (107)

                DEFE 2/224 - Freshman (185)

                DEFE 2/1408 - Photographs, Diagrams and Plans (22)

                WO 309/720 - Operation Freshman, killing of commandos (19)

                WO 311/16, 383, 386, and 387 - War crimes files (282)

                WO 331/17 - Operation Freshman, killing of survivors of crashed glider (17)

                WO 331/18 - Freshman: killing of survivors (146)

                WO 361/420 - Norway casualties, only elements referring to Freshman (27)

21st Independent Parachute Company

        1942 - June to December (8)

        1943 - January to April, July to August, November to December (26)

        1944 - January to December (40)

        1945 - January, May to December (14)

93rd Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - January to May, July to November (36)

        1944 - January to December (59)

        1945 - January to December (27)

250th Light Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - January to December (66)

        1944 - January to December (63)

        1945 - January to December (81)

261st Field Park Company, RE

        1939 - September to 1941 - December (58)

        1943 - January to December (33)

        1944 - January to December (53)

        1945 - January to December (51)        

1st Airborne Ordnance Field Park, RAOC

        1942 - April to December (38)

        1943 - January to February, May to December (54)

        1944 - January to December (42)

        1945 - January to November (61)

1st Airborne Divisional Workshops, REME

        1943 - July to December (12)

        1944 - January to December (35)

        1945 - May to November (20)

1st Airborne Provost Company, CMP

        1943 - May to December (25)

        1944 - January to September (14)

        1945 - January to September (22)

1st Airborne Postal Unit, RE

        1942 - June to December (7)

        1943 - January to March, May to October (18)

        1944 - January to December (14)

        1945 - January to November (27)



6th Airborne Division


Divisional Headquarters (including Adjutant and Quartermaster Branch)

        1943 - May to August (50)

        1944 - January to December (186)

        1945 - January to August (76)

Headquarters, Royal Artillery

        1943 - May to October (2)

        1944 - January to December (8)

        1945 - January to September (46)

Headquarters, Royal Army Service Corps

        1944 - May to June (16)

        1945 - January to May (98)

Headquarters, Royal Engineers

        1943 - May to December (20)

        1944 - January to December (112)

        1945 - January to August (29)

Headquarters, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

        1943 - September to December (11)

        1944 - January to December (11)

        1945 - January to August (15)

Headquarters, Royal Army Medical Corps

        1943 - June to 1946 - June (109)


3rd Parachute Brigade


        1942 - November to 1943 - December (33)

        1944 - January to December (79)

        1945 - January to August (70)

1st Canadian Parachute Battalion

        1943 - August to December (21)

        1944 - January to December (42)

        1945 - January to June (52)

8th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - November to December (3)

        1943 - January to December (28)

        1944 - January to April, June to December (117)

        1945 - January to May (46)

9th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - November to December (8)

        1943 - January to December (58)

        1944 - January to December (103)

        1945 - January to May (73)

3rd Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA

        1944 - February to December (59)

        1945 - January to April (21)

3rd Parachute Squadron, RE

        1943 - January to December (34)

        1944 - January to December (65)

        1945 - January to May, July to December (84)

        1946 - January to June (38)

224th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1940 - August to 1943 - December (105)

        1944 - January to 1945 - May (210)


5th Parachute Brigade


        1943 - June to December (19)

        1944 - January to December (100)

        1945 - January to May, July to December (97)

        1946 - January to August (68)

7th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - November to December (9)

        1943 - January to December (46)

        1944 - January to December (141)

        1945 - January to May, July to December (72)

        1946 - January to June (46)

12th Parachute Battalion

        1943 - June to December (23)

        1944 - January to December (62)

        1945 - January to December (104)

        1946 - January to June (13)

13th Parachute Battalion

        1943 - January to December (24)

        1944 - January to December (79)

        1945 - January to April, September to December (63)

        1946 - January to December (18)

        Mutiny - (19)

4th Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA

        1944 - February to December (39)

        1945 - January to April (10)

591st Parachute Squadron, RE

        1940 - October to 1941 - December (11)

        1942 - January to December (25)

        1943 - January to December (12)

        1944 - January to December (16)

        1945 - January to March (15)

225th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1940 - November to 1943 - January (88)

        1943 - June to December (15)

        1944 - January to 1947 - August (146)


6th Airlanding Brigade


        1943 - May to December (21)

        1944 - January to December (171)

        1945 - January to September (227)

1st Battalion The Royal Ulster Rifles

        1940 - August to 1941 - December (97)

        1942 - January to December (30)

        1943 - January to December (25)

        1944 - January to September, December (223)

        1945 - January to March (36)

2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

        1940 - July to 1941 - December (39)

        1942 - January to December (71)

        1943 - January to December (85)

        1944 - January to December (132)

        1945 - January to May (42)

12th Battalion The Devonshire Regiment

        1940 - November to 1941 - June (343)

        1941 - November to 1942 - December (90)

        1943 - January to December (19)

        1944 - January to December (67)

        1945 - January to September (69)

249th Field Company, RE

        1943 - January to December (48)

        1944 - January to August, October to December (106)

        1945 - January to May (82)

195th Airlanding Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1940 - June to 1942 - December, 1943 - May to December (99)

        1944 - January to 1945 - May (124)


Divisional Units

53rd Airlanding Light Regiment, RA

        1944 - January to April, June to December (112)

        1945 - January to September (102)

2nd Airlanding Anti-Tank Regiment, RA

        1945 - February to May (33)

2nd Airlanding Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, RA

        1944 - February to 1945 - January (22)

No.2 Forward Observation Unit, RA

        1944 - August to September (5)

6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment, RAC

        1942 - June to December (17)

        1943 - January to December (43)

        1944 - January to December (47)

        1945 - January to July (63)

6th Airborne Divisional Signals

        1943 - May to December (27)

        1944 - June to September (24)

        1944 - December to 1945 - June (60)

22nd Independent Parachute Company

        1943 - October to December (6)

        1944 - January to October, December (29)

        1945 - January to April, July to December (30)

        1946 - January to August (44)

63rd Composite Company, RASC

        1942 - January to December (51)

        1944 - January to December (37)

        1945 - January to April (26)

398th Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - January to December (46)

        1944 - January to December (55)

        1945 - January to April, November to December (40)

        1946 - February - June (19)

716th Light Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - June to December (13)

        1944 - January to December (47)

        1945 - January to May (36)

286th Field Park Company, RE

        1943 - January to December (14)

        1944 - January to December (24)

        1945 - January to July (14)

6th Airborne Ordnance Field Park, RAOC

        1943 - September to December (4)

        1944 - January to December (41)

        1945 - January to September (52)

6th Airborne Divisional Workshops, REME

        1944 - January to December (62)

        1945 - January to September (31)

6th Airborne Provost Company, CMP

        1943 - May to December (26)

        1944 - January to December (45)

        1945 - January to June (37)

6th Airborne Postal Unit, RE

        1943 - August to December (26)

        1944 - January to December (24)

        1945 - January to September (13)



44th (Indian) Airborne Division


Divisional Headquarters

        1944 - December to 1945 - December (32)

Headquarters, Royal Artillery

        1944 - November to 1945 - December (28)

Headquarters, Royal Engineers

        1944 - October to 1945 - December (14)

Headquarters, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

        1944 - November to December (9)

        1945 - January to December (42)

Headquarters, Royal Army Service Corps

        1944 - September to 1945 - December (26)


50th (Indian) Parachute Brigade


        1944 - March to July (81)

16th Parachute Battalion

        1945 - April to June (5)

152nd (Indian) Parachute Battalion

        1944 - February to July (86)

441st Parachute Squadron, RE

        1944 - March to December (33)

        1945 - January to February (3)


77th (Indian) Parachute Brigade

15th Parachute Battalion

        1945 - April to December (25)

        1946 - January to October (67)


14th Airlanding Brigade

2nd Battalion The Black Watch

        1942 - April to December (106)

        1943 - January to December (119)

        1944 - January to December (120)

        1945 - January to December (88)

6th Battalion The 16th Punjab Regiment

        1941 - December to 1942 - December (22)

        1943 - January to December (12)

        1944 - January to May (5)

        1945 - February to August (13)


Divisional Units

23rd Light Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Tank Regiment, RA

        1942 - April to November (13)

        1943 - January to December (37)

        1944 - January to December (35)

        1945 - January to December (41)

        1946 - January to February (5)

123rd Parachute Field Regiment, RA

        1942 - August to December (42)

        1943 - January to August (105)

        1944 - April to December (51)

        1945 - January to December (68)

        1946 - January to July (25)

158th Parachute Field Regiment, RA

        1944 - January to June, October to December (103)

        1946 - January to August, October to November (20)

159th Parachute Field Regiment, RA

        1941 - April to December (39)

        1942 - January to June, December (42)

        1943 - January to December (51)

        1944 - January to June (55)

        1945 - January to December (47)

        1946 - January to August, October to November (38)

        1947 - July to December (6) (as 87th Airborne Field Regiment)

        1948 - March, June (2) (as 87th Airborne Field Regiment)

12th Parachute Squadron, RE

        1945 - May to December (19)

        1946 - January to October (20)

80th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1944 - March to 1945 - September (15)

44th Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron

        1945 - July (2)

44th Airborne Divisional Signals

        1944 - September to December (15)

        1945 - January to December (43)

44th Airborne Pathfinder Company

        1945 - June to December (43)

        1946 - January to February (15)

44th Airborne Provost Company

        1945 - August to November (4)



2nd Independent Parachute Brigade Group


Brigade Headquarters (Including Base and Depot)

        1942 - July to December (9)

        1943 - January to December (96)

        1944 - January to December (356) - Including reports and miscellaneous documents 

        1945 - January to September (247) - Including History of the 2nd Parachute Brigade

4th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - January to December (66)

        1943 - January to December (117)

        1944 - January to December (156)

        1945 - January to June (56)

5th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - July to December (8)

        1943 - January to December (89)

        1944 - January to December (271)

        1945 - January to June (58)

6th Parachute Battalion

        1942 - August to December (8)

        1943 - January to February, April to December (61)

        1944 - January to December (141)

        1945 - January to June (31)

64th Airlanding Light Battery, RA

        1944 - May to December (121)

        1945 - January to May (53)

300th Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA

        1941 - October (11)

        1943 - January to December (34)

        1944 - January to December (59)

        1945 - January to May (16)

2nd Parachute Squadron, RE

        1943 - January to February, April to December (47)

        1944 - January to December (148)

        1945 - January to June (32)

127th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC

        1944 - October to December (11)

        1945 - September to 1946 - June (49)

1st Independent Parachute Platoon

        1943 - November to December (7)

        1944 - January to December (60)

        1945 - January to June (17)

751 Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - November to December (13)

        1944 - January to December (137)

        1945 - January to May (35)

2nd Parachute Brigade Workshops, REME

        1943 - November to December (10)

        1944 - January to December (60)

        1945 - January to September (25)

2nd Parachute Brigade Provost Unit, CMP

        1944 - May to December (24)

        1945 - January to June (11)



The Glider Pilot Regiment



        1944 - June to December (151)

        1945 - January to August (218)

No.1 Wing

        1942 - July to December (34)

        1943 - July to December (33)

        1944 - January to December (193)

        1945 - January to December (292)

No.2 Wing

        1942 - August to December (20)

        1944 - April to December (34)

        1945 - January to October (21)

1st Independent Glider Pilot Squadron (2nd Parachute Brigade)

        1943 - December to 1944 - December (22)

        1945 - January to May (9)

10th Glider Pilot Squadron (44th (Indian) Airborne Division)

        1945 - January to February (15)



Air Despatch Units


48 Air Despatch Group


        1944 - July to December (26)

        1945 - January to December (40)

223rd Composite Company, RASC

        1944 - January to December (39)

        1945 - March to December (21)

799th Composite Company, RASC

        1944 - May to December (64)

        1945 - January to February (8)

800th Composite Company, RASC

        1944 - May to December (47)

        1945 - January to December (53)


49 Air Despatch Group


        1944 - July to December (35)

        1945 - January to August (49)

63rd Composite Company, RASC (see 6th Airborne Division)

253rd Composite Company, RASC

        1943 - January to April, July to December (84)

        1944 - January to December (89)

        1945 - January to November (76)


Other Units

165th Composite Company, RASC

        1944 - January to December (34)

        1945 - January to March (7)



Commandos and Special Forces


Headquarters Special Service Brigade

        1940 - October to 1941 - February (1)

1st Special Service Brigade : 1944 - June to September (14)

        1st Special Service Signals : 1944 - June to September (14)

4th Special Service Brigade : 1944 - June to September, November (178)

        4th Special Service Brigade, Chronological History, 1943-1946, DEFE 2/701 (52)

No.2 Commando : 1943 - January to December (101)

No.3 Commando

        1940 - June to 1941 - March, September to December (43)

        1942 - January to December (32)

        1943, January to December (214)

        1944 - January to December (243)

        1945 - January, March to November (139)

No.4 Commando

        1940 - June to November to 1941 - February to December (44)

        1942 - January to December (39)

        1943 - January to December (20)

        1944 - January to December (107)

        1945 - January to December (123)

No.5 Special Service Battalion

        1940 - December to 1941 - February (5)

No.6 Commando

        1940 - July to November (10)

        1941 - March to December (98)

        1942 - January to December (97)

        1943 - January to December (125)

        1944 - January to December (96)

        1945 - January to November (165)

No.10 (Inter-Allied) Commando

        1942 - June to December (22)

        1943 - January to December (52)

        1944 - January to November (79)

        1945 - January to September (28)

No.30 Commando / Assault Unit

        ADM 223/213 & 214 - History (221)

        ADM 202/308 - 1944 - June to 1945 - April (85)

No.41 (Royal Marine) Commando

        1942 - November to 1943 - May, July to August (24)

        1944 - June to December (124)

        1945 - January to December, 1946 - February (155)

No.45 (Royal Marine) Commando

        1943 - August to December (75)

        1944 - January to December (194)

        1945 - January to December (240)

        1946 - January to December (92)

No.46 (Royal Marine) Commando

        1943 - August to December (8)

        1944 - January to December (75)

        1945 - January to December (102)

No.47 (Royal Marine) Commando

        1943 - August to December (38)

        1944 - January to March, July to December (50)

        1945 - January to December (103)

No.48 (Royal Marine) Commando

        1944 - January to December (255)

        1945 - January to December (444)

Miscellaneous Documents

        SAS Regiment in Italy, Taranto to Termoli, 1943 (13)

        WO 199/1849 - Formation of Irregular Commandos, June 1940 to September 1942 (161)

        WO 201/752 - Appointment of Commander of Raiding Forces, October to November 1942 (44)

        WO 201/756 - Raiding Forces, Plans of Operations, July 1942 to January 1943 (61)

        WO 201/767 - Raiding Forces, SAS, Miscellenaous Signals, August 1942 to March 1943 (350)
        WO 201/771 - Raiding Forces, Long Range Desert Group, General Policy, Reports, June 1942 to April 1943 (61)
        WO 201/789 - Notes on Combined Operations, December 1942 (12)
        WO 201/791 - Operation Reports Raiding Forces, Mitylene September to October 1943 (11)

        WO 201/792 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, September to October 1943 (151)

        WO 201/802 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, February to August 1944 (241)

        WO 201/1653 - Raiding Forces, Middle East, September to October 1943 (99)

        WO 201/2202 - Directives to Commanders, Long Range Desert Group, Raiding Forces, GHQ Liaison Squadron, March 1943 to January 1944 (29)

        WO 219/190 - SAS Operations in Brittany - Operations Samwest (including Wash), Dingson (including Grog), Cooney, Lost, Derry (120)






IV Corps

         Headquarters : 1944 - January to March (128)

3rd Infantry Division

        Headquarters : 1939 - September to 1940 - June (169)

52nd (Lowland) Division

        Divisional Headquarters (including Adjutant & Quartermaster Branch) : 1944 - September to December (93)

        Headquarters, Royal Artillery : 1944 - September to December (85)

        Headquarters, Royal Engineers : 1944 - September to December (95)

        155th Infantry Brigade

                Headquarters : 1944 - October to December (122)

                4th Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers : 1944 - January to December (54)

                5th Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers : 1944 - January to December (95)

                7/9th Battalion The Royal Scots Fusiliers : 1944 - January to December (108)

        156th Infantry Brigade

                Headquarters : 1944 - January to December (88)

                4/5th Battalion The Royal Scots Fusiliers : 1944 - January to December (125)

                6th (Lanarkshire) Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) : 1944 - January to December (35)

                7th Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) : 1944 - January to July, August to December (108)

        157th Infantry Brigade

                Headquarters : 1944 - September to December (131)

                1st Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers : 1944 - January to December (148)

                5th Battalion The Highland Light Infantry : 1944 - January to April, June to December (36)

                6th Battalion The Highland Light Infantry : 1944 - October to December (106)

        7th Battalion The Manchester Regiment : 1944 - January to December (84)

        52nd (Lowland) Divisional Signals : 1944 - September to December (267)

        1st Mountain Regiment, RA : 1944 - October to December (18)

        54th Anti-Tank Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to December (42)

        79th Field Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to July, September to December (48)

        80th Field Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to December (40)

        108th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to December (54)

        186th Field Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to December (104)

        202nd Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (48)

        241st Field Company, RE

                1944 - January to December (106)

                1945 - January to December (115)

        243rd Field Park Company, RE : 1944 - January to July, September to December (35)

        554th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (51)

79th Armoured Division

        Divisional Headquarters (including Adjutant & Quartermaster Branch) : 1944 - September to December (39)

        1 Assault Brigade, RE

                Headquarters : 1944 - September to December (61)

                1 Assault Brigade Signals : 1944 - June to December (29)

                1 Assault Brigade RE, Ordnance Field Park, RAOC : 1944 - February to December (15)

                5 Assault Regiment, RE : 1944 - September to December (58)

                        26 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - September to December (29)

                        77 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - January to December (100)

                        79 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - January to December (149)

                        80 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - January to December (176)

                6 Assault Regiment, RE : 1944 - September to December (50)

                        81 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - September to October, December (37)

                        82 Assault Squadron, RE : 1944 - September to December (56)

                        87 Assault Squadron, RE - 1944 - September to December (99)

                        284 Assault Squadron, RE - 1944 - September to December (40)

        30th Armoured Brigade

                Headquarters : 1944 - October to December (127)

                1st Battalion The Lothian and Border Yeomanry : 1944 - January to December (171)

                11th Battalion The Royal Tank Regiment : 1944 - April to December (74)

        79th Armoured Divisional Signals : 1944 - January to December (55)

        149th Assault Park Squadron, RE : 1944 - January to June (9)


Brigades and Battalions

        6th Guards (Tank) Brigade : 1945 - February to May (128)

                4th Battalion The Coldstream Guards

                        1944 - January to December (113)

                        1945 - January, March to June (123)

                3rd Battalion The Scots Guards : 1945 - March to May (30)

                4th Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1945 - March to May (24)

                229th Company, RASC : 1945 - March to May (23)

        7th Guards Brigade Headquarters : 1939 - September to 1940 - June (110)

        49th Indian Infantry Brigade

                1943 - November to December (19)

                1944 - January to May (33)

        185th Infantry Brigade : 1944 - January to June (360)

        7th Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders : 1944 - January to December (106)

        1st Battalion The Assam Regiment

                1942 - June, August to December (21)

                1943 - January to December (80)

                1944 - January to February, April to May (74)

                1945 - January to December (163)

                1946 - January to October (52)

        1st Battalion The Black Watch : 1944 - 9th to 30th June (9)

        5th Battalion The Black Watch : 1944 - June (13)

        7th Battalion The Black Watch : 1944 - January to December (157)

        6th Battalion The Border Regiment

                1943 - January to December (54)

                1944 - January to August (216)

        1st Buckinghamshire Battalion : 1944 - 27th July to August (15)

        4th Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment : 1944 - September (10)

        1st Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (194)
        2nd Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (208)
        3rd Battalion The Grenadier Guards : 1939 September to 1940 June (157)

        Inns of Court Regiment : 1945 - March to May (61)

        2nd Battalion The Irish Guards : 1944 - January to December (290)

        3rd Battalion The Irish Guards : 1944 - January to December (79)

        Kalibahadur Regiment : 1944 - January to February, April to December (30)

        4th Battalion, 5th Mahratta Light Infantry : 1944 - January to December (223)

        1st Battalion, 1st Punjab Regiment : 1944 - January to May (43)

        2nd Battalion, 1st Punjab Regiment : 1944 - January to December (99)

        4th Battalion The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment : 1944 - January to December (254)

        13th/18th Royal Hussars : 1944 - June (10)

        The Royal Scots Greys : 1945 - March to May (35)

        44th Battalion The Royal Tank Regiment : 1945 - March (21)

        15th (Scottish) Reconnaissance Regiment : 1945 - March to May (27)

        2nd Battalion The Somerset Light Infantry : 1944 - March to December (188)

        2nd Battalion The Warwickshire Regiment : 1944 - 4th to 8th June (5)


Royal Army Service Corps

        No.1 Air Composite Platoon, RASC : 1945 - February to October (33)

        No.2 Air Composite Platoon, RASC : 1945 - February to October (46)

        6 Line of Communication Sub-Area : 1944 - August to December (77)

        19th (General Transport) Company, RASC : 1945 - March to May (40)

        30 Line of Communication Transport Column, RASC : 1944 - January to December (79)

        31 Line of Communication Transport Column, RASC : 1944 - January to December (69)

        104th (Army Transport) Company, RASC : 1945 - April to May (37)

        199 General Transport Column, RASC : 1944 - January to December (116)

        297 General Transport Company, RASC : 1944 - January to December (533)

        648th (Army Transport) Company, RASC : 1945 - March to May (19)


Royal Artillery

        1st Canadian Centaury Battery, RCA : 1944 - August to September (9)

        3rd Super Heavy Regiment, RA : 1944 - September to December (85)

        6th Field Regiment, RA

                1944 - June (44)

                1945 - March to May (19)

        8th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, RA : 1944 - January to November (22)

        9th Army Group Royal Artillery : 1944 - January to December (91)

        10th Survey Regiment, RA : 1945 - March to May (102)

        15th Indian Mountain Battery : 1944 - January to December (29)

        25th Field Regiment, RA : 1945 - March to May (46)

        52nd Heavy Regiment, RA : 1944 - September (5)

        53rd Medium Regiment, RA : 1944 - June (21)

        59th Army Group Royal Artillery : 1944 - September to December (88)

        60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - August (2)

        62nd Anti-Tank Regiment, RA : 1944 - January to April, June to December (242)

        63rd Anti-Tank Regiment, RA : 1945 - March to May (33)

        64th Medium Regiment, RA : 1944 - September (24)

        65th Medium Regiment, RA

                1944 - January to December (89)

                1945 - January to December (118)

        76th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, RA : 1944 - September to December (113)

        79th (Scottish) Medium Regiment, RA : 1944 - June (7)

        84th (Sussex) Medium Regiment, RA : - 1944 - September to December (224)

        107th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - June to 8th September (10)

        115th Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - September to December (33)

        121st Medium Regiment, RA : 1944 - September to December (93)

        150th Field Regiment, RA : 1944 - June to 6th September (34)

        155th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1942 - April to December (55)

        162nd Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1945 - January to December (13)

        170th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA

                1942 - August to December (23)

                1943 - January to December (44)

                1944 - January to December (39)

        191st Field Regiment, RA : 1944 - June to 20th September (11)

        245th Anti-Tank Battery, RA : 1944 - June to December (95)

        246th Anti Tank Battery, RA : 1944 - June to December (53)

        247th Anti Tank Battery, RA : 1944 - June to December (48)

        248th Anti- Tank Battery, RA : 1944 - June to December (41)

        358 Battery, 109th Light Anti Aircraft Regiment, RA : 1944 - June to August (3)


Royal Engineers

        No.2 Port Operating Group, RE, : 1944 - June to December (46)

        No.3 Railway Operating Group, RE : 1944 - January to December (53)

        5th Field Company, RCE : 1944 - September (12)
        No.8 Port Operating Group, RE, : 1944 - June to December (60)

        No.9 Port Operating Group, RE : 1945 - January to September (360)

        No.11 Port Operating Group, RE : 1944 - June to December (105)

        20th Field Company, RCE : 1944 - September (17)

        23rd Airfield Construction Group, RE : 1944 - June to December (82)

        23rd Field Company, RCE : 1944 - September (11)
        25th Airfield Construction Group, RE : 1944 - June to December (121)

        59th G.H.Q. Troops, RE : 1944 - September to December (71)

        71st Indian Field Company, IE : 1944 - January to December (56)

        72nd Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (86)

        74th Indian Field Company, IE : 1944 - January to March (23)

        85th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (90)

        100th Field Company, RE : 1945 - March to May (24)

        184th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (49)

        204th Field Company, RE : 1944 - September (7)

        213rd Field Company, RE : 1944 - February to December (133)

        234th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (163)

        260th Field Company, RE : 1944 - September (9)

        509th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (41)

        510th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (33)

        511th Field Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (43)

        617th Assault Squadron, RE

                1944 - January to December (40)

                1945 - January to July (67)

        927 Inland Water Transport Light Aid Workshop Company, RE : 1945 - January to December (192)

        927 Railway Workshop Company, RE : 1944 - January to December (136)

        966 Inland Water Transport Operating Company, RE : 1945 - January to June (86)

        981 Inland Water Transport Heavy Workshop Company, RE

                1944 - January to December (84)

                1945 - January to November (82)


Royal Navy

        HMS Aurora : 1943 - January to March, May to December (360)

        HMS Black Prince : 1944 - June (61)
        HMS Danae : 1944 - June (63)
        HMS Hawkins : 1944 - June (61)


Royal Air Force

        AIR 14/1081 - 192 Squadron, organisation, 1943 (59)

        AIR 14/2928 - 192 Squadron, flight reports, 1943 to 1945 (265)

        AIR 14/3575 - Chimney investigation, 192 Squadron special patrols, 1943 to 1945 (109)

        AIR 14/3588 - 192 Squadron technical reports, 1943 to 1944 (66)

        AIR 20/10194 - 192 Squadron historical records (7)

        AVIA 7/3798 - Report on frequencies used by Germans and 192 Squadron investigative flights, 1944 to 1945 (106)


Other Units

        No.4 Beach Group : 1944 - March to December (96)

        22nd Pioneer Group : 1944 - January to December (70)

        36 Brick : 1944 - March to December (275)

        53rd Divisional Provost Company, CMP

                1944 - January to December (48)

                1945 - January to December (79)

        101 Town Major : 1944 - May to December (36)

        102 Town Major : 1944 - May to December (44)

        105 Town Major : 1944 - April to December (18)


Miscellaneous Documents - Airborne Forces

        No.1 Parachute School, Abingdon, Course Reports 1952 - 1955 (680)

        Technical Drawings of the Tetrarch Light Tank (9)

        CAB 122/703 - Airborne Forces, September 1943 to August 1944 (96)

        WO 201/2386 - Airborne Brigade Group Policy, October 1941 to March 1942 (26)
        WO 204/4372 - Provision of Bases for Airborne Divisions, May to September 1943 (126)
        WO 204/5137 - Operation Slapstick, situation reports, 1943 (7)
        WO 204/10504 - 1st Airborne Division in Italy (11)


Miscellenaous Documents - Normandy

        ADM 1/16218 - Operation Knitting, 1944 (17)

        ADM 179/312 - Proposed policy and method of implementation of radar counter-measures for operation Overlord, 1943 (8)

        ADM 179/316 - Proposed orders for Operation K.J.F., November to December 1943 (15)

        ADM 179/318 - Operation K.J.G., November 1943 (17)

        ADM 179/325 - Navigational Equipment in Landing Ships Allocated to Operation Overlord (14)

        ADM 179/326 - Use of Naval VH/F Organisation in Cross Channel Operations, November 1943 (4)

        ADM 179/348 - Operation Overlord: refitting of British and American ships for use as blockships (10)

        ADM 179/352 - Operations Bellpush Able and Bellpush Baker, December 1943 to January 1944 (23)

        ADM 179/353 - Operation Hardtack 4, December 1943 to January 1944 (9)

        ADM 179/354 - Operation K.J.H., December 1943 to January 1944 (30)

        ADM 179/379 - Operation Knitting; draft instructions for investigation of enemy radar stations; reference to operations of Motor Torpedo Boat 255 (69)

        ADM 179/398 - Operation Bellpush Charlie, January to February 1944 (18)

        ADM 179/401 - Operation Tarbrush, May to June 1944 (32)

        ADM 179/432 - Operation Overlord, reports on establishment of beach shelters and artificial ports, 1944 (130)

        ADM 179/474 - Information concerning Minesweeping activities for Operation Neptune (62)

        ADM 179/479 - Operation Neptune, covering forces on the Western Flank in the Portsmouth Command, 1944 (21)

        ADM 199/1647 - Assault areas: reports (321)

        ADM 199/1657A - Operation Neptune Reports (340)

        AIR 14/3266 - Information on Enemy RDF ORS (241)

        AIR 14/3267 - Enemy R.D.F., reports, July 1943 to May 1944 (182)

        AIR 14/3268 - Information on Enemy RDF ORS (235)

        AIR 20/1638 - The Location of German Coastal Radar (22)

        AIR 20/4395 - Operation Neptune, Air Signals Report, planning and assault phase, July 1944 (386)

        AIR 37/59 - Daily Intelligence and Operations Summaries, AEAF, June 1944 (764)

        AIR 37/513 - Delay of Enemies Movements by Road and Rail (279)

        AIR 37/516 - Operation Overlord Bombing Policy, 1943-1944 (115)

        AIR 37/553 - Airborne plan, Operation Tonga, 1944 (283)

        AIR 37/719 - Operation Overlord transportation plan, evidence of effectiveness of attacks on railway centres, 1944 (75)

        AIR 37/772 - Operation Overlord, employment of airborne forces, 1943 to 1944 (211)

        AIR 37/ 981 - No.38 Group, Appendices L (Overlord) and R only ( Use of Ground Radar Equipment) (40)

        AIR 37/1175 - Operation Overlord outline air plan, 1943-1944 (102)

        AIR 37/1211 - Operation Neptune overall air plan, 1944 (183)

        AIR 37/1439 - Reports of Operation Neptune of HQ Ships and Fighter Direction Tenders (101)

        AIR 40/1819 - Bomber Command, attacks on enemy radar systems, January to April 1944 (29)

        AIR 52/140 - Survey of Effectiveness of Bombing of Invasion Coast Defences on D Day (50)

        AVIA 7/2470 - Ping Pong, 1944 to 1945 (152)

        AVIA 26/1871 - Distribution of the 120 Mc/s Enemy RDF Stations Around the Cherbourg Peninsula, May 1942 (2)

        CAB 106/1003 - Operation Neptune, joint fire plan (11)

        CAB 122/ 1240 - Artificial Harbours for Overlord (287)

        DEFE 2/211 - Operation Forfar Vol 1 (318)

        DEFE 2/369 - " National" and "Pound", 1942 to 1943 (287)

        DEFE 2/484 - Operation Overlord, Beach Intelligence, Special Observer Party (156)

        DEFE 2/987 - Naval Beach Control Parties (99)

        WO 106/4343 - Operation Tarbrush, reconnaissance of underwater obstacles on the French coast, May to June 1944 (61)

        WO 205/4 - Operation Overlord: directive to Commander-in-Chief, November 1943 (30)

        WO 205/220 - Operation Tarbrush, information on beach mines and obstacles, May to June 1944 (50)

        WO 205/648 - Operation Neptune, fire plan for the assault, March to December 1944 (141)

        WO 205/1858 - Operation Forfar, minor raids and reconnaissance of northern coast of France, July to October 1943 (35)

        WO 219/ 1840 - Disrupting Enemy Lines of Communication, 1944 (195)

        WO 219/1873 - Allied Expeditionary Air Force: Summary of results of attacks on rail and transportation targets, 1944 (188)

        WO 219/2804 - DD Tanks, History of Development, etc. (147)

        WO 219/3398 - Salvage of artificial harbours, January to May 1945 (9)

        WO 244/12 - Operation Neptune : report on the role of British Headquarters ships and fighter direction tenders in the assault on the continent of Europe (38)


Miscellaneous Documents - Sicily

        AIR 23/6618 - Sardinia and Sicily, enemy R.D.F., 1943 (60)

        AIR 23/6997 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Aerodromes, landing grounds and seaplane bases, 1943 (339)

        AIR 23/6998 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Aerodromes, landing grounds and seaplane bases, 1943 (364)
        AIR 23/6999 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Aerodromes, landing grounds and seaplane bases, 1943 (337)
        AIR 23/7000 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Aerodromes, landing grounds and seaplane bases, 1943 (412)

        AIR 23/7001 - Photographic Intelligence: Augusta emergency landing ground, 1943 (1)

        AIR 23/7003 - Photographic intelligence: Baglio Rizzo landing ground, 1943 (73)

        AIR 23/7004 - Photographic intelligence: Biscari (San Pietro) landing ground, 1943 (60)

        AIR 23/7005 - Photographic intelligence: Caltanissetta landing ground, 1943 (2)

        AIR 23/7007 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Castelvetrano aerodrome, 1943 (91)

        AIR 23/7008 - Photographic Intelligence: Sicily: Catania aerodrome (137)

        AIR 23/7009 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Comiso aerodrome, 1943 (131)

        AIR 23/7010 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Corleone landing ground, 1943 (4)

        AIR 23/7011 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Enna landing ground, 1943 (8)

        AIR 23/7012 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Gela/Farello emergency landing ground, 1943 (5)

        AIR 23/7013 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Gela/Ponte Olivo aerodrome, 1943 (80)

        AIR 23/7014 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Gerbini aerodrome, 1943 (100)

        AIR 23/7015 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Gerbini satellites, 1943 (126)

        AIR 23/7016 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Licata landing ground, 1943 (10)

        AIR 23/7019 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Messina emergency landing ground and Falcone landing ground, 1943 (5)

        AIR 23/7022 - Photographic intelligence: Sicily: Pachino landing ground, 1943 (29)

        AIR 23/7029 - Photographic intelligence : Sicily: Syracuse emergency landing ground, 1943 (2)
        AIR 23/7030 - Photographic intelligence : Sicily: Taormina landing ground, 1941 to 1943 (8)
        AIR 23/7031 - Photographic intelligence : Sicily: Termini Imerese landing ground, 1942 to 1943 (6)
        AIR 23/7032 - Photographic intelligence : Sicily: Trapani/Milo aerodrome, 1941 to 1943 (75)

        AIR 23/7365 - Operation Husky, appreciation on use of counter-measures against enemy W/T and R.D.F. systems, 1943 (28)

        AIR 23/7410 - Operation Husky, R.D.F. counter-measures, 1943 (24)

        CAB 106/841 - Sicily: Report on the Primosole Bridge operation, 14th to 21st July 1943, by Major F. Jones (8)

        CAB 106/847 - Sicily: Reports on the battles of Gerbini and Centuripe; account of the landings at Licata and action of 124th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery at Lentini, July to August 1943 (73)

        HW 1/1809 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Allied raid on GAF Comiso airfield, 8th July 1943 [full description] (41)

        HW 1/1821 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Air defence artillery regiment to move from Capua to Catania, 10th July 1943 [full description] (24)

        HW 1/1828 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Front line held by Hermann Goering Division on Sicily, 12th July 1943 [full description] (26)

        HW 1/1830 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Hermann Goering Division going over to defence, 12th July 1943 [full description] (30)

        HW 1/1833 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: German reinforcements to be sent to Catania from Reggio, 14th July 1943 [full description] (26)

        HW 1/1835 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: GAF ground elements to evacuate Palermo, 15th July 1943 [full description] (19)

        HW 1/1837 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Kesselring makes German generals responsible for left flank, 15th July 1943 [full description] (39)

        HW 1/1842 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Hermann Goering Division unable to attack at present, 14th July 1943 [full description] (20)

        HW 1/1843 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Elements of 29th Panzer Division to Sicily, 14th to 15th July 1943 [full description] (41)

        HW 1/1846 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: GAF air support required to prevent enemy break through, 16th July 1943 [full description] (42)

        HW 1/1849 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: GAF intentions for July 18; locations of two Italian divisions in Sicily, 15th July 1943 [full description] (33)

        HW 1/1851 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Six Allied warships bombard Sicilian coast on 18th July 1943 [full description] (23)

        HW 1/1854 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Loading of landing craft by large units south-east of Catania established by GAF reconnaissance on 19th July 1943 [full description] (27)

        HW 1/1862 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Kesselring orders that 29th Regiment be sent to Sicily as soon as possible, 18th July 1943 [full description] (26)

        HW 1/1877 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Allied landing at Melito, south-east Reggio, 24th July 1943 [full description] (26)

        HW 1/1904 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: Confirmation of effectiveness of Flak in defence of Catania, 29th July 1943 [full description] (14)

        HW 1/1908 - Intelligence Reports: South Europe: GAF seeking confirmation of use of dive bombers by RAF in Sicily, 1st August 1943 [full description] (52)

        WO 201/1805 - Miscellaneous survey documents and plans to obtain possession of Comiso aerodrome April 1943 (7)

        WO 204/6294 - Psychological Warfare Branch: Catania: opening of radio transmitter (6)


Miscellaneous Documents

        AIR 20/6017 - Exploit of Flying Officer Manifould, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, German RDF radar stations, 1941 (6)

        DEFE 2/1116 - Combined Operations pilotage parties, 1943 to 1945 (255)

        WO 32/21934 - Army Medal Office, Operation Musketeer, 1957 (32)

        WO 73/25 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, July to December 1882. July and August only (201)

        WO 73/98 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, September to December 1914 (371)

        WO 73/105 - General Monthly Return of the Strength of the British Army, January to April 1917. April only (217)

        WO 73/144 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, Sections A, B and C only, 31st March 1940 (206)

        WO 73/147 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, 31st December 1940 (332)

        WO 73/148 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, Sections A and B only, 31st March 1941 (324)

        WO 73/149 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, 30th June 1941 (156)

        WO 73/150 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, Sections A and B only, 30th September 1941 (168)

        WO 73/151 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, 31st December 1941 (233)

        WO 73/152 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, 28th March 1942 (226)

        WO 73/160 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, Sections A and B only, 31st March 1944 (85)

        WO 73/163 - General Return of the Strength of the British Army, Sections A and B only, 31st December 1944 (80)

        WO 106/2921 - West Africa Command strengths, January 1941 to August 1945 (125)

        WO 193/5 - Instructions Regarding Movement of Troops, April 1942 to August 1943 (244)

        WO 193/10 - Weekly Summary of Units Moved to BEF, October 1939 - July 1940 (146)

        WO 193/12 - Moves of Units Overseas, October 1939 to August 1945 (109)

        WO 199/1334 - Provision of Drafs from Home Forces, October 1943 to March 1944 (102)

        WO 199/1480 - Reorganisation of Northern Command Home Guard, October 1940 to March 1941 (47)
        WO 199/1506 - Moves of Formations and Units, July 1940 to February 1941 (60)

        WO 199/3247 - Strength of the Home Guard, 1940 to 1942 (104)

        WO 203/1072 - Organisation Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, November 1944 to March 1945 (4)

        WO 203/1318 - South East Asia Command strengths, February to August 1945 (107)

        WO 203/1994 - 14th Army Organisation and War Establishments, October 1944 to August 1945 (61)

        WO 204/1528 - Troop Requirements and Dispositions, July 44 to August 19 45 (119)

        WO 205/863 - Operations Infatuate I & II, Naval Orders (89)

        WO 205/865A and B - Operation Infatuate II, Naval Commander Force T, November 1944 (223)

        WO 205/925 - Engineer Report on Operation Plunder (221)

        WO 212/241 - 21st Army Group Order of Battle, May 1944 (520)

        WO 212/251 - 21st Army Group strengths, September 1944 (203)

        WO 212/252 - 21st Army Group strength, December 1944 to April 1945 (163)

        WO 212/277 - East Africa Command strengths, May to July 1944 (27)

        WO 212/290 - Allied Armies in Italy & British Troops in North Africa, June 1944 (197)

        WO 212/292 - Middle East, North Africa, Africa, 15th Army Group strength, March to May 1945 (121)

        WO 212/373 - India and South East Asia Command strengths, September 1944 (101)

        WO 212/375 - India and South East Asia Command strengths, February 1945 (122)

        WO 212/411 - Middle East Forces Order of Battle, October to December 1942 (322)

        WO 212/436 - Middle East Command strengths, June 1944 (106)

        WO 212/460 - Persia-Iraq Command strengths, August to November (51)

        WO 212/465 - Order of Battle of Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, December 1944 (63)

        WO 212/565 - Italy, British Allied Troops, April 1944 (14)

        WO 365/2 - Middle East Command, strengths 1941 - 1944 (52)

        WO 365/11 - British North Africa Command strengths, 1943-1944 (44)

        WO 365/23 - Colonial and Indian Troops and Local Colonial Forces strengths, 1939 to 1942 (280)
        WO 365/26 - India and South East Asia Command estimated strengths, 1944 (43)

        WO 365/129 - 21 Army Group strengths, 1944 (52)