Lieutenant Brian Dean Carr


Unit : Headquarters Company, 10th Parachute Battalion

Army No. : 138170

Awards : Bronzen Leeuw


Lieutenant "Sammy" Carr was the Motor Transport Officer in the 10th Battalion's, but his main role at Arnhem was the command of the Advance Party, which flew to Arnhem with the First Lift on Sunday 17th September. For his actions in defence of the Battalion Rendezvous he was awarded the Dutch Bronze Lion:


Lieutenant Carr jumped near Arnhem on 17th September as part of the advance group of 10th Battalion the Parachute Regiment. His task was to mark and defend the rendezvous for the battalions drop on the next day. When he arrived at the dropping zone on the morning of the 18th, the chosen Rendezvous was held by about a platoon of the enemy. Lieutenant Carr had 8 men, and it was five hours at least until the battalion would arrive. He attacked with his small force, seized the Rendezvous from the enemy and held it against counter attack until the battalion arrived. To do so demanded a very high degree of courage, activity and determination from this officer, but failure would have meant disorganisation for the battalion on its arrival and Lieutenant Carr did not hesitate to offer battle against heavy odds and at great personal risk to secure the successful arrival of the whole. His prolonged defence of the objective, once gained, made even greater demands than the assault, and is worthy of high praise.


When the 10th Battalion was forced to withdraw from near the Dreijenseweg blocking line on the 19th September, Lieutenant Carr stayed behind to help the Medical Officer evacuate the wounded. German troops overtook them and Carr, together with Lieutenant Dodd of the Mortar Platoon who had also stayed behind, were forced to hide and eventually became separated. Dodd was later killed, but Carr successfully evaded capture and later returned to England after reaching the Allied lines.


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